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Science fiction movie "Game of Senses" commentary copy

Science Fiction Film "The Game of Senses" Commentary Copy

Science fiction movie "Game of Senses" commentary copy

The Matrix" has taken science fiction movies to a new level.

Whether it's the gorgeous and cool special effects scenes

The Matrix has taken science fiction to new heights, whether it's the gorgeous special effects scenes or the theme of the virtual hypothesis of the world

The Matrix took science fiction to new heights.

This was also the year that

This was also the year that another very cold science fiction film was released.

The Old Gold Coast Chronicle commented that

In the face of this film

The Matrix was a child's play.

David Cronenberg's "Game of Thrones".

"Sensual Games" is a film about games.

The main character, Keller, is a game designer.

She's beautiful and sexy.

She is known as the "Queen of Video Games".

Keller has developed a new game.

Keller has developed a game and held an offline trial event.

Game fans not only can meet Keller in person.

The game fans can not only meet Keller himself, and can also play the new game with Keller.

But the game's gameplay is very strange.

Players need to use a specific game device.

It seems that this device is a bit disgusting.

Like some kind of animal guts.

And also connected to a data cable like an umbilical cord.

To play this game.

You also have to open a hole in their spine.

And then through this hole.

The game device is connected to your nervous system.

Players call this hole, the socket.

This setting is also a bit like "The Matrix".

But in The Matrix

Matri's socket is in the back of the head.

All twelve players connect their devices.

The device starts to squirm, that is, it starts up.

Everyone is ready to go into the game world and have a blast.

Just then, the

The killer pulls out an oddly shaped pistol.

To kill Keller and destroy the game.

Keller is shot and falls to the ground, but survives.

Keller was shot and fell to the ground, but escaped, and Pikul, an active security guard, saved Keller.

When Pikul removed the bullet from Keller, he found out that the bullet was a bullet.

The bullet was a human tooth.

And the gun that attacked Keller was a "bone pistol".

The bullet was a tooth.

Why did he come to kill Keller?

The two men were confused, so they continued to run away.

To get Pikul into the game world.

In order to get Pikul into the game world, Keller had someone install a socket for Pikul too.

Keller said, "Your body is a cage.

Keller said, "Your body is a cage that holds you captive.

You can go to a new world, and you can let yourself go.

With Keller's persuasion.

Pikul and Keller enter the game world together.

It's a game store.

Piku was incredulous.

She asks Keller, "What is the purpose of our game?

Keller said, "You can't know the purpose of the game until you play it.

In the game world, they got a new game device.

It's a very small device.

It's also like an organ.

When it's put into the socket.

This little device went straight into the body.

The two men unlocked the next level of the world.

Piku arrives at a factory.

He began to dissect some deformed creatures.

On a hint, he gets a new clue for the game.

He was given a new clue, which was to go to a Chinese restaurant for lunch with Keller.

Piku is bored with this sick game world.

He's already a little confused between the real world and the game world.

So, he yells pause.

and leaves the game.

By now, there are three layers in the movie.

The first layer is the escape world of the two of them.

The second level is the game store.

The third level is the Chinese hotel.

Restart the device.

The two people are back in the Chinese restaurant.

As a result, the waiter serves a very disgusting dish.

It's all monstrous creatures.

Piku put the leftover bones together.

Pikul put the leftover bones together and made a bone pistol.

He suddenly realized that

He suddenly realized that it was the same pistol that had been used to kill Keller.

Reality and the game are once again mixed up.

This confusion makes Pikul feel the urge to kill.

He decides to shoot the waiter at the restaurant.

After they escape to the kitchen.

After they escape to the kitchen, the game character says, "You two have passed the game with high scores.

It turns out that killing the waiter is enough to pass the game.

But this is just a small level.

The game continues.

The two of you get a new clue.

The game continues, and the two of them get new clues and go back to the factory.

The spore virus outbreak in the game is triggered.

After a fire.

After a fire, the two return to the original escape world.

Keller says his game device is infected with the virus.

If not saved in time, the whole game will be finished.

At that moment, the sound of explosions outside the window.

Pikul realizes that the world he is in is still a game world.

The world is still a layer of the game world.

In other words, the assassination and escape at the beginning of the story.

After that, the game store.

And then the factory and the hotel.

is nested in three layers of the game world.

Keller suddenly realized, began to realize that

In this layer of the world.

Keller suddenly realized that, in this world, the real boss he had to face, is the Piku around him.

Piku is trying to steal Keller's game.

And eventually kill Keller.

So, Keller killed Piku.

She returned to the real world.

At this point in the story, there are four layers of the world.

Back in the real world, Pikul and Keller.

They laugh with the other players.

Everyone is completely immersed in this weird and complicated game world.

They can't tell the difference between the real world and the virtual world.

In just 20 minutes of gameplay.

They felt like days had passed.

Of course, the biggest winners of this game are Keller and Piku.

And the two of them are in fact a couple.

In a truly incredible twist, Keller and Pikul pull out their guns.

Keller and Pikul took out their guns and killed the game's designers.

Keller and Pikul took out their guns and killed the game's designers.

The reason is that they think the game designers have distorted reality.

The gun goes off and they die.

The other players who had been playing the game together seemed dumbfounded.

The other players who had been playing the game together seemed dumbfounded and insensitive.

One player asked a thought-provoking question.

Are we still in the game?

This movie is a bit of a déjà vu for you, isn't it?

The four levels of space is the same as "Inception", isn't it?

The open ending.

Isn't it the gyroscope that won't know whether it will continue to spin or fall down?

What the story is trying to tell us is

The story is to tell us how to look at the real world and the virtual world, is not it?

But this virtual world.

In "Game of Senses", it's a game world.

But this virtual world is a game world in "Game of Senses" and a dream world in "Inception".

The game of the senses was a decade before Inception.

At the time of the release of "Inception,

It is true that there are some reviews that point out the similarities between the two films.

As for whether Nolan borrowed from "A Game of Thrones", he did not say so publicly.

He didn't say so publicly.

In fact, "Game of Thrones" raises the question.

If the game world is so realistic that it is not different from the real world.

So how should we tell the difference?

Now all games.

The two most important elements of all games nowadays

is interactivity and realism.

Simply put, is the gameplay cool enough?

visual enough to be true.

And these two elements

together point to the ultimate purpose of the game: immersion.

Every game designer

Every game designer wants people to play their own games.

and can always play the game.

When the rise of 5G and VR.

Our future game experience will be closer and closer to the real

At the same time, it will give you a sense of excitement beyond the real.

The things you want to do in the real world but don't dare to do.

can be satisfied in the game world.

According to this direction

The boundary between the game world and the real world will become increasingly blurred.

There was a news story before.

said a young boy.

Because he was so fascinated by playing chicken games

So he imitated the plot of the game.

He jumped down from a building and fell to his death.

The boy's mother said with tears in her eyes.

My son was killed by the game.

It's the game that makes the child confuse reality and virtual.

At the end of "The Sensory Game".

Players who have just played a game.

They are in a state of confusion.

There are two possibilities for this ending.

One is that everyone is too involved in the game.

The world is just a game world.

And they can't tell what is reality and what is virtual.

and what is virtual.

Think about it again.

We are now living in this world.

You study, work and live every day.

Is not also like a player doing tasks.

Is not also playing a game full of unknown.


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