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The complete version of the movie "Hunger Station" commentary text

The full version of the movie "Hunger Station" commentary text

The complete version of the movie "Hunger Station" commentary text

What kind of crazy things do humans do when they are hungry? Do they kill each other? Why would someone pee on a meal and still eat it all? Listen to me specifically, Perry woke up, he was enclosed in a room, opposite the man leering at him. The central ceiling and floor of the room was hollowed out, at which point the man opposite told Perry that we were in the pit on the 48th floor, Perry also wanted to ask the man more questions, the man said that there is only one issue to consider here is whether you can be late for something today, at which point the room's green light came on and a table of sumptuous meals fell from the upper floor, but it was clear that it had been eaten, the man gobbled it up and began to eat it , Perry looked at the floor and said, we are here on the 48th floor, if there are two people on each floor, could it be that this table has been eaten by 94 people? This is disgusting, but the man said, if you are assigned to 100 floors below, you think this table will still have to eat? On this floor should feel grateful ah, but Perry, or did not eat, just take an apple on the table, when the table began to lower down, the man also spit on the food, Perry questioned him, but the man said the people above is also so to us, at this point, the room temperature began to rise sharply, the man said, as long as the private things, the temperature of the room will rise or lower, either freeze to death. or die of heat. Perry hurriedly threw the apple, the room returned to normal, after the two chatted, it turns out, the man called Trima, in the prison of this pit, has been almost a year, the pit's properties are two people will be randomly assigned to a different floor every month, where eating to live is the most important, in the following two days, from the platform down the food, Perry still did not eat, Perry the two of them to each other Asked the reason for entering the pit. Perry, it is to quit smoking, after six months here to go out will get a certificate, Trima, it is more excessive, the

When they entered the pit, each of them could only choose one item to bring in, Perry chose a book of Don Quixote, Trima chose a sharp dagger, a new day came, Perry was hungry and began to enjoy food on the table, Trima told Perry that he had been to the 132nd floor, where the food on the platform had long been eaten up, Perry Hearing this, he began to think of ways to get the word up, so that the upper levels are rationed diet, so that the lower levels can have food, but this does not work at all, and Trima even directly to the lower urine, he said, in our lower levels are cheaper than us. One day, Perry was reading a book, and suddenly a person fell down in the middle, Perry was surprised, but Trima laughed at him for making a fuss, in the pit someone hung up is more than normal, this sentence woke up Perry, Perry asked Trima what levels have been to, Trima said I have been to 72 floors, 25 floors, 78 floors, 43, 11, 79, 22,8 floors, last month I was in 132 floors, Perry suddenly feel fine, Perry Asked to see your body now also does not look like a month of hunger, is it that you used a knife to eat the previous cellmate? For this question, Trema did not answer, at this time the platform down, in the platform was sitting on a woman, Perry and the woman accosted, the woman ignored Perry, Trema said, this woman will come down every month, is to find his missing son, she will kill their cellmates every month, is to look forward to the next reassignment of cellmates to meet their own children, just fell from the platform is likely to is this woman took out, Trima continued, last month I did not eat cellmates, my cellmates completed their sentences out, I myself in the 132nd floor to meet a body fell, so it solved the problem of food and clothing, after that, the platform began to fall, the lower level of the man saw the platform also more than a girl, directly pulled the girl down, trying to force the car, listening to the woman yelled, Perry almost jumped to save the girl, but he thought too much , a few seconds later, the two men were taken out, the woman back on the platform, after this, Perry used to the days here, but Perry did not realize that a sinister black hand was about to reach him. One night Trima told him to smell the anesthetic gas, and in a moment we will sleep, and tomorrow morning we will appear on a new floor, Trima said to Perry, I like you Perry, you are very kind, but I do not think you will live long, Perry then asked Trima rhetorically, do you believe in God, Trima clutched the dagger and said, this month I believe. The next morning, Perry woke up, oh my God, he was tied to the bed, tied to him is not someone else is none other than Trima, it turns out he was assigned to the 171st floor, Trima said, eat than be eaten, 8 days later, when Perry's body excreted clean, he will do it, and he will not kill Perrin immediately, then the meat will stink, Perry said he needs to eat a little of his own meat to sustain life, so that things stay fresh. At this point, the platform came down, and sure enough the crumbs of the things above were not, so Perry was tied up for 8 days, Trima began to do it, is this critical moment, the girl came down from above, he saved Perry like a savior, Perry picked up the dagger to Trima finished, after the girl to nurture, stayed for two days and left, the days passed, and Perry it eat maggots on Trima barely get by, the end of the month anesthesia gas again, Perry dreamed of driving with the sister, and when Perry woke up, was assigned to the 33rd floor, the prisoner is a pit former administrator blonde, she came here because she had cancer and wanted to reform here, she chose to carry a dog in, the blonde told Perry that there are 200 layers here, in fact, everyone will order a dish they like before they come in and join the food in this platform, if everyone eat their favorite dish, everyone can live, on the other hand, in the 0 layer, the management is supervising every dish, he is very strict, found a hair in the custard, he has to track down to the end, but the chefs will not think, even if they make a bad meal, in the pit will be eaten clean, at this point, the blonde began to promote her rationing diet plan, but no one even listened to her, Perry Could not stand to see, shouted to the following, if you do not determine the amount of diet, the next table meal, I will pull Xiang on top, this time, the downstairs talent began to listen. One day, the girl on the platform came down again, but seriously injured, two people rushed to save the girl, but the girl woke up at night and ate the blonde's dog, the two pulled up, pulled away by Perry, the blonde said the pit are adults, there is nothing at all children, she is an actress, she took a ukulele into the pit, within a few days, the girl went away again. A month has passed again, Perry woke up, surprisingly assigned to the 202nd floor, and the blonde woman has hanged herself, the platform down the meal must have not eaten, Perry began to eat his book to fill the hunger, after it, Perry was assigned to the 6th floor, his cellmate, became a small black, black is very happy, he is so close to the 0th floor, black think climbing up the 0th floor can be out of the pit, he threw the rope up, let the people above him a hand. Let the people above help him a hand, just as he was about to climb up, the people upstairs surprisingly to him La Xiang, Black almost fell, but fortunately was saved by Perry. The sixth floor of the food is still very rich, Perry found to the seventh floor, they have begun to spoil the food, in order to change all this, Perry felt that something should be done, they found two sticks, the two of them to go down with the platform, to the pit rationing food, thus changing the whole system, the two began a big plan, some floors cowardly people will not approach the platform, if someone grab food, the two will stick to stop, Perry decided this time from the 51st floor to send food, the first 50 floors of people can eat before, should not be too hungry, on the way they met a wise man, the wise man told them both, even if you two succeeded, the management who will know it, you should pass on the message of your success, you should keep a complete dish, let it return with the platform to the 0th floor, the management will detect Your message, after which the two decided to protect a complete dish of custard with their lives. Before the 50th layer, the two fought to protect the food, after the 51st layer, the two began to distribute food, there are trying to eat more, was stopped by them, after reaching the 100th layer, basically every layer is a human tragedy, at this time, they heard the sister's cry for help, they both went down just in time to see the previous sister was killed by a strong man, Perry took a look at the anger, went up to the hard bar, to say that the two people on this layer of the battle is too high Perry and black two people were seriously injured, both almost hanged before they were resolved. They are dying to climb up the platform, 200 layers after it, basically no one, the platform has been going down, 250 layer 270 layer, 290 layer 300 layer, until 333 layer, they are left with a complete plate of milk jelly, then Perry saw the depths of the table, but lying on a child, is this the girl's child? And this child has been starving, has been staring at the custard, this is information, is defending the custard with life, but the two people are still soft-hearted, gave the custard to the child to eat, at this time they found that the platform does not move under the 333 layer, it seems that the bottom of 333 is the bottom of the pit, at this time they realized that the child is the information, the pit is not no child, pass the child to the 0th layer, is not the best information Isn't it? So another day, Perry found that Black has bled to death, Perry and the child on the platform down to the bottom of the pit, here as dark as hell, Perry stepped off the platform, then Trima appeared in front of him, the two went to the darkness, the other side of the platform carrying the child, said carrying Perry and Black's message, to the 0th layer sped away, the end of the play. This film is called "Hunger Station", it can be said that the human nature is shown to the fullest, in fact, this film has two endings, one is the ideal state of the ending, the child was sent to the 0th layer, the management then received a message from Perry, perhaps the management began to try to improve the conditions in the pit, the second is the reality of the state of the ending, only the milk jelly was sent up, the management found that the reason for the milk jelly was not eaten, simply because there was A hair, so what about tracing the source of the hair, he did not realize that in the pit 333 layers to protect a complete dish is to pay what a heavy price, the people in the pit and then use a complete dish to protest against them, the management did not realize, and certainly will not make changes, as for the class relations reflected in this film, it is clear at a glance, as said in the film, in the pit there are only three kinds of people, the upper class people, the lower class People and people who are falling, although each layer is only six or seven meters, but there is a world of difference, from the point of view of survival, the upper one more apples may live to the next month, while the bottom may starve to death, from the class point of view, the upper layer to do whatever they want, shit and piss, the lower layer must endure, all the views of the lower layer to the upper layer will be ignored, the upper layer to the lower layer of the warning, the lower layer must comply, or the lower layer will live As for the deeper interpretation of this film, Burroughs would like to hear everyone's opinion.

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