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Animated Movie "The Adventures of Maya Bee" Commentary Text Commentary

AnimatedMovie "The Adventures of Maya Bee" Comment ary Text Commentary

Animated Movie "The Adventures of Maya Bee" Commentary Text Commentary

In a mysterious jungle

There are many small insects living there

There is a musician, Mr. Cricket, who sings and plays on the leaves every day

And an army of brave bumblebees who bully the bugs everywhere

On the road, there is an army of dumb ants patrolling.

But their IQ is the lowest

The most intelligent of these insects is the web-savvy spider lady

If a small insect tries to pass in front of her, it may become a takeaway

Growing up in the water, the larvae of dragonflies

Favorite thing to do is to fly in a plane until you puke

And of course, we can't forget

The turd that rolls on the ground

And the fat earthworms that eat their way through the earth

Today we will tell the story of these little bugs

The story starts with these bees

In a hive, the bees have a large processing plant

Every morning, under the protection of the worker bees

The pollen collected by the bees is taken to the processing plant

The pollen is then crushed and extracted by machines

After hundreds of processes

Only then can a drop of royal jelly be extracted

Only the queen can enjoy the royal jelly.

And all the bees are her children.

It's the beginning of a new day.

A baby bee has just opened its eyes.

Before the sun hits the daffodils

And she's out of the hive.

This is a premature birth for the bees.

She is the 369th bee to be born.

That's why the number is 369.

369 is very lively because she was born prematurely.

The life span of a bee is only about one month

So in their short life span

Their only mission is to work hard

No one has time to play with 369

But the orderly hive was interrupted by 369.

When the queen met 369

She was very fond of this opinionated and mischievous little one

And she named her Della.

Della wanted to follow the worker bees to stand guard

But she was told that only worker bees could be the gatekeepers

With nothing else to do, Draa

Sneaked out of the hive.

She followed the song and found

Mr. Cricket, who was singing on the grass.

Mr. Cricket pointed to the swamp and said

There are a lot of insects there.

Before the little bee can fly

They need to learn to survive quickly

From a young age they are taught

That the bumblebees across the way are demons that eat the little bees

And in the hornet's nest

They are taught that bees are killers who eat small bees

So the two families have always been rivals.

Although no one has ever seen anyone eat anyone

In contrast to the bees

The bumblebee's hive is quite rough

It's a loser's nest.

And these muscular and grumpy guys are very lazy.

When the boss is not at home, he just sleeps in the sun

The newborn bees stayed up all night on their first trip

The beekeeper asks the ant army to find the bees.

These red ants are very enthusiastic.

But their brains are not so good.

Red and Dumbo are two newcomers.

They couldn't figure out what the bees looked like.

The boss is furious.

Della met a little bee in the woods who was playing.

The two little guys decided to team up for an adventure in the swamp

They were in a dead tree

They met a family of moths hiding in the dark.

A mother moth has thousands of babies to give birth to.

There was no time to take them to the swamp pool

Then they meet Uncle Shitty, the janitor.

The shitter was a hard worker, and before he could finish his sentence

The ball of shit rolled back.

Red and Clumsy took the turd ball

as a delicious chocolate

From then on, they fell in love with the taste

After eating their fill, the two little guys fell into the nest of the wasps

Tragically, they mistook the aggressive bees for bees.

The two little ones survived the disaster

They came back to the bumblebee's territory

With a lot of fooling around

A nest collapsed

Causing a tarot card effect

Tearing down the broken bumblebee nest

Della and the bumblebee made their way into the forest.

Here they encountered the creepy spider lady

In the meantime, they saved their bee buddy who was wrapped up by the spider lady.

The bumblebee army and the bee squad met on the spot

Neither knew where their children had gone

At the party in the swamp

There are so many insects here

Crickets, little spiders.

And chubby earthworms are all having a party here.

Even the little aphids are here to sing.

Della and Bumblebee became friends with the insects

When the bumblebee boss saw that his son had become friends with these little insects

He was very angry, it was so humiliating

On the way home, he gave him a hard time

But when he got home, he found that his nest had been destroyed

mistakenly thought that the bees had torn down their nest

The funny little red and little stupid

They finally finished their mission and saw the lost Della

They told Della

The Queen is in danger

There is a black-hearted bee in the hive who wants to usurp the throne

On the way back, Della encountered a bat that came out to feed

With the help of crickets

With the help of crickets, they used the elasticity of the branches to repel the bats

After the black-hearted bee stole the royal jelly

became the new queen of the hive

To show her authority

She ordered all the little bees to take revenge for the queen

The bumblebee gathered the seven uncles and six aunts to take revenge on the bees.

These big guys and the bees started a war

Only Della and the bee knew the truth

Della wanted to expose the black-hearted bees in public

But the bees were locked up.

The Queen was also locked up here.

To stop the war

Della escaped from the prison by her small size

And with the help of the small insects she met along the way, she rushed to the front line.

Because it was night, the fireflies became Della's ride

By the time they reached the swamp pool, it was already dawn.

Both sides were ready to start a war

Under the persuasion of the little bumblebee

Red and Dumbo, the two ants, told the boss the truth

They had accidentally collapsed the bumblebee's hive

The black-hearted bees wanted to start a war between them.

So they brought down the scarecrow next to them.

The bumblebee's boss was pinned down by the scarecrow.

The bugs collectively tried to pull up the scarecrow

That's how the bumblebee boss was saved!

The Queen, with the help of the worker bees

came to the battlefield

And the royal jelly was hidden in the body of the black-hearted bees.

After the queen drank a drop of royal jelly

She was back to her old queen self.

Finally, the queen and the bumblebee boss reunited

From then on, all the little bugs in the forest formed an alliance

They all work together to protect their homes.

Together they fought against the frogs and bats.

With her wisdom and bravery, Della also

She became the next queen.

Instead of rolling dung balls

Instead, he helps the bees collect a lot of pollen

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