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American film "Don't Lie to Me" commentary copy complete

Don't Lie to Me" full commentary text

Hello everyone, today I would like to introduce you to an American drama "Don't Lie to Me" which is based on a real life story, and by the way you can learn about behavioral psychology. In the beginning of the story, our hero is an expert in micro-expressions, in his words, as long as humans have micro-expressions, and the truth is written on the face, the hero has his own independent research institution, specializing in the government, the FBI, police, businesses or individuals to analyze the truth of testimony, to find out the truth behind. This day received a call from the mayor, a high school teacher was killed, the killer is the teacher's 16-year-old student, his parents belong to the devout Christian, by reason hair the probability of extreme behavior is very low, the local prosecutor it with a female assistant on impatient to come, according to the scene, the deceased head smashed in the table, the small murderer at the scene, the police came to pull his legs and run, the lie test also failed, not He or who, what else to check, the hero and partner na sit down to start investigating the small murderer. It is very strange, the main man began not to ask the case, asking the murderer the results of the last school competition a few irrelevant questions before asking him, before that whether to go to my teacher's home, of course, the young man denied it, but also denied that the teacher was his murder, the original main man told the female assistant to ask irrelevant questions, ah, the murderer's eyes shifted to the left a little, that is recalling, and asked whether to go to the teacher's home before that s home, his eyes on the male lead answered decisively, instead of lying, in order to cover up the lie, people tend to stare more seriously, anxious to see whether you phase believe or not, in addition, before the partner asked him, you have been to her home before?

American film "Don't Lie to Me" commentary copy complete

The young murderer answered that

No I have not been to her house before, this kind of raw reply is typical of lying characteristics, when it comes to the female teacher died ah, the murderer eyebrows up, there is a faint sadness, maybe he did not want the teacher to die, preliminary judgment, perhaps an accident caused. The prosecutor did not believe ah, you tease me, look at the two expressions to know so much ah, the hero had to come up with real strength, just now he glanced at the prosecutor towards the female assistant, immediately shifted the time, the female assistant it bowed his chin and said a little embarrassed, between them na, there may be some ambiguous relationship, the hero judged that it may be the female assistant did not want to continue the relationship, but she also thought of strong for a while, the said the prosecutor unconsciously rubbing his nose, the male lead said ah, the nose inside the sponge, if the man wants to hide something, the nose will begin to itch, the prosecutor almost collapsed, this paragraph for our men must not spread. The next step to the school to investigate the situation, the principal said the little murderer the child just came to school not long ago, the parents are devoutly religious, but the child's father, the female teacher's teaching style has protested, the child, but also not very good at interpersonal interaction, ask a few classmates, in addition to photography skills can be, interpersonal skills basically equal to zero, silent very, when asked a beautiful female classmate, the hero feel some anxiety in his tone, indicating that he may have a problem, and then go to the small murderer's home, the family specifically has a dark visit to the photo wash, and the small murderer's parents in the conversation, it is clear that the other party is hiding something, mentioning the female teacher, the murderer's mother called the woman, rather than the name, there is a kind of delineation, for example, I do not know Pan Jinlian and I do not know the woman, this psychological The relationship is a big gap, then certainly the murderer's mother and the teacher between some inherent contradictions. The main company analysts, also got the information, beautiful female students and the murderer is indeed nothing personal, anxiety because the female student is pregnant, hey, it seems reasonable, is so early pregnancy, you just how old ah, everyone in the seat to take a warning. At the same time, the company also received another request for help, want to investigate the local councilor, to go to the heavenly nightclubs to package the girl thing, is not true. Ask a question, of course, the MP is denied, the female partner continued to interrogate what was done that night, the MP a list of answers, it seems that there is no doubt, the partner then asked the MP to say the night backwards, this time reveals the foot ah, the answer is intermittent, after all, is made up, it is impossible to remember so clearly. When she bluntly asked whether to go to a nightclub to find a lady, the MP denied this action after raising his hand over his forehead, this expression of shame, but this sense of shame will only appear in people with a higher sense of morality. Congressman first is not religious, has been celibate and unmarried, no children, even if you go to find a girl with the kind of blind sex after marriage is also much better, but why would have a strong sense of shame? The main man and partner again came to the small murderer's home, inquiring whether the small murderer and the female teacher had any sexual relations before, at first the other parents still mouth hard, and finally or the mother could not stand to tell the truth. It turns out that the little murderer likes photography, home hidden a stack of female teacher's head photos, it seems that this little murderer a little obsessed with female teachers, which is why they have been hiding the reason for this matter, indeed, shame, the main man with photos to go back to the little murderer, finally confessed, he is like female teachers, but he is definitely not a murderer, that day he was quietly following the secretly filmed the teacher, thought asleep, into the house before This time the police came he had to run, the other side of the black sister specifically to go to the heavenly nightclub to find the lady chat, in fact, is to observe each other's expressions, according to this expression analysis ah, the lady does not seem to have had a relationship with the MP at all, but when it comes to the MP, the lady has a sincere like, because that sincere smile, accompanied by a wink Also see the deep crow's feet, this is a fake smile is unable to do. At this time, the television also aired the news of the legislator was interviewed, when the reporter mentioned the legislator to find a peach deal with the lady, the legislator tensed his mouth, showing a disgusted expression, which is very disgusted very resistant to the meaning, it seems to hate this statement, then since he did not have a relationship with the other party, why not admit it openly, but also privately gave the other party a huge sum of $ 80,000? Through background checks, the councilman applied for the first two years to track information about the adopted person, that is, the councilman once gave his child to someone else for adoption, and now wants to reconnect, and the age of the lady in the sky just matches, to this point, the councilman also had to admit, yes, is that he got pregnant with his girlfriend when he was in college, ah, that time also can not raise, and then went their own way, and in recent times it through Private detective to find him this nightclub lady is her daughter, the MP gave her money, want her to return to a normal life, but he also can not let the other side know their identity, because the MP was originally the group being monitored, the media will be crazy to follow the wind report, that time completely ruined the daughter, back to the company, the partner found in the photos of the little murderer the day of the death of the female teacher sneak peek, which A female teacher seems to be talking to someone in the car, hand gestures together and cocked, which is the meaning of refusal and stop, that is to say, this person in the car and the female teacher is arguing, hurry to take the photo to go to the principal to identify, the principal looked at the photo after a small half second of frozen standing, the main man saw the end, directly asked him whether there is a new relationship with the female teacher, and then shook hands and left, the principal a face unknown So. It turns out that when the principal saw the photo recognized the car, he had begun to be afraid, afraid of trying to escape, the physiological escape reaction, the whole body of blood will start from the palm of the hand involuntarily flow to the thigh, so the palm of the hand is cold, but the car does not belong to the principal, but the pregnant beautiful female students. Faced with the photo, the female student also had to admit that she was arguing with the female teacher at the time, but she was definitely not the murderer. The main analysis ah, the principal just see a part of the photo car, you know is a beautiful female classmate's car, that they have an ambiguous relationship, female students pregnant with a child may be the principal's, female students also admitted that day the principal to help him park, just so the female teacher saw. The female teacher thought that the principal used his authority to force, come over to care a little, the result of the fight, but also said to denounce the principal, the principal said he would deal with the results of the female students is really did not think that the principal would go to kill the teacher ah, the little murderer is nothing more than an innocent person who made a mistake because of the impulse of adolescence, all the truth comes out, the principal confessed everything is what he killed. The young man was released, take pictures of things it will not be anyone knows, the story ends here.

(End of story)

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