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Thriller movie "Supernatural" commentary

Thriller movie "Supernatural" commentary

Thriller movie "Supernatural" commentary

Brain development theory has a very exciting and scary point of view, most creatures such as our cats and dogs only developed 3% to 5% of the brain, while humans have only developed their brains to 10%, and actually have today's achievements, there is no brain than human development of better creatures? There are, dolphins, their brains developed to 20%, so dolphins have an independent echolocation system, that when the brain is developed to 100% will be like? The movie "Supernatural" today is a super bold vision, it has a misadventure to develop the brain of the protagonist, her name is Lucy, originally a love of disco, love to drink ordinary beauty, but on this day fell into the clutches of a black boss, he forced in her stomach into a few packets of drugs, forcing her to smuggle human flesh to another country, but just before boarding the plane ran into a lustful minion, Lucy hit him, provoking him. Lucy hit him and angered him, he knocked Lucy down and kicked her in the abdomen. After the minion left, Lucy was in pain, she didn't know that in the wound, the black boss's kind of medicine leaked. The blue drug began to seep into lucy's body, her eyes began to turn blue, blue light rampaged through her veins, and lucy began to twitch all over the floor, then actually twitched into the wall. At this point, her brain developed to 20%, woke up with a start, lucy was sitting upright, it seemed that nothing was wrong, another guy who was plotting to do something wrong came to

Unbuckle the belt and walk towards lucy, who knows. lucy took the gun out for two seconds five kills, then sat down and began to eat, eat, eat furiously, desperately eat, a gunshot in the body, indifferently gouge out a bullet, walk away. Come to the street, got into a cab, went to the hospital, on the way lucy found himself with a god-level hearing, who who called on the side of the road, she heard everything, came to the hospital, Chinese signs automatically translated her into English, she was like a secret agent, see the needle, directly into the operating room, once inside without saying anything began to see the patient CT, see a while to kill the patient, she said to the doctor, you The doctor said that he could not save him, the CT showed that the tumor had spread to the cerebral cortex and the right side of the cervical spine, save me first, and then let the doctor take out the medicine in her stomach, the doctor said I have to give you anesthesia, she said no, the doctor began to do surgery. lucy began to call her mother, this is the last time he showed human emotions, the doctor took out the medicine in lucy's abdomen, the next is to come to the black boss, through the door to fire a few shots. Open the door, the gangsters inside are hanging, it is simply a perspective hangover, she came to the black boss, two knives at once restrained him, and then pressed his hand on the door of his brain, into his memory, and soon figured out the whereabouts of several other packages of drugs, next, Lucy returned home, hugged the roommate, she knew through her whole body meridians, came to the computer to search for information, typing is too slow, directly with the program code Search, immediately find the world's most powerful human brain researcher, directly a phone call to his hotel. Hello, hello, I just finished reading all your papers, a total of 6734 pages, I can recite them all to you. The professor said you're kidding, the TV in front of him directly appear lucy face, lucy said my brain is now only developed to 28%, I have invincible, I can now control others, but also control electromagnetic waves, notebooks, phones, radios, lucy said I know more and more, but more and more do not know how to do? The professor thought for a moment and replied, the meaning of life is to pass on, if you feel lost, you pass on your knowledge. lucy had an understanding and said, in 24 hours, I will die, so in 12 hours, I will come knocking on your door. The brain development to 30%, lucy has been able to completely control the whole body form, including cells, including pigment, blonde hair into red hair, a phone call from China to the French police thousands of kilometers away, directly to the other party's name, but also said to pick up your left hand side of the red pen, the police look, there is a red pen, lucy said, you put these three people arrested, the police computer immediately appeared on the three The police computer immediately appeared three people's photos, the plane 12-hour flight, lucy has been in this way, chopping chopping, the computer is full of code, the next big brother scared enough to close the computer, lucy has been the whole human knowledge integration. This time lucy's brain development to 40%, however, when she took a sip of champagne, found that the wine appeared in one of their own teeth, lucy coughed, and lost three teeth, lucy began to find the skin on her hands like dust floating up, she wanted to cover them, but could not do, she rushed all the way into the toilet, fingers are gone. Did not think much about it, quickly took out the rest of the medicine from the bag and ate it in big bites, after eating it, lucy finally stopped the pulverization, this time her brain developed to 50%. Woke up from the hospital, walked out, a group of people pointing guns at her, waved their hands, all fainted, the only awake French police had to put away the gun. On the other hand, three men with drugs in their stomachs have been sent to a hospital somewhere in Paris, with Korean gangsters following them at the hospital entrance and making phone calls. In the car, lucy looked at each caller, all the cell phones out of the electromagnetic waves have become an electromagnetic line, the whole city's electromagnetic waves are in her eyes, she scratched the electromagnetic line on the glass, and then zoom in on one of them, on the car broadcast put out, it turned out to be the Korean mob's phone, she knew that time was running out, rushed off to the driver's seat, the police refused, the result was sent directly to the passenger, the Korean mob has begun to rob people, directly into the hospital, the police are killed, began to do surgery on site to take drugs. lucy rushed to the hospital, and the Korean mob confrontation, her brain has been developed to 60%, can directly control another person's thinking, so that he is blocked by the invisible wall in front of him, the same as Professor X, can also directly control all the knives and guns, stick to the ceiling, the same as Magneto , all the way, each fighter has not touched her, and then be floated into the air. Take away the drugs, the Korean fixed in the hideous, soon, lucy came to the professor, the professor has assembled a group of the world's top brain scholars, a scholar is not convinced. lucy directly on his shoulders, the most painful memories of his life said, convinced or not. Soon the Korean gangsters came up again, lucy foresaw a big battle in advance, and told the French police to get ready. lucy turned her hand into various forms while she began to explain the true meaning of the universe, she said 1 + 1 never equals 2, she said there are no numbers in the world at all, she said that humans to facilitate understanding of the world, and the world with human rules to explain, in fact, the world is not this at all rules, humans only understand to the surface of the surface, then what is the ultimate law? She said, is time, suppose a car running on the road, if the speed of the car infinite tend to infinity, then the car will disappear, how do we prove that the car exists? With time, so time is the measure of all things in the world, I have to say, Lucy this speech I began to understand from 1 + 1 there. Then the police rushed in and said, we can't hold back the gang, lucu immediately let the professors continue to inject him with brain-opening drugs, directly into the blue vial of medicine into the veins, she wants to rush on 100% brain power, lucy drained all the drugs in one breath, and then began to spew out light, 70%, Lucy skin changed, the body stretched out the venom-like tentacles, and then go to the chemicals to draw energy , then draws electricity from the computer. The room's appliances were eaten by her one by one, gurgling, brain development to 90%, she came to travel around the world, under the Paris Tower, the ocean side, then the streets of Times Square, a wave of the hand, time stopped, a stroke began to fast forward, a stroke began to fast back, human history is like a movie, in front of her slowly rewind. Times Square changed from modern times to modern times, and then one stroke, to ancient times, and then one stroke, to the far ancient times. lucy appeared in front of a human ape, which is the world's first human being as stated at the beginning of the movie, and its name is also lucy. lucy and lucy came to a century of fingertip touching, this image pays homage to Michelangelo's painting "Creation of Adam", and then lucy went away again and came into space. She looked at the earth and began to foresee the future, foreseeing the day of its destruction, 99% up, lucy has begun to blacken, behind the Korean black boss to come after her, but her body cells have begun to merge, and finally all the cells synthesized a, like a cosmic nebula, and then lucy disappeared. The Korean black boss was about to die of anger, but first killed by the police who caught up behind, and finally, the black substance left behind by lucy, slowly sticking out a thing, what is it, the professor took a look, U disk, where is lucy? The police opened the phone to see, it says I am everywhere. So it is, lucy has turned into the universe itself. Many people may not understand the "super body", the director wants to say is that the human sense of the world is not objective, like you see the sky is blue, but the color weakness to see the sky is another color, so which is right? People are limited to their senses, it is impossible to truly understand the world objectively, that the development of brain power will be able to understand the world more comprehensively, before you only know 10%, so you can only run to run to run, when you know 20%, you can control the whole body cells, and then up to do pure invincibility, for the rules of the universe at will to take, no matter how, this is just a science fiction movie, the human brain developed 10% The view is opposed by many people, the human brain has actually been very active, and very easy to get tired, especially I do videos every day, always tired, dizzy, if you can really develop a good.

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