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Horror "The Word Spirit Village" movie commentary copy

Horror "The House of Words" movie commentary copy

Horror "The Word Spirit Village" movie commentary copy

A woman is taking a bath in her room

Someone keeps repeating a phrase into her ear.

We made an appointment. We made an appointment.

Just as the woman is standing in front of the mirror in deep thought.

A black hand crawls up his shoulder.

Hello everyone!

I'm xx.

Today I bring you the latest Japanese horror masterpiece of 2021.

The House of the Spirits of Words

Sayaka finally moved into her long-awaited new apartment.

The next morning

he packed up his things and walked over.

Look at this.

Look at that.

A woman in a yellow dress.

Woman with green hands standing behind her.

Look back into the small mountain living in room 3.

He tells Sayaka the janitor is not there.

No one has seen him.

Just then

Xiang Xiang comes out of room 1 to greet them

They are good friends who have known each other for a long time.

The other neighbors came when they heard the noise.

A few would help Sayaka carry things.

Xiang Xiang suggested everyone to go to their rooms to celebrate.

From the four people's chatting

Sayaka seems that everyone's wishes have come true recently.

Just sayin'.

Aroma's song, which is a composition, is number ten on the Hot 100

Although the popularity of the song made her happy

But it makes him feel bad

Because it's sung by his ex-boyfriend.

He wants his ex-boyfriend to disappear from this world.

After saying that, he even threw away the bracelet of his engagement in the drawer

Just then Xiang Xiang's ears came

We had a date.

The words

But the others didn't hear it

Just wondering about this

The ex-boyfriend on the screen collapsed and died of a myocardial infarction

Everyone showed surprised expressions. After that

Xiang Xiang attended her ex-boyfriend's funeral


She put the bracelet that her ex-boyfriend gave her back on her hand

She was followed by a psychic named Zero to

At the funeral, he saw the aura of evil emanating from her body.

He followed her back with the intention of selling her charms

Xiao Ye Zi does not believe in this kind of thing

She asked Zero to leave.

But there is something wrong with Xiang Xiang lately.

She is afraid that she is really like the lyrics of the song

"As long as all her dreams come true

She will give up everything."

She wanted to ask Zero to look at her room for her.

When she got back to her room, Sayaka felt that she was not in the right mood.

She told him to take a shower to relax.

He heard the words again during the bath.

He was so scared.

After the shower, he stood in front of the mirror and pondered.

He wondered what the promise was.

With a horrible sound

A black hand was on his shoulder.

Aroma cried out

The black hand disappeared and when he came out, he found a bloody handprint on his shoulder.

There is a bloody handprint three people were stunned

Little leaf saw this situation immediately asked zero to help

Zero to then admitted

He was actually lying

But he can ask the psychic to help

Sayaka and Zero came to the psychic's house

We learned through questioning that the spirit of speech was controlled by some mysterious force.

It would cost a million yen to get the psychic to help.

How could Sayaka have that kind of money?

But she wanted to help her friend.

The psychic was impressed by her sincerity.

In that case

I'll tell you how to do it.

You can remove it yourselves

The exorcist told them to copy the spell on their bodies

The spell can be solved by reciting it in a dark space with doors and windows closed all night.

Remember not to open the doors and windows before dawn

Little Leaf wrote the incantation all over Xiang Xiang's body at nightfall

The three of them recite it in unison

As they recite

Someone is knocking on the door.

Little Leaf thought it was Mariko from Room 2 again

She said to stop it

Some time later, there were signs of black footprints leaving outside the door

The sound of birds chirping outside the window

Just when everyone thought it was safe at dawn

Xiang Xiang opened the curtains

Why is it still dark outside?

Was that a hallucination?

Heung-heung was weakly clinging to the mirror.

She said that she wanted to be free.

At this time the mirror fragrance out of the subject

Asked in return, "Do you really want to be freed?

Hearing this, Xiang Xiang saw the other self in the mirror

She was so scared that she had a heart attack.

Just like that, she passed away.

Little Leaf and the others went to see the spiritist.

The psychic said to them

The spirit of speech is under the control of the earth-bound spirit.

You held a ceremony in the room to make it feel threatened

You move out quickly

Otherwise there will be trouble. But Little Leaf did not believe it

Intended to continue to live here

The two of them were organizing their things in the house

Suddenly they heard the sound of Xiang Xiang's bracelet ringing

Then there was a knock on the door

Zero to cautiously open the door

He was surprised by Maruko outside.

Mariko came to confirm something

Suddenly Sayaka saw his wrist with the exact same bracelet as Xiang Xiang

Little Leafy had a brainstorm

She thought it might be a gift from Xiang Xiang's ex-boyfriend

The relationship between the three must not be normal

Fragrance's death and Maruko has nothing to do with it

With this thought, Little Leaf

She wanted to go to Mariko's room to find out what happened.

Little Leaf thought she could pick up Mariko's key.

What a coincidence!

When the two of them were going downstairs

Maruko was out

And Mariko's key was also dropped on the floor

The two of them got the key

They opened Mariko's room door secretly

In the middle of searching, they saw a laptop in the drawer

Little Leaf folded her hands and prayed not to set a password

I didn't think there was a password

It was so easy to open.

Zero to think about the spirit of words

She said to stop Sayaka

But she could not care less about that now

She opened the computer and saw that Mariko was planning to hire a murderer.

Sayaka took the evidence as soon as it was ready

When they came out, they talked about Mariko's secret.

Sayaka said in a fit of anger

Mariko is not a candidate.

I wish something would happen to her.

Zero to combined with the previous wishes to achieve

I think that Mariko may have suffered some misfortune because of Sayaka's words.

I think something bad will happen to Mariko because of Sayaka's words.

When Mariko returned to her apartment, she was pestered by reporters.

I hope that Mariko will tell us about the night of October 13

She took a bribe from the construction company.

But he said he had no memory of the incident.

Just then a hand came out of the pool.

His memory was completely erased.

Puzzled, Mariko returns to her room.

The phone rings.

The boss told him

Tonight's party is cancelled and will be held tomorrow night

But he forgot even that

The next second a black hand crawled onto his computer

After the phone call, Mariko watched the words on the computer float away

She had forgotten all about the murder she had bought and killed

At the appointed time

Someone called Mariko and questioned him

Why didn't he bring the reporter?

He threatened that if he didn't bring him in within 30 minutes.

If he didn't bring him in within 30 minutes, he'd be in trouble.

Hearing this, Maruko immediately rushed over

Xiao Ye Zi and the others followed him.

Maruko just entered the incineration room and the door closed.

Toxic gas began to emit Mariko fainted

Zero to take the iron bar to open the door with great effort

Just when the two of them thought that the spirit of speech caused Mariko to faint

But Xiao Shan came through the door

Sayama came to see Sayaka.

He said he had been following the bribery case.

She wanted Sayaka to tell her what she knew.

The kind-hearted Sayaka handed over the evidence she had to Sayama

I hope he can report the truth of the matter

Xiaoshan took the evidence and showed it to his boss

He thought it was a big story

But his boss thought that we couldn't offend the golden master

Did not let Xiaoshan tell the truth

Xiao Shan made a false report on air

Back at the apartment, Xiaoshan was confronted by Xiaoyezi

But everyone has a helplessness in the workplace

Just as Sayama sank, black water droplets appeared under his feet

The lamp overhead also exploded.

Zero to say that this may be the first warning of the spirit of words to the liar

As Sayaka said, it's only the third time.

The third time you do something

Then you will suffer great losses

The supervisor asked Xiao Shan to report on a story about a reporter involved in pornography.

Xiao Shan thought it was a frame-up by the construction company and did not want to report it.

But her boss promised

As long as she reported the story

The construction company would pay for her to become a regular host of the show.

The temptation was so great that she said no again

Sayaka, who was watching the live broadcast, was sighing

I hope Mariko's body recovers quickly

The next moment, the news of Mariko's return to consciousness came immediately.

Could it also be because of the help of the spirit of speech?

For lying

Little Mountain, who became a regular anchor, happily returned to his apartment.

The black water droplets appeared again and the lamp above his head suddenly fell down.

The broken glass cut Xiaoshan's ankle.

This is the second warning from the spirit

In the bathroom, Xiaoshan saw the news of the reporter's death at home

The bathroom's rosette suddenly turned on by itself

A woman's shadow in a yellow coat appeared on the glass

Sayama was scared.

Sayaka goes to the hospital to visit Mariko

Mariko told everything he didn't want to lie anymore

Recently, he had been having a dream about the border

In the dream, a woman warned him not to lie

He did come to his senses

So he told the truth and freed himself

And gave the portrait of the woman in the nightmare to Xiaoyezi

Back at the apartment, Xiaoyezi showed the video

Showed Xiaoshan the video and also showed him the portrait

Xiaoshan was surprised to find that it was the same woman who was in the

The woman on the bathroom glass?

Sayaka told him to be careful of the third warning from the spirit of words

As she was talking, the woman in the portrait turned her body to face Xiaoshan

Xiao Shan came to the office with a heavy heart

A pair of black hands on his shoulders

He turned his head and saw that it was his boss

He wanted him to report an article

about the positive and helpful image of the construction company

The live broadcast began to talk about Xiao Shan suddenly remembered Xiao Yezi's warning

The desire to survive drove her not to lie anymore

But her boss didn't agree

She insisted on making Xiaoshan continue

Xiao Shan looked at the shaking lights overhead and recalled the experience between

She was so scared that she fell under the table

The sound of the lamp falling was heard

The supervisor was killed under the lamp

A timely awakening saved Xiaoshan's life

Knowing this, Sayaka rushes to the hospital to explain the situation to Mariko.

She didn't expect to hear that Mariko's condition had worsened.

The doctor entered the hospital room

and told Sayaka

Maruko had been declared brain dead

Her organs were donated.

We have to prepare for the operation

You may leave.

Maruko, who had recovered

Why was she suddenly declared brain dead?

Will Sayama receive a third warning?

The power of the spirit of speech is getting bigger and bigger

It's getting out of control.

How will the other people living in the apartment be threatened?

Let's watch the next episode

Okay, that's the story for this issue

We will see you next time!

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