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Animated movie "The Adventures of Bull" commentary text Commentary

Animationmovie "The Adventures of Bull" commentary text commentary

Animated movie "The Adventures of Bull" commentary text Commentary

In a small farm in Spain

There lived a group of young bulls

Their childhood dream is to grow up to be a big muscular man

To defeat bullfighters and become bullfighting champions

To be respected as a hero

So their bull's creed was

Although all bulls die once

Either they become bullfighters

Or turn into beef jerky

However, our hero, Little Bull Ferdie, is different

He does not like to fight and kill

He just wants to protect the little flower he raised

The other bulls also call him Blossom

Flower's father is a strong bull

He was invincible on the farm

Hana's father told Hana from a young age

He would be chosen by the bullfighters

To go to the bullring and become a bullfighting champion

After that, he would teach Hana all his skills

So that Hana wouldn't become a beef jerky

However, on the day Hana's father left

Hana always had an ominous feeling

After that, he never saw his dad again

Flower's father had just been pulled away by the truck

The other bulls started bullying him

Hana didn't sleep all night

He missed his dad too much

So he decided to get up the courage to run away

After being discovered, he could only continue to run away

Finally with the train

He was taken to a strange and faraway place

The next day, a girl came to him

The girl especially liked the timid Hua Hua

When Hana smelled the flowers

It was as if she had returned home

The place was full of flowers

Hana was so happy

The farm is so big that he can play with it

Every day, there is endless grass to eat

No bullfighting and no worries about making beef jerky

He sleeps with his master at night

Slowly Huahua also grew into a big bull

He lived a happy and carefree life every day

This year's flower exhibition

Flower was too big to participate

But when the owner wasn't looking

Hana secretly came to the town street

Because of her beauty

Flower caused quite a stir when she went out on the street

When he finally broke into a porcelain store

Although he was careful

But a sneeze broke all the porcelain

When the owner found Fahua

He was already taken away by force

Flower was sent back to the bull farm where he was born again

To calm Hana's bull temper

The humans sent in a sheep

The sheep was a nagger

As long as he nagged, Blossom would be calm

The two little guys became good friends by accident

The other bulls have grown up

Wally, who has been bullying Flower since he was little

He treats him as a thorn in his side

At night, three little hedgehogs come to steal the fruit to eat

The three little guys thought they would be eaten when they were discovered by Hua Hua

But they found that Hua Hua was different from other bulls

He is a very loving big guy

Before leaving, he gave them some fruits instead

Flower tried to escape in the night

But they found out that the place had been installed with high voltage electricity

The sand carving horse next door laughed at Hana's stupidity

In the morning, after the sheep had eaten their fill of garbage

they found that the bullfighter came to the farm

The other bulls saw the matador coming

They were so excited

Each one of them tried to get the matador's attention by all means

Only Flora didn't want to play this meaningless fighting game

All the other bulls showed their skills

As a result, the matador didn't look at anyone

The naive Gua Gua thought he was being watched

When he got in the car, he was so proud of himself

Only the youngster knew

This is the truck to the slaughterhouse

Think of Guagua's appearance as a beef jerky

Everyone was so scared that they couldn't sleep

The bar owner also urged Hua Hua

If he doesn't start training

He would definitely be sent to the slaughterhouse

Hana didn't listen

When he saw that the bunny was in danger

He tried his best to save the bunny

He was so kind to give the bunny artificial respiration

The three sand carving brothers across the street started to laugh at the bull's inability to dance again

Now Hua Hua can't stand it anymore

Began to dance with the three sand carving brothers

Other young bulls also came to tap dance to fight

The three guys on the other side also know how to dance the swan dance in response

Finally in the dumb electric motor dance under the crushing

Finally won the victory

Sand carving three horse group, was shivering with electricity

Flowers and friends for the first time to mingle

Even the dumb who never smiled

also laughed out of his teeth

In the evening, Hana and the bar planned their escape

They bribed three little hedgehogs to do so

But in the corridor, Hana saw a picture of her dead father

It turns out that all bullfighting champions

are eventually killed.

The bull's horns are hung on the wall

All dreams are just bubbles

Hana gave up her chance to escape

And ran back to tell the news that the bullfighting champions would be killed

Told these naive youngsters

Wally's world view collapsed

He said he was going to fight with Flower

The two big guys were fighting outside

WALL-E was defeated by FLOWER, and his horns were unfortunately broken

This scene was just seen by the bullfighters

Huahua unfortunately became a bullfight

And the broken horn of Wally

Was then sent to the slaughterhouse

After that

Flower decided to take his buddies to save WALL-E

Dumb and Dumber chewed through the high-voltage power grid just like a joke

The other little friends covered Flower

He walked into the gloomy slaughterhouse

He saw Gua Gua who was about to be killed

With the help of Wally

The three big guys managed to get out of the

Only in and out of the slaughterhouse

Before leaving, they also stole the farm truck

All the little friends were loaded into it

The little hedgehog was the smartest and knew how to drive

The owner of the farm then found out that the animals had escaped from prison

In this way, the road is staged between the animals and humans of the speed and passion

Human intelligence was eventually crushed by the unity of the small animals

Coming to the town, the car encountered traffic jams

This group of small animals

Learned to take the bus to the train station

On the way, they also grabbed snacks from the passengers

To get on the train, it is impossible to buy tickets or anything

They can only sneak under the train to avoid being discovered

Little hedgehog stood high up to check the direction of the train

Flower uses her strong body to push the cart to start

With the joint efforts of everyone

The cart was finally hooked to the rear of the train

In order to cover the departure of his friends

Did not jump on the train

Instead, she went to intercept the pursuing humans

The humans set up a rope to trap

And finally was forced to the bullring

As the strongest bull in the history of bullfighting

Hana's appearance attracted numerous spectators

The bullfighter who defeated Hana's father became Hana's opponent

At this moment, there is no glory in his heart, only helplessness

The matador forced Hana to attack himself

Although Hua Hua is a big man

But easily grabbed the bullfighting red cloth

All of a sudden he became the main character

The bullfighter became a clown instead

The audience was amused by this

The bullfighter felt disgraced

So, he took out his javelin and tried to kill Fahua

But no matter how he attacked

Blossom could easily dodge it

Just as he was about to lose his temper

Hana saw a carnation that had fallen to the ground

Carefully sniffing the fragrance of the flower

Hana felt like he was back in the farm where he grew up

That's where he wanted to be all his life

Hana wondered

Can't animals and humans live in harmony?

The bullfighters took out their swords and their faces were scowling

Flower sat quietly in front of the matador

Ready to die and end the fight

The audience had never seen such a peace-loving bull

They all appealed to the matador to let Hana go and let him go free

In the end, the matador's tolerance

earned him the loudest applause ever seen in a bullfighting ring

Just at that moment

The boys fought to the death to save Hana in the bullring

Only to find that it was too late.

Flower was reunited with his little master.

He and all his buddies came to the home of the little master

Here there is not only poetry and faraway places

And his beloved buddies

The seemingly dreamless Flower

but lives with the "original beauty" of the world

He treats all the people and animals he meets around him with kindness

A tiger with a heart of gold and a heart of roses

Even a big man can have a big heart

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