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Movie "revenge war girl" movie review after viewing Explanation text

Movie "Revenge of the War Girls" review Afterthoughts Explanatory text

Movie "revenge war girl" movie review after viewing Explanation text

This man is really a friend

Not only is he willing to share his mistress with his best friend

He also dares to kill for his brother

Such a heartless bastard

He is also a billionaire.

Will the poor girl be able to escape from the trap or not?

The story begins two days ago

The enchanting beauty is Anna, the old king's mistress

The two of them flew to the island to spend time in the villa

The next day she was wandering around the villa alone

Suddenly she found two strange men

The king had planned for Anna to leave the next day.

But the early arrival of his two friends made the four of them very embarrassed

Anna saw this and ran back to the house with an excuse

But what she didn't know was

The two uninvited guests had already targeted their prey

At night, they were having fun at the pool

These two friends of the old king

Anna never took her eyes off her.

Perhaps she knew she was a beautiful woman

She was used to men's attention and was not surprised

She also danced for everyone with the help of alcohol

Looking at Anna's charming body

Uncle Beard was already charmed

Old Wang also found the two friends of the lustful eyes

He hurriedly took Anna back to his room

The next day the old king went out to prepare for the hunting

He left his two friends and Anna in the villa

Uncle Beard also stopped pretending and made it clear that he wanted to spend a night alone with Anna

This unreasonable reason was instantly rejected by Anna

But the two of them didn't let her go

When Old Wang returned, Uncle Beard and Fatty confessed everything to him

The ruthless old king actually intended to give Anna a sum of money

Nominally it was a pledge, but in fact it was a hush money

The angry Anna couldn't accept it

She couldn't believe it.

She couldn't believe that the man she loved so much would treat her so badly.

She threatened to tell him to call the police or she would call his wife

She threatened to call his wife and tell her that he was keeping a lover.

Who the hell do you think you are?

You J-man!

Wang's face turns over faster than a book.

In his eyes, Anna was just a plaything.

But our beautiful girl

was not a meek sheep either.

She ran to escape from these three terrible men.

But in no time she was forced to the edge of a cliff

The fall from here will undoubtedly be broken into pieces

The old king hastily apologized and took out his cell phone to call the police

Just when Anna's guard was down

Poor Anna was stuck directly on a wooden stake

The three animals showed no remorse

Back at the villa, they disposed of her belongings

Then they planned to destroy the trail

But Anna didn't deserve to die.

The stake actually saved her life

Her strong sense of survival led her to explode

Ignited the stake and successfully saved herself

When the three demons came to deal with the wet body

Anna was no longer in sight

They followed the blood trail and searched for her.

Finally they came to a lake.

They had to kill Anna so they wouldn't have to worry about anything else.

Anna also knew in her heart

These demons would not let their prey go easily.

She had to fight back to have a chance of survival.

While Fatty was at her convenience, Anna attacked from behind.

She got the shotgun and tried to finish off her opponent

But there were no bullets in the gun

The fierce Fatty had no mercy on her

Anna is a crazy output to Anna

At the moment of crisis, Anna felt the knife on her opponent's body in the water

Stabbed the fatty in the face

Successfully took one blood

Her revenge was just beginning

She took Fatty's backpack and weapon

She found a cave and hid.

Because she still had a half stake in her stomach

This wound must be treated

Otherwise, even if the old king didn't find her

She would die from blood loss.

The only thing holding Anna together now was her desire to live.

And the desire to live

Even if she lost her life, she wanted those three beasts to pay with blood

She pulled out the stake with severe pain

She used a red-hot beer can to burn the wound.

The intense pain directly made her faint

On the other hand, Brother Beard and Old Wang searched everywhere for Fatty's trail

Only to find his wet body in the lake.

They realize that Anna has started her revenge.

They must find Anna before it gets dark.

After a night of rest and recuperation, Anna is gradually regaining her strength.

But her nightmare didn't end there.

She had to kill the two villains before she could be reborn once and for all.

Then she was on the side of the road.

She found the bearded man who was pumping gas.

Anna hid in the shadows and tried to shoot him in the head.

But the recoil was so strong that she missed the shot

Only hit the enemy's shoulder

By the time she aimed again, she could not find Beard.

She could only slowly approach with the shotgun

She followed the blood trail and searched for him.

The cunning Beard used a shoe as bait

He was hiding in the shadows, ready to attack.

Fortunately, he was unable to aim with his shoulder wound

But still hit Anna's ear

Anna ran ahead with severe pain.

Around the corner, she shattered the electric baton.

Glass scraps fell all over the place

And the bearded man was ambushed.

The shard pierced directly into the palm of his foot

Strong pain so that he could not continue to walk

He could only bear the pain to pull out the glass

Angry bearded man climbed into the car

He wanted to run over the vicious woman.

Anna also heard the roar behind her

She had no intention of running away.

Like a warrior woman, she raised her shotgun and took aim at her prey.

She shot the bearded man in the head.

The battle was won.

Now only the old king was left to push her down the hill

Anna directly killed back to the villa

And did not give the old king a chance to explain

A shot to his abdomen

Lao Wang hid around the corner and prepared to sneak attack

But he lost too much blood

Anna found his location by the blood on the ground

Anna had to go around to the other side to pursue her prey

After a fight, the old king still died under the gun of the goddess

Undoubtedly is a brainless film

In fact, the story is very simple

It is about the heroine being bullied by three men and then perfect revenge

I have to mention that the female protagonist's body and face is really great

The contrast between her weak body and the image of a female warrior is striking

I still think this kind of revenge movie is more enjoyable

Interested partners can search for the original film to watch

Do not watch the censored version will not let you down


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