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Suspense "Best Suspect" movie commentary copy

Suspense "Best Suspect" movie commentary copy

Suspense "Best Suspect" movie commentary copy

What kind of drama makes the people who have seen it unforgettable

The president stole the drug formula

Carefully put the folder in the drawer compartment.

The next day Tai went to the office to turn in the forms

In a trance, he forgot to knock on the door.

But ran into the president

The disheveled secretary, Omi, poked her head out from under the desk.

Tai knew he was ruining the president's day

The president was furious.

Warned Tai that the company was preparing to lay off employees recently

He told him to behave himself

Because Tai had been having insomnia lately

Got a massage from a doctor.

The whole body was relaxed

He soon fell asleep.

At night Lao Song handed him a bank card of 100,000 yuan to return to him.

Lao Song was going to resign

He reminded Tai before he left

The relationship between the president and Dami is not pure

Thinking about what the president said during the day

Tai decides to collect some evidence in order to protect himself

At night, Tai sneaks into the chief plant's office

Open the drawer compartment

But there was nothing inside

Suddenly he felt something on the bottom of his shoe

It looked like a phone card

Tai put the card into his phone.

There was only one contact in it.

That's when the call came in.

The other party asked if he had received the deposit

Where is the transaction taking place

He also called Tai as Mr. S

Tai became suspicious. He picked up a calendar.

It said Wallander's Supermarket and he sent the address.

The other side replied quickly

Then Tai checked the text message and found a series of license plates and opened the computer

Tai saw a photo of the president and Xiao Mei together

They looked very close

Mei is the assistant of the acquirer Takahashi

So Tai guessed that they must have a secret deal

He asked the doorman to find the owner of the car with the license plate number was Mei

So she went to her apartment

At that moment, Mei was watching everything at the door

Because the deposit was in Omi's trunk

She wanted to take this opportunity to confirm the identity of S

At that moment Tai happened to appear

She didn't have time to confirm it

The president also appeared at the entrance of the apartment

Who is S? The two executives appeared at the same time

The CEO asked Tai to go to the spa, but after the CEO left

Tai's consciousness began to be clouded in a trance

He felt a hand coming up. It was Omi.

Tai slowly opened his eyes

In front of him was an empty space

He took his wallet out of the locker

There was a note from the supermarket locker

The president was investigating him at that moment

Tai called home

Tells his wife he's not coming back

Then he returned to the office

Began to sort out the relationship between events

The next day Tai followed the CEO to the mall

He took the wrong elevator and ran to the third floor

At that moment he stumbled upon Xiao Mei

So he changed the target and replaced the phone card

Tai went to make a call

But he didn't expect

He was discovered by Xiao Mei

Tai also wanted to deny this

But the phone in his hand couldn't fool anyone

Mei decided that he was S

So she told him everything that happened

Seeing this Tai no longer hid it

He took out his phone to prove that the real s is the president

What about the conversation just now?

He had recorded it

But just as he was about to leave

Xiao Mei gave him a recording of the s

The voice was clearly Tai

Tai's consciousness fell into a trance again

Then Mei left

Tai thought that the president had set him up

So he chased him all the way just to see Omi

It turns out that the president came to see Omi from the office

In fact Dami was picking up the broken phone

There was an indecent photo of the president inside

The president took the phone from Dami's hand

On the way he received a call from Lao Song

Lao Song knew the president's deal

He wanted to talk to the president

But the president was in a hurry to go to Woland supermarket

So he asked his cousin to talk to him

Soon it was time for the deal

One by one, the three rushed to the supermarket

The president was stocking some things

But Tai grabbed the barcode paper

Then he took the paper back

He gave the barcode paper to his wife

Told her to put it away and went to find Xiao Mei himself

The deal was soon to be made

But the three of them played hide-and-seek in the supermarket.

Tai told Mei that the CEO was investigating them

On the other hand, the CEO told Mei that she could only trust him

The three hid from each other around the pile of goods

When they were facing each other

One of the kids handed Mei the paper bag and the stuff arrived

Mei turned around and left the supermarket, Tai and the president looked at each other

The president was pulled by his wife and quickly chased after him

Tai was about to catch up with Mei

The bag was taken by Mei's accomplice

Mei thought everything was Tai's plan

But Tai didn't explain

He went back to Dame's car

At that moment, the CEO found out that the barcode paper had been exchanged

On the way, Dami told Tai about the CEO's wife

The locker was opened

At this point, Tai realized that he and the CEO had been fooled

The president's wife had long found out that her husband had two hearts so she had been investigating

and involved in it then Tai suddenly thought of the deposit behind the car

He got out of the car and looked at it

Sure enough it was all gone when Dami received a phone call

Old Song had two people rushed to the meeting hall currently the signing ceremony is underway

They saw the president at the door so he went up and questioned

It turns out that Lao Song had concerns because of the president's cruelty

Finally he chose to use his own s to retaliate

Several people broke into the conference room together

In front of everyone

Tai exposed the deal with Xiao Mei in the pushing and rubbing

The file bag fell to the floor and took out the contents

Fainted on the spot

It was a bunch of disgusting photos

Dame think Atai pervert.

So he was sent to the doctor while the president was cooking.

But I accidentally found the wife's hidden recipe information.

Until then, he didn't realize his wife was a yellow bird.

On the other hand Tai woke up from his sleep

It was Saturday and he really woke up.

Remembering that he was the real S, he took out his phone.

Texted to cancel the deal and lay down again

Maybe this time

He can really sleep well

The combination of dream and reality in this movie.

It shows the character of two different characters in this movie.

The screenplay took three years to polish the clever design


The barcode paper is used throughout the script

Each appearance is a turning point.

True or false, do you understand?

This issue of the film The Best Suspect

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We'll see you next time

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