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Science fiction movie "Venom" commentary copy

Science fiction movie "Venom" commentary copy

Science fiction movie "Venom" commentary copy

Hello, today I'm going to tell you a story about a guy who was accidentally parasitized by an alien creature.

From then on, he goes to the top of his life and saves the world.

Venom: Deadly Guardian

Muscle man Tom Tom played in this film

"Venom's host - Eddie Brock

At the beginning of the film

The spacecraft Life One, which belongs to the Life Foundation

On its way back from collecting samples on an alien planet

Suddenly malfunctioned and the ship lost control and crashed to Earth.

Search and rescue teams immediately arrived to rescue

However, two of the samples collected on the spacecraft are missing.

Now only three samples were found and taken back to the laboratory

It turns out that one of the samples took the opportunity to burrow into the astronaut.

On the way to the hospital and parasitized the policewoman

The other sample is still unaccounted for.

This alien creature has a strong parasitic ability

The policewoman was parasitized and her injured leg healed instantly.

With the badge in her hand, she went to the United States to find the Life Foundation

On the way, she also passed through China

Ate an eel raw and was scolded by the boss

The policewoman was so angry that she let the boss take the box lunch

A few guys tried to stop

The policewoman once again opened a killing spree

And then parasitized an old lady

On the other hand

Eddie Brock, the hero of the film, makes his debut.

Eddie and his girlfriend Annie are a perfect match.

Annie's a lawyer, Eddie's a TV reporter.

After having sex with his girlfriend at night

He accidentally sees the files on Annie's computer.

Open it up.

It was about the Life Foundation's illegal use of human subjects in experiments.

It was about the accidental death of a subject and the concealment of the truth.

The next day Eddie received instructions from the station manager

He was told to interview Drake, the owner of the Life Foundation.

Drake is a sponsor of our network.

You have to report on his great work.

But Eddie was a straight shooter.

He asked Drake if he had conducted human experiments.

Drake saw that something was wrong.

He had the security guards kick Eddie out.

Eddie also offended his boss and was fired from the company

Annie was also fired from her job.

Annie felt that Eddie had been using her

In a fit of rage, she and Eddie broke up

On the other hand, Drake used alien creatures for parasitic experiments

Has been successful on animals

The next step is to conduct human experiments.

But these alien creatures choose their hosts under very harsh conditions

Resulting in a large number of experimental subjects received a box of rice

Dr. Tricia could not stand it anymore.

So she found Eddie wanted him to expose the truth

So with the help of Tricia

Eddie successfully entered the laboratory

Unexpectedly, when taking pictures for evidence

The alien creature took the opportunity to enter Eddie's body

This parasite is the main character of the film Venom

Eddie became the most suitable host for Venom.

Eddie became hungry and thirsty after being parasitized

He immediately ran to his home and ate his fill.

When Drake finds out that Venom is missing.

He sent a large number of security guards to look for Venom.

Under the boss's pressure, Tricia could only confess to Eddie

After saying that Tricia was also a parasite

Drake learned that Eddie was the perfect host for Venom.

Immediately sent a large number of security guards to capture Eddie

And Venom has already fused with Eddie perfectly

These people are no match for him.

With their cooperation

In a minute, the security guards got their lunch.

But Drake still wouldn't give up.

He had to get Eddie back to the lab.

What follows is an exciting street race.

Venom uses all kinds of tricks to help Eddie get away from the enemy.

Drake also launched a number of drones to launch air strikes.

But the danger was easily defeated by Venom

At that moment the police also joined the battle

When Venom saw that the situation was not good, he ran away.

Eddie climbed to the shore and finally met with Venom

Eddie asked: Who are you?

Venom replied: my name is Venom

From today onwards your body belongs to me

If you cooperate, you can save your life.

I want to get on Drake's rocket

On the other hand

The policewoman had traveled a long way to live with multiple hosts that were not suitable.

Finally, she reached the Life Foundation.

Found Drake and parasitized him

Instantly became the big boss of the film riot

Eddie learned that Venom is afraid of ultrasound

With the help of Annie

Using ultrasound to force the venom out of Eddie's body

Eddie was not out of the hospital before the Drakes captured back

And the venom possessed the puppy and Annie one after another

Just at the critical moment

The venom was again parasitized into Eddie's body, and with the venom protecting him

The security guards were taken care of in minutes

Riot plans to launch a rocket to these alien parasites

to Earth.

If the plan succeeds, mankind will become the walking dead

In the rocket launch countdown when Venom arrived

In fact, at first Venom and Riot were working together.

But under Eddie's persuasion

Venom still think the Earth is more fun

Decided to help Eddie destroy the riot to save the world

From the point of view of strength, Riot's combat value is overwhelming

Venom is no match for him

Two pairs of freaks four characters wrestling together

A variety of big moves in turn

The key moment

Annie uses ultrasound to shake Venom and Riot

From the host's body shocked out

And Riot was the first to combine with Drake

Instantly let Eddie received the box

But Venom was too late.

Using its self-healing powers to bring Eddie back to life.

Venom finally stopped Riot's plot to save humanity

After a series of setbacks

Venom and Eddie finally reached a perfect fusion

Eddie is now at the top of his game.

Finally, Eddie came to the prison to interview a serial killer

Cletus Kassay.

And he is the future host of Carnage

We'll see what's in store for Venom's arch-nemesis, Carnage.

Well, that's it for today, see you next time!

Eddie and his girlfriend Annie are a perfect match.

Annie is a lawyer and Eddie is a TV reporter.

After having sex with his girlfriend at night

He accidentally saw the files on Annie's computer.

Open it up.

It was about the Life Foundation's illegal use of human subjects in experiments.

It was about the accidental death of a subject and the concealment of the truth.

The next day Eddie received instructions from the station manager

He was told to interview Drake, the owner of the Life Foundation.

Drake is a sponsor of our network.

You have to report on his great work.

But Eddie was a straight shooter.

He asked Drake if he had conducted human experiments.

Drake saw that something was wrong.

He had the security guards kick Eddie out.

Eddie also offended his boss and was fired from the company

Annie was also fired from her job.

Annie felt that Eddie had been using her

In a fit of rage, she and Eddie broke up

On the other hand, Drake used alien creatures for parasitic experiments

Has been successful on animals

The next step is to conduct human experiments.

But these alien creatures choose their hosts under very harsh conditions

Resulting in a large number of experimental subjects received a box of rice

Dr. Tricia could not stand it anymore.

So she found Eddie wanted him to expose the truth

So with the help of Tricia

Eddie successfully entered the laboratory

Unexpectedly, when taking pictures for evidence

The alien creature took the opportunity to enter Eddie's body

This parasite is the main character of the film Venom

Eddie became the most suitable host for Venom.

Eddie became hungry and thirsty after being parasitized

He immediately ran to his home and ate his fill.

When Drake finds out that Venom is missing.

He sent a large number of security guards to look for Venom.

Under the boss' pressure, Tricia could only confess to Eddie

After saying that Tricia was also a parasite

Drake learned that Eddie was the perfect host for Venom.

Immediately sent a large number of security guards to capture Eddie

And Venom has been perfectly integrated with Eddie

These people are no match for him.

With their cooperation

In a minute, the security guards got their lunch.

But Drake still wouldn't give up.

He had to get Eddie back to the lab.

What follows is an exciting street race.

Venom uses all kinds of tricks to help Eddie get away from the enemy.

Drake also launched a number of drones to launch air strikes.

But the danger was easily defeated by Venom

At that moment the police also joined the battle

When Venom saw that the situation was not good, he ran away.

Eddie climbed to the shore and finally met with Venom

Eddie asked: Who are you?

Venom replied: my name is Venom

From today onwards your body belongs to me

If you cooperate, you can save your life.

I want to get on Drake's rocket

On the other hand

The policewoman had traveled a long way to live with multiple hosts that were not suitable.

Finally, she reached the Life Foundation.

Found Drake and parasitized him

Instantly became the big boss of the film riot

Eddie learned that Venom is afraid of ultrasound

With the help of Annie

Using ultrasound to force the venom out of Eddie's body

Eddie was not out of the hospital before the Draconians captured back

And the venom possessed the puppy and Annie one after another

Just at the critical moment

The venom was again parasitized into Eddie's body, and with the venom protecting him

The security guards were taken care of in minutes

Riot plans to launch a rocket to these alien parasites

to Earth.

If the plan succeeds, mankind will become the walking dead

In the rocket launch countdown when Venom arrived

In fact, at first, Venom and Riot were working together.

But under Eddie's persuasion

Venom still think the Earth is more fun

Decided to help Eddie destroy the riot to save the world

From the point of view of strength, Riot's battle value is overwhelming

Venom is no match for him

Two pairs of freaks four characters wrestling together

A variety of big moves in turn

The key moment

Annie uses ultrasound to shake Venom and Riot

From the host's body shocked out

And Riot was the first to combine with Drake

Instantly let Eddie received the box

But Venom was too late.

Using its self-healing powers to bring Eddie back to life.

Venom finally stopped Riot's plot to save humanity

After a series of setbacks

Venom and Eddie finally reached a perfect fusion

Eddie is now at the top of his game.

Finally, Eddie came to the prison to interview a serial killer

Cletus Kassay.

And he is the future host of Carnage

We'll see what's in store for Venom's arch-nemesis, Carnage.

Well, that's it for today, see you next time!

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