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Film "The Rise and Fall of the Real Estate Hustler" commentary copy

The film "The Rise and Fall of a Real Estate Hustler" commentary copy

Film "The Rise and Fall of the Real Estate Hustler" commentary copy

Who would have thought that this guy who was moving bricks on the construction site in front of him

Not buying lottery tickets and not relying on rich women

Relying on real estate and bank cooperation

Realizes the empty glove

With 200 yuan to quickly earn hundreds of millions of dollars

Since then, he has turned over a new leaf

Live a life of luxury cars and beautiful women

A high life of luxury cars and beautiful women

His story will prove to us

Q is not difficult to earn, but dare not to earn

The challenge begins

Mike arrives in a strange city with 200 euros in travel money.

The first thing he thought about was housing

He went to rent an apartment

Only to find that the most common apartment costs 1200 euros a month

The agent asked for a long-term employment contract

to prove that he could afford it.

Mike was new to the city.

He doesn't have a job yet

So he didn't have a place to rent.

He started looking at newspapers.

Finally he found his first job


Although it was dirty and tiring

But because it was his first job

So he was very hardworking

He earned 100 euros a day for his hard work.

You pay less because you have to deduct taxes, man.

The tax office wants it.

This is very outrageous

The contractor also provided Mike with a place to stay

like a container for 38 euros a night

Mike thought to himself that it would be nice to sleep on the road

Why do we have to spend these Q to live in a cage

For the first time, he felt the reality and oppression of the big city

That night he was lying in the park thinking about life

Had a crazy idea

The next day he woke up

He first went to change his outfit

Often a good appearance can make people look good

Then he falsified his identity information.

Forge a labor contract

The road to success began.

Mike found the agent.

He offered to go up to her and shake her hand.

But the woman didn't see it.

Walked straight to the house

3,000 euros a month, not including utilities.

Can you afford to rent?

Mike confidently took out the doctored labor contract.

Seeing the monthly income of nearly 20,000 euros

The agent's attitude changed instantly and she welcomed him with a smile.

She was willing to talk to him

It's different when you have Q

I've rented the mansion.

How to settle the rent?

The second step

The man went to the construction site where he worked before

He said to the workers

Does anyone want to pay 30 euros to sleep in a luxury penthouse?

Raise your hand if you want to

15 Euros.

That's how more than 20 workers moved into the mansion

Let's do the math

15 euros per person per night, that's 300 euros for 20 people.

That's 9,000 Euros for a month

Excluding utilities and rent

That's a net profit of 5,000 Euros a month.

With this business model

He quickly built up 10 apartments

The monthly income reached 50,000 Euros

The good times didn't last long.

Mike had a problem.

The workers, who had never lived in such luxurious apartments before

It was like a rat in a rice bowl

It was night and day and night and night and night.

They were raising sheep and chickens and drinking and partying.

The whole apartment was in chaos,

Eventually, the police came to JC.

Mike had no choice but to run away.

On the way, he met a colleague, Paul.

They met each other right away.

Paul saw that Mike had a rich man's temperament.

And people often judge a person's ability by his appearance

Paul suggested that Mike should speculate in real estate together.

Foreclosures are cheap at the courthouse.

We buy them low and sell them high on your behalf.

Absolutely profitable

The two men arrived at the court auction in their suits

To their surprise, there was already a long line at the door

Due to financial constraints

They could only call for one round of reserve price

Once someone competes with them, they are out of luck

The main man looked at the security of the court came up with an idea,

The next day there were only two of them at the auction

It turns out that they bribed the security guard to trick the other auctioneers into going elsewhere

So that the two of them, as the only bidders

They bought two foreclosed houses with the lowest price.

When the auctioneer called for a building with 20 apartments

It wasn't something they could afford.

Paul was ready to walk away.

But Mike raised his bid again

350,000 Euros

Number 87689 sold

Paul asked Mike where to get that many Q's


You will see the mindset of a top salesman

We have 10 working days before payment

We sell apartments to people who can afford them

It doesn't matter if they don't have the money

As long as our buyers can get a loan

What a great way to sell a condo for nothing

But the question is how to sell it

Mike said people don't buy apartments because they don't like them?

It's because they don't have Q

We just need to find a bank that will lend to them

Then we will have the money to pay

Paul heard that and immediately took Mike to meet someone

Mary, a white collar worker at the bank.

They explained their intentions.

$350,000 for 20 apartments.

Mike is in charge of the sale.

20 apartments worth 300,000 Euros is a total of 6 million Euros.

You just have to make sure they get the loan.

Mary thought it was a good idea.

So the three of them hit it off and did it right away.

The next step was to find a buyer.

They got a number of good clients from an insurance company.

Then they send out a message to let them know they have a great deal on a furnished home.

There was a limit to the number of homes available.

Taking advantage of people's greed

Thinking that they are getting a great deal

Everything was going according to their plan.

Mike and Paul went to check out the apartment.

Once inside, they were shocked.

The houses were in a terrible state of disrepair.

Not a single wall was intact.

Who would buy this?

They felt like they were getting screwed

Not so fast

The next is the classic way to sell a house

The model home

They start cleaning and painting and filling

A day later the apartment has a new look

The building is immediately transformed into a luxury renovation

There were a lot of customers looking at the apartments

With this exquisite model home

Combined with Mike's personality and eloquence

One by one, customers signed contracts for loans to buy homes

One of them was an elderly man who spent all his savings to buy a house for his family.

This isn't a scam, is it?

No, it's not.

You can rest assured of that.

But afterwards Paul started to feel guilty

Because their $6 million came in.

They continued to pay off the court auctioneer.

They continue to buy out all the cheap foreclosures for a huge profit.

They even bought an insurance company

to get a lot of quality clients.

Meanwhile, Mike and Mary's relationship was heating up.

They were giving Mary luxury cars and houses.

Even millions of dollars in diamond necklaces

The two of them also entered into marriage

There is a love child

And so...

Mike and his family had the happiest year of their lives

But what comes around, comes around.

As the business grew bigger and bigger.

Mike also became more and more reckless

One day, they received a letter from the IRS.

It turned out that they had been found to have evaded a large amount of taxes

And because of overspending

Mike had run out of Q to pay back the taxes

The billionaire drove home in a hurry

Looking for a valuable necklace

Mike knew that this necklace was the only way to solve his urgent needs

As he rummaged through his closet

He still couldn't find the diamond necklace.

Mike was furious.

He asked his wife if she had hidden the necklace.

His wife was disappointed.

The night's riches made him rich and famous

But often success without hardship

It is always easy to collapse in a moment

Paul rushed to advise Mike

Sell the company and run away

But often people who have tasted the sweetness will not stop there

We're going to grow the company.

I can stall those idiots for six months and get 25 million.

I'm not going to give up.

I'm not going to bow down to the IRS.

He got back on his feet.

We'll just get a lot.

We'll build the house, sell it, and then we'll have

25 million in profit.

But hope often comes with disappointment.

The man who gets the Q goes back to living a life of reckless spending

His wife was completely disappointed in him

Took the kids and left

Before leaving, she said to him

You can't borrow a single penny from any bank again


He then remembered that his wife was a top banker.

Soon all of Mike's D money was frozen.

The workers were not paid and started to strike.

The project comes to a halt.

Mike was pushed to the brink.

Since all the banks had blacked him out

So he opened his own bank

In the name of the bank to the European Central Bank to set Q

Then use the Q from his own bank D to lend Q to himself

This is to borrow the chicken to lay eggs

He hired two public officials who were qualified to open a bank

Then he bribed the censor to open a fake bank

Mike went back to partying day and night

When the buzz cleared.

Paul urged Mike to stop.

But Mike was still caught up in the capital scam he'd created with his own hands.

He couldn't get out of it.

Finally his former wife reported him.

Jc arrested him for fraud and other crimes

Finally the main man was sentenced to three years

Is that the end of the story?

Not really.

Three years later, Mike was released from prison.

He was penniless.

He received a letter from Paul.

I hope you end up being a lion.

Because you always had the heart of a lion. Greetings from heaven.

The hero spent the night in meditation

Suddenly he remembered the stone lion's head that Paul had given him

He must have left something for himself

So he sneaks into his former mansion in the middle of the night

Removing the lion's head statue

He smashed it hard

Two times he saw it

It turned out that this valuable necklace was hidden by Paul

Worried that Mike spend it day and night

So Paul left him the capital Q to turn around

He can make a comeback

The end of the film

We don't know if Mike can make a comeback

But people who lose their conscience for the sake of gold Q

Sooner or later, they will be consumed by their own greed

As the saying goes, a gentleman loves his money in the right way

The most important thing is to work hard and be practical

Do you know what are the schemes in real estate?


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