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Science Fiction Movie "Spiked Alien Race" Commentary Copy

   Hello everyone, today I would like to introduce you to a science fiction movie "Spiked Alien".

Science Fiction Movie "Spiked Alien Race" Commentary Copy

At the beginning of the story American scouts found an invasion of unidentified flying objects, the scouts shot down the flying objects without saying a word, and the aliens in the spaceship fell into the river. These aliens look very special, all have pointed heads. Bae and his wife were sent out by the planet's leader to see what was so special about Earth.

There are many things on Earth that their planet does not have, Bae even ate soap and toilet paper. Because their spaceship broke down and can not go back, so they can only temporarily hide on Earth for a while. In order to get in touch with the planet as soon as possible and go home as soon as possible, they keep looking for materials to make the phone. Xiao Bei went to find a repair job in order to find parts, because Xiao Bei's excellent craftsmanship, the boss and customers are very optimistic about him. Bae did not take long to find all the parts, in order to celebrate, he drank some detergent. After the phone was repaired, they managed to get in touch with the planet. Once the planet heard that their plan had failed and the ship was broken, they said perfunctorily that they would go back to pick them up after more than ten years, and the Bays had no choice but to stay on Earth. But they do not have their own number, belong to the illegal residents, good at Bae's craft, the boss in order to leave him to the couple to get the number. The boss said that if you want to live well on Earth, you have to have a house and a car, and have a good dental mouth, and Xiao Bei immediately went to see a dental. The doctor saw Bae strange teeth are not suspicious of Bae is not a person, is also very strange. Not long after, Bae wife got pregnant and gave birth to a little girl a few months later, Bae also worked hard and earned a lot of money to buy a house and a car. Their family lived happily on Earth, in the blink of an eye more than ten years passed, they got along well with their neighbors, and the family often drove out to buy things, the daughter also fell in love, just when they were living peacefully, the neighborhood committee became suspicious of them, came to visit the Xiao Bei family, good coincidence, the planet called them, said to send people to support them, the neighborhood committee focused on the family, to arrest them. The planet's spaceship suddenly appeared to take them away, and the people of the neighborhood committee struggled to catch them, but they were inadvertently brought back to the planet. The leader of the planet said that he would kill them when he saw the Earthlings, and that he was a traitor because of Bae's amended teeth, and made Bae fight with the beast. Xiao Bei did not panic and used his learned golf skills, defeating the beast in one fell swoop. He wanted to leave the planet and pretended to offer advice to the leader, who was so happy to hear it that he let Xiao Bei lead the invasion of the Earth, and Xiao Bei let his fellow clansmen wait outside the Earth and went in to see for himself. When he was about to land, he told the clan that he was in danger, but in fact he and his family had landed safely, and he controlled the ship to fly up again and then exploded. The leader freaked out and went back to the planet. Bae and the others also gained their own identity for saving the planet and continued to live happily on Earth.

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