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Suspense movie "Mirage" commentary copy

Suspense movie "Mirage" commentary text

Suspense movie "Mirage" commentary copy

The movie we are going to kan today is the brain-burning suspense movie "Mirage", which was released in 2018.

This movie was nominated by Douban as the best suspense movie of 2018.

The time is 1989 in Germany, when the Palin Wall had not yet been brought down.

Germany is divided into two governments, which are equivalent to two Germanies.

One is the GDR, which is often referred to as East Germany in history books.

The other is the Federal Republic of Germany, that is, West Germany.

The story takes place in one of the cities of West Germany.

On a night of lightning and snow, a young boy, Nick, is fiddling with the TV.

The weather forecast reported that a 72-hour thunderstorm was coming.

But Nick has no interest in this weather crap.

He is a music lover, an early VLOG writer, and likes to record himself on a video camera.

He is a music lover, an early VLOG writer, and likes to record himself playing the guitar on a video camera.

Probably because of his single family, his mother was very supportive of Nick.

If such a child was born in 1989, he would have been killed by his mother.

The mother had to work late at night and told Nick to stay home.

After that, she drove off, and here you see this car on the side of the street.

The neighbor, Mrs. Clara, is sitting in the car, looking uncomfortable, mulling over her drink.

Nick, who was staying at home, happened to hear a woman screaming from the cottage across the street.

Curious, he decided to go to the house across the street to check it out.

As a result, he saw Mrs. Weiss, the lady of the house, lying on the floor.

There was obvious blood on her abdomen, and she was still moving.

Nick rushed forward to check, and found that Mrs. Weiss had died.

A dull footstep came up the stairs.

It was Mr. Weiss, the owner of the cottage, a middle-aged man.

The blood on the knife in his right hand made Nick realize that

He had probably killed Mrs. Weiss.

Looking at each other, Nick didn't dare to look at Wes and ran away.

Just outside, Nick is hit by a car.

This scene was also seen by Mrs. Clara's son, Otto.

After confirming that Nick was dead, Wes fell to the ground in shock.

25 years later, in 2014.

Bella and her daughter wake up from their sleep.

It was the day after the family moved into their new house.

The house is Nick's home.

David called and said he had to travel for work tonight and couldn't come home.

At that moment, the thunderstorm resumed.

The neighbor, Mrs. Clara, looked at the sky with concern.

She says to herself that the weather is exactly the same as the thunderstorm 25 years ago.

Her son Otto, who had grown up, comforted her and left for work.

Otto, now an airplane pilot, and Bella are good friends.

Bella invites him and his mother, Mrs. Clara, over for dinner tonight.

Bella is a neurosurgery nurse, and the blonde next to her is her best friend.

The blonde next to her is her best friend, and the guy they're pushing is a patient who's about to undergo surgery.

Bella has always wanted to be a neurologist.

But if you don't work hard as a teenager, you'll be sad as a teenager.

Now that she has a daughter, she has no chance of becoming a doctor.

When she returned home at night, her husband had returned from a business trip.

While looking through her husband's things.

Bella found a picture of the woman and a strange woman.

The woman's expression was obviously a little unnatural.

Bella thought it was her husband's ex-girlfriend, and he acquiesced.

While cleaning up the storage room.

They found a video and a TV that Nick had left behind 25 years ago.

Looking at these tapes, my brother had to exclaim.

The quality of German appliances is really good, 25 years can still be used.

After watching for a while, the heroine felt no interest and took out the tape.

Then she turned off the TV, but suddenly the TV turned on by itself.

The family was baffled and the content of the TV was even more unbelievable.

The content of the TV was even more unbelievable, as it was showing news from 25 years ago, live.

The antenna on the roof of the building started to shake because of the thunderstorm.

At dinner time, Otto and his mother, Mrs. Clara, were invited.

Otto, who has a name, makes a joke that Bella should marry him.

He said that he and Bella were the first to know each other, but it was just a joke between friends.

Bella obviously didn't hear it, but she stressed that some things are meant to be.

She stressed that some things are meant to be and can't be changed, and that once they're over, they can never be changed.

As we talked, Bella mentioned Nick from TV.

Otto then told the story of what happened 25 years ago.

In addition to Nick's death, Otto mentions the thunderstorm.

In addition to Nick's death, Otto also mentioned the thunderstorm that had struck their elementary school building.

As a good friend of Nick's, Otto was very sad when he mentioned this incident.

But strangely enough, Nick's mother, Clara, didn't want to hear about it either.

She kept telling Otto not to talk about it, but the drunken Otto couldn't stop.

At night, after putting her daughter to sleep, Bella finds her husband still surfing the Internet.

He was looking at the news about Nick's death.

The news said that after Nick's death, Weiss was arrested and sent to prison.

He confessed to the police that she had killed his wife.

He was going to bury her body in his slaughterhouse.

But before he could do it, Nick found out.

The news also mentioned that Weiss committed suicide three months after he was jailed.

Before going to bed, there was a small incident.

Bella found a box of hotel matches in the heroine's pocket.

Immediately, the husband's face became uncomfortable again.

He explains that it is for smoking during his hotel stay.

After promising Bella that he would never smoke again, the husband threw the matches out the window.

At night, after the family was asleep, the thunderstorm started again.

The TV suddenly turns itself on again, playing a TV show from 25 years ago.

Bella wakes up to the sound of the TV and goes to check it out.

She wanted to turn off the TV, but then the thunderstorm suddenly struck.

Nick's picture appeared on the TV.

It was 25 years ago before Nick recorded the video.

And Bella finds out that there's no tape in the VCR.

Here, Nick also finds Bella on his side of the screen.

What's even weirder is that the two of them can hear each other's speech.

At this moment, the TV set is like a video chat tool across time and space.

Bella, timid and scared, turned off the TV.

But out of curiosity, she turned it on again.

After chatting, the two finally confirmed that they were not dreaming.

They had indeed crossed time and space and were talking through the TV.

While they were talking, a woman screamed from across the room.

As we know from earlier, it's Wes murdering his wife.

Nick wants to go over, but Bella knows that Nick will die if he does.

Out of the goodness of her heart, she tries to guide Nick.

Out of the goodness of her heart, she tries to convince Nick that she is indeed the future.

Unfortunately, Nick runs out the door after half a day of listening.

But because of Bella's dissuasion, there is a delay.

Nick was not hit by the car and survived.

Afterwards, Nick tells his mother about what he saw on TV with Bella.

Note that the film then moves into a two-story line format.

One is Nick's story line in 1989, and the other is Bella's story line in 2014.

The other is Bella's story line in 2014.

The scene comes to 2014 when Bella wakes up from a hospital bed.

A nurse tells her she's about to have surgery and to get to the operating room.

When she gets to the operating room, Bella finds that the patient is the same as yesterday's Uncle Soy Sauce.

The medical staff also said that Uncle Soy had never had an operation before.

She was called Dr. Bella by her best friend, Blondie.

She said she was the chief surgeon for the operation.

Here we are, in 1989.

Mrs. Clara and Nick's mother had no time to send their children to school.

Mrs. Clara entrusted her brother, Uncle Sharp, to take the two children to school.

Nick arrives at school, and although he doesn't die this time.

But very famous things happened, such as the school was struck by lightning.

As Alto said earlier, the school was indeed struck.

Then the picture goes back to 2014.

Bella went to pick up her daughter from kindergarten and found that she was not in the classroom.

The daughter's classmates also said that there was no such person in the class.

Even the teacher said the same thing, and the teacher didn't even know Bella.

Bella was confused and didn't know what was going on.

She looks for her husband, but he doesn't know her either.

Here we go again, back to 1989.

Nick goes to Otto's house after school because his mother is not off work.

He talks to Otto about his conversation with Bella the other night.

Mrs. Clara was listening, thinking it was just a child's dream.

But when Nick said that Bella had said on TV that Wes had killed his wife.

Mrs. Clara is obviously a little nervous and asks Nick what he saw.

After Nick replied that he hadn't seen anything, Mrs. Clara was relieved.

The time came in 2014.

Bella, who had no idea how to get her daughter back, called the police.

She told the detective everything she had been through.

The detective is very strange, always asking irrelevant questions.

For example, last night, before anything happened.

Bella and her husband had done something, and took detailed notes.

But when Bella talked about the conversation with Nick, the detective did not make any notes.

After hearing Bella's account, the detective came to the conclusion that

He thought that Bella was imagining things.

He took Bella to the hospital, where she was examined and found to be normal.

The doctor who examined her was also Bella's assistant.

The assistant tells her that she is the best neurosurgeon in the hospital.

Her heroine, David, was her first patient.

The assistant thinks that Bella's condition may be related to an operation she had some time ago.

The patient in that surgery was a sick little girl.

The patient was a very sick little girl and it was a dead end for her, but Bella insisted on having the surgery.

After the surgery was not done, Bella was mentally distressed and took a few days off work.

But the problem is that Bella doesn't remember anything about it.

She didn't even know anything about neurosurgery, so how could she do the surgery?

Her mind was a muddled mess at the moment.

The assistant tapped Bella on the shoulder to comfort her.

The assistant patted Bella on the shoulder to comfort her.

The assistant patted Bella on the shoulder, and with this pat, Bella instantly had all the memories that the assistant had mentioned.

Now Bella is not confused, and her mind is clear.

She guessed that there must be something to explain all this.

She decided to go to her husband first.

Back in 1989 again.

Nick saw through the window that Mrs. Clara's brother, Uncle Sharp, had given something to Wes.

Afterwards, Wes drove to his slaughterhouse.

He picked up some sharp knives.

Nick took advantage of this time to sneak into Wes's house, found Mrs. Wes's body, and also found Uncle Cialis gave him a knife.

At the same time, he also found that the thing that Uncle Sharp gave to Wes was Mrs. Wes's passport.

At this time, Wes had returned home, Nick was too late to escape.

Nick could not escape and had to hide under the bed, and also found a watch under the bed.

The back of the watch was engraved with the letters CM.

Afterwards, Nick witnessed the scene where Weiss disposed of his wife's body in pieces.

Back in 2014.

Bella guesses that her current condition must have something to do with the TV.

She arrives at her home, the same home Nick had 25 years ago.

When she enters, she finds that the door has been pried open.

The TV in the room was gone.

To find clues, she used the computer to look up the 1989 murder.

It turns out there was no news that night.

There was only a novel about a murder in 1989.

The content of the novel was also highly consistent with the murders of that year.

At that moment, the lady of the room rushed over.

The woman in the room was the ex-girlfriend of her husband David, who was married to her.

The husband doesn't believe Bella and calls the police.

Bella can only get out, and on her way to escape.

She sees Wes living with Mrs. Clara.

We know that in the original world, Wes had committed suicide.

This makes Bella feel strange.

The scene returns to 1989.

Nick, who is hiding under the bed, overhears Wes and Mrs. Clara talking to each other.

It turns out that Mrs. Clara was Wes's lover all along.

Weiss tells Mrs. Clara to get ready for a trip to Berlin.

The scene returns to 2104.

Bella has nowhere to go but to her best friend Otto.

But Otto says he doesn't know Bella at all.

Bella tells Otto how the two met by chance in the car.

Then how she met her husband through Otto.

Then how she fell in love with her husband and married him.

But when she comes into contact with Otto, she immediately has memories of Otto.

She had no memory of seeing an Alto on a train.

Bella understands, like the butterfly effect.

It's like a butterfly effect, she saved Nick on TV.

Everything has changed since then.

The detective finds Bella, who has left her coat at the hospital.

He came to deliver the jacket, but instead of leaving, he followed Bella.

Bella thinks of the novel she found on the Internet.

Bella thought of the novel she had found on the Internet, which described the exact same story she had experienced.

With the help of the detective, she finds the author of the novel and asks him about it.

The author said she had heard about the novel from Nick's mother.

She had never even met Nick in person.

She just found the story interesting and wrote it as a novel.

At the same time, the author speculated that if what Bella said was true.

Bella must have crossed over, from the original world to the present world.

The two worlds can be interpreted as two parallel worlds.

I just don't know why Bella's memories appeared in this world's Bella.

And this world's Bella's memories Bella also has.

But so much so that only those who touch her can have them.

For example, when the assistant touched the ground, she had the memories related to the assistant.

Then Bella wants to go back to the past, she must find the TV set.

And during the snowstorm, the TV set was used to get Nick back on track in 1989.

The thunderstorm has now lasted 58 hours.

Bella only has 14 hours left.

Bella guessed that the TV and the tape might be at Wes's house.

As we know earlier, the husband had found out that the original Wes, when he was arrested.

He had explained to the police that he intended to bury his wife's body in the slaughterhouse.

So Bella took the detective to the slaughterhouse and found Mrs. Weiss' remains.

But the judge did not think this was enough to prove that Weiss was the murderer.

The judge even felt that Bella was up in the air with the murder.

After all, she couldn't explain how she found out where the body was buried.

So Bella must also be examined, according to the procedure.

The detective let Bella go halfway to help her.

Before leaving, he gave Bella an address.

Afterwards, the police arrest Weiss and Mrs. Clara.

Bella follows the address and discovers the hotel where her husband and his girlfriend, the blonde, had their room.

The hotel's firewood box is identical to the one in her husband's pocket.

Bella discovers through her touch with her husband that

In this world, she and her husband really have no interactions.

In other words, in the original world, her husband had already cheated on her.

Here, the detective interrogates Wes, Mrs. Clara, and Uncle Octavia.

The detective had perfectly deduced the circumstances of the murder.

The detective had perfectly deduced that Wes and Mrs. Clara were having an affair.

Mrs. Weiss was planning to go to Parlin that day, but she came back halfway.

Mrs. Weiss and Mrs. Clara were having an affair.

Mrs. Weiss couldn't stand her husband's betrayal, so she grabbed a kitchen knife and stormed into the room.

In the struggle, Mrs. Weiss is accidentally stabbed.

Mrs. Weiss is then pushed down the stairs by Mrs. Clara.

Afterwards, Wes buried his wife's body in his slaughterhouse.

Afterwards, Wes buried his wife's body in the slaughterhouse, and had Uncle Harry, who worked at the airport, forge her passport.

Clara impersonates his wife and moves to Berlin.

The plan is perfect, everyone thinks Mrs. Weiss is not dead.

But Nick calls the police because he witnessed Weiss's murder.

But Nick calls the police because he witnessed Weiss's murder and gives them the watch he found underneath Weiss's body.

This watch was accidentally left behind by Mrs. Clara.

But without evidence, the police couldn't make a case.

At the same time, Wes falsely accused Nick of stealing the watch from him.

Nick's mother had no choice but to take Nick and return the watch.

From then on, Nick was in deep pain.

He was convinced that he was right, but no one believed him.

His mother had to move him around with her.

After finally being locked up in a mental hospital, Nick figured out that if he found Bella, he could prove that he was right.

If he could only find Bella, he could prove that he was right.

But he only remembered Bella's face, but he didn't know anything else.

He only knew that one day Bella would come to this town.

He sat at the train station and waited, and waited until now.

Yes, the detective is Nick himself.

As the evidence was overwhelming, Wes and the others could no longer be schooled and confessed to the crime.

Bella here found out that her husband was a bank clerk.

He was able to find out all the information about the people in the town.

So she threatened her husband to help her find out about Nick.

Otherwise, he will tell his current wife about his cheating.

After searching, Bella finds Nick's place.

She found a picture of her and Nick.

It turns out that Nick had waited for Bella at the station and had become attached to Bella.

But the Bella here and the original world of Bella no memory intersection.

Afterwards, Nick also returned home and explained everything to Bella.

It turns out that at first he just wanted to find Bella to prove himself.

But he found out that the Bella of this world and the Bella he saw on TV were not the same person.

After that, he had a relationship with Bella and got married.

It was not until the day Bella went to the police station to report the case, and acted as if she did not know Nick.

Nick realized that Bella's memories from the original world had appeared in this world's Bella.

He didn't know why, so he broke into his husband's house to try out the TV.

He didn't know why, so he broke down the door of his husband's house to try out the TV, to make sure that the TV could indeed connect to the other world.

So he was afraid that Bella would leave him with the TV.

So he secretly took the TV and the VCR.

Now that the truth has come out, he wishes Bella could stay.

But as a mother, Bella can't lose her daughter.

To force Nick to help her, she jumps off a building and kills herself.

Nick does love Bella, and in order to get her back, Nick pulls out the TV and contacts her as a child.

Nick took out the TV and contacted his childhood self.

At this time, Nick Jr. is just finished talking to Bella Viewton.

Then the scene shifts and Bella wakes up from her bed.

Her husband and daughter are there, and it looks like she made it.

But the TV and VCR are gone.

The husband says that there was never any TV or VCR in the house.

At the same time, the daughter says that Bella has been acting strangely for the past few days.

Bella seems to think of something, she finds the matchbox of the hotel.

The matchbox was still there, proving that her husband had indeed cheated on her.

Meanwhile, Wes and Mrs. Clara have actually gotten married.

Bella also finds the remains of Mrs. Weiss in the slaughterhouse.

After the police arrived, Bella finally met with Nick as a detective again

(End of story)

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