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Fantasy "Mirror Twin Cities" movie commentary copy

Fantasy"Mirror Twin Cities" movie comment ary copy

Fantasy "Mirror Twin Cities" movie commentary copy

This is a magical girl who can foresee the future

See her hands clenched

Clutching the tree branch tied into a cross

Muttering under her breath

Goddess of the Snowy Mountains

Please give me the strength

Write down your message in the snow

Tell me the past of this man before me

Present and future

The object of her divination

This was a tall, cold man who looked great

The man raises his eyebrows in contempt

Don't trust the girl's powers

The girl closes her eyes

Stretching the branch to the snow in front of you

Some force seems to hold the girl's hand

She began to write three lines on the snow

She began to write three lines in the ancient language

They correspond to the man's past, present and future

The man is blind.

He puzzled and ran his hand over the marks in the snow

Then he was surprised

Memories flashed before his eyes like a lightning rod

flashed before his eyes.

The girl measured the man's past.

It was a love story of life and death.

Suddenly the wind was blowing and the ground was shaking.

The prophecy written by the girl was just covered by the snow and wind

The man instantly became anxious

Reaching out his hand to hold the girl's throat in the air

Asking her

What is the last sentence you just wrote? Tell me!

The girl closed her eyes and struggled frantically

She said she was a prophet.

She said that as a prophet, she could never read what she had divined.

And that she could only divine once for the same person.

The man slowly let go of his hand.

He smiled

This is God's will

The future

For me

There is no future at all

The above is a well-made

The intertwining of destinies

From a recently launched

It's worth watching the Chinese comic "Mirror Twin Cities

The story has a treacherous imagination

and a grand worldview

Legend has it that there is a fairyland called the Cloud Wilderness

It's a beautiful place, draped in smoke and clouds

There are valuable and exotic treasures everywhere

But whoever could go there

There is a happy expression on everyone's face

They return with a full heart

However, outside the cloud wilderness, there was another scene

Things are hard and the people are not living well

Every year, a large number of people

Have to set out to find

The legendary Promised Land

The little girl Nashang was one of them

Ever since the village was ravaged by bandits

She had no home to go back to

She had no one to turn to

She and a group of refugees in rags

were stationed under a snowy mountain

Here she met a

A strange, beautiful man with blind eyes

The beautiful man looks young

But he was carrying a child in his arms

Upon closer inspection

The child's five fingers were connected by a thin thread

So this realistic child

was actually a puppet with strings

And the man Sumo is a puppeteer

He was also going to the cloud wilderness fairyland

But obviously his purpose is different from everyone else's

The people were desperate but their faces were full of hope

While the man's aura

was a strong hatred and despair

The Cloud Wilderness is said to be a place where the gods live.

No mortal can easily set foot in it

Every step into the cloud wilderness

is accompanied by all kinds of elaborate and exciting dangers

Then, disaster did strike

A giant two-headed bird emerged from behind the snowy mountain

Its wings were so big

It couldn't fit on two barbecues...

Each incitement can cause a strong storm

This is a national comic that bets on the hair of the late teacher

You see, every hair movement is clearly visible

Each finger

All have its unique real treatment

The coat feathers that jump all the time

Hemp cloak swaying in the wind

These are actually the post-teacher with hair for the

Such a heartfelt national comic

You do not see it will be a big loss

The story continues from the previous episode

The violent storm soon triggered an avalanche

Hundred years of snow

Like a huge wave coming to the bottom of the mountain

One by one, the crowd was swallowed up

Soon it swept up to the girl

The girl was directly stunned and helpless

But just then

The man raised his head

Turned ice into a shield to block the avalanche

He is not just a simple puppeteer

In addition to being able to manipulate puppets

He could also change the form of the matter around him as he wished

After the avalanche subsided

Only the man and the girl survived

Together, they set out again on their journey to the Cloud Wilderness.

They climbed to the top of the snowy mountain

The girl was stunned by the sight before her

A white pillar stood on the

on the mirror-like surface of the lake

It pointed straight up to the sky and towered like a cloud

There was the legendary Cloudless Continent

The girl looked at it and turned her eyes

The man disappeared

Not a single sound, not even footprints left

The girl scolded the man who left without saying goodbye

She had to continue to walk alone

She came to the edge of the cliff

Looked up and saw

On the cliff face, I don't know who

with an iron cone had made an extremely dangerous ladder

If she was not careful, she would fall off the cliff and die.

But the girl had no way back

She trembled and climbed down step by step

Halfway to the mountain

The girl encountered a problem

The iron cone in front of her exceeded the distance of her arm

She had no choice but to take a leap

And fell down

In the nick of time

The girl hurriedly grabbed something

Hanging on the cliff

Can be saved a small life

However, when the girl looked up

A big wave of zombies attacked the girl

The girl fell to the bottom of the cliff in a dead end with no way to escape

The zombies are gradually advancing

With tears in her eyes, the girl retreated step by step

At that moment, a blue light

Shot through the body of the zombie

The zombie instantly faded into dust

The girl looked back and opened her mouth wide in shock

Blue light from behind a wall of ice shot out

The girl walked in to see

A hand with a ring

was frozen inside

To save her life

The girl wanted to take out the ring

The ring that emits light

She took out her knife and chiseled into the ice wall.

The ring flew to the girl's hand as if it was destined

flew to the girl's hand

With the protection of the magic weapon, the girl

Before the danger came.

Behind her, a ghostly shadow floated by

What is it?

(What do you want?)

("Don't come near me)

("Get away from me!)

It's a strange-looking monster with a broken hand.

With white hair and a hideous martial-earth mask on his face.

But the lower half of his body is a human hand

He was always walking on his own.

As a leg to walk

The broken hand monster said that he was originally

A part of the body of a noble prince

But no other hand appeared

to prove his identity.

The broken hand monster forced the girl with a fierce face

to give him back the ring

But it was like the ring was growing on the girl's finger

No matter how to pull it out, it would not come off

The broken hand monster had no choice

Ask the girl another request

Let the girl carry him across the sky

To reach the cloud wilderness fairyland

The girl swung a brick of ice with her backhand

The broken hand monster was unstable and flew out

Hanging on the edge of the cliff

Wait! The place where the broken hand monster was going

Is also the cloud wilderness fairyland

And he even knows the way

The girl had an idea and turned the tables on him

She wanted the Broken Hand to lead the way

Otherwise, he would be left to fend for himself

Broken-Handed Monster gave his hand as a guarantee

Escorting the girl to the Heavenly Palace

The so-called Heavenly Palace

As the name implies is the door to the fairyland

But this gate is not open to everyone

In order to pass through it

You must have the guidance of the goddess

A man and a monster just walked out of the snowy mountain

Through the forest

Many people were already guarding the place

There was a family of refugees who were very sick

There were a few arrogant hooligans

Among them, there is a person who looks familiar

Isn't that the blind puppet master who left without saying goodbye?

In the middle of the night

A few hoodlums gradually lost their patience

They saw the daughter of a refugee family who looked pretty

So they got the wrong idea.

The high and mighty puppeteer acted as if nothing had happened.

The monster with the broken hand cowered behind a rock

Saying to mind your own business

Only the girl stood up for herself

In front of the hooligans

But a few kids are no match for a rogue

The goddess came down to earth in all her glory

The goddess said to the puppet master: turn back

And the puppet master said back with an angry face

Let go, or don't let go

So the puppet master is here to ask for someone

The goddess sighed

She didn't mean to let her go

Puppeteer seems to have predicted

The result would be like this

Without saying a word

Launch a full range of spell attacks on the goddess

The other side of the goddess did not move

A light shot out

The Puppeteer was instantly transported into the past.

At that time, the puppeteer was not yet blind.

He had fallen in love with a beautiful Sheriff.

A person he should not have fallen in love with

They were in love but their status was different

The princess was a member of the royal family

A political marriage had already been arranged

And the puppet master is a shark.

They belong to the lowest race

The scene flashes

Revealing their tragic end

The Sheriff jumped off the tower

The puppeteer is locked in the dungeon and gouges out his own eyes

This became blind

Love was not able to defeat the shackles of fate after all

Turn the camera a bit

In the depths of pain and memory

A puppeteer who can't break free

Completely exploded in a roar

After a great battle

The puppeteer proudly crosses the sky

Beginning a new cycle of revenge

The girl who had fainted gradually woke up

The ring on her hand saved her life again

In the unseen world

Two people's fates are tied together

The story is just beginning

(By the way)

(Do you know Sumo too?)

(What kind of person is he?)


(That's a long story to tell)

The anime is only up to episode 4.

But you can already see the magnificent world view

And the special effects are very detailed

Even comparable to the production level of the film

In recent years, the word "rise of national comics

have been appearing in front of our eyes

From "Big Fish Begonia" to "The Return of the Great Sage

to "Nezha's Magic Boy

to "The Five Elements of Misty Mountain" and "Mirror City".

We dare not say that national comics have really risen

But Chinese comics are really trying to become better

We still have some works

are within reach

"Mirror City" has contributed to the rise of national comics

Also contributed their own strength

This is the end of today's story

I'm XXX. See you next time.

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