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Movie "Alpha: The Return of the Wolf" Commentary Copy

Movie "Alpha: The Return of the Wolf" Commentary Copy

In fact, wolves were domesticated by humans thousands of years ago

Then their image changed dramatically

Thus, they have an exclusive name


So theoretically speaking

You're breeding a wolf

Of course, that's not the point.

The first human "pet wolf"

How far back does it go?

If you know what happened in northern Europe 20,000 years ago.

Maybe you can answer that question.

Back then, humans were still using sticks and stones

With sticks and rocks to try and kill yaks.

This herd of herbivores was almost all frightened by these humans and fell into the valley

The only rebel

turned back and threw the only young man of the tribe who was fighting off the cliff

The hero grabbed the rocky cliff with his hands as hard as he could

It was a cliff of nearly 90 degrees

With his arm strength, he could not climb up.

Yes, the rest of the tribe watched him fall into the abyss.

But God is always playing tricks on people.

The hero landed on a cliff that was the width of a man standing on his side.

The tribesmen thought he was hopeless

At that time, the craft was not able to make a good rope that long

So cry and help him do a funeral

When did the hero wake up?

When a vulture was about to chew him up like a corpse

He woke up with a start

Only then did the hero realize

What does the word "inch" really mean?

As the saying goes

When you're unlucky, you can't even drink cold water

At this moment

Sweaty hands and rain

The hero can only hang on the edge of the cliff

Movie "Alpha: The Return of the Wolf" Commentary Copy

What was his next fate?

The next day, the storm stopped

When the hero woke up, he found his feet were broken

And the funeral rocks did the sinning

After fixing it with a tree branch

He set out on a journey back to the tribe

The tribe felt sad because of what happened to him

So they moved away en masse?

He didn't know.

All he knew was that there was still a long way to go home.

Survival in the wild is never easy.

He was a predator, but because he was human.

He's no match for the wolves in hunting.

So, in a nature where humans without weapons are the weakest.

He became a moving food in the eyes of other animals

He became the other animals

Soon, a pack of seven wolves on the plain quickly rushed towards him

The hero was soon forced into a tree

The only weapon he had on him

A dagger

The stone is a good stone

How many wolves could be killed with a thick layer of fat?

He didn't know

And so began a battle of attack and defense that he didn't know how long it would last.

The hero survived a day and a night in this tree

Finally the wolves gave up

This is the power of persistence

He was now thinking sensibly

How to improve his chances of survival in this wild society

The wooden stick and the dagger in his hand

It happens to be a pretty good spear.

The wolves had left the poor wretch he had stabbed and gone.

Just as he was about to end the life.

This wolf, something in his eyes

made the man stop moving.

It was the compassion of a child.

He took the badly wounded wolf to the side of the valley where it was sheltered from the wind

But the unstoppable blood of the wolf attracted another group of predators on this plateau


It was too late.

The man carried the wolf to a cave with great effort

For the sake of his own life

He tied the wolf's mouth

Until his wounds heal.

It was unlikely that the two of them would leave this place

The hero limped to the side to find water for food

The wolf himself refused to do so

But its physical needs outweighed the dignity of the species

He also began to eat what the hero gave him

The breadworm is clearly not enough

He brings back his first real prey.

A rabbit.

At first, the wolf tried to steal the food from him

He was slapped away by the hero

He drilled the wood for fire until the night

After being fed for a few days, the starving wolf

After being fed for a few days, the hungry wolf showed its doggy nature

But this kind of thing is engraved in the DNA

It wasn't unearthed.

Soon, the leg injury was healed.

The hero also continued on his way home.

But about 10 meters behind him

There was a wolf.

This creature is natural.

And harmful.

Maybe one night it will be bestial and will eat the hero into many parts

The hero starts to try to chase it away with violence.

However, this wolf is quite determined

There was no intention to leave

The hero doesn't know

His race, even his DNA.

is changing over the centuries.

He began to accompany him

And helps him hunt.

Compared to the inexperienced hero.

This wolf is quite a professional teacher.

Gradually, the hero began to notice some changes.

He could sleep beside the wolf without any fear.

He could sleep beside the wolf without worrying about it jumping on him and eating him.

This wolf is turning into a dog.

From spring to winter

For almost a whole year.

This beast, which only used to treat humans as food

became a good companion of the hero

Loyal internally, but fierce externally

The day of parting came very quickly

That night

The hero didn't know how many days he had survived alone

Nor did he know how many days the wolf had accompanied him

On this night

A wolf pack gradually approached them

With the tacit consent of the hero

The wolf went home

And how long will it take him to go home?

After walking on the glacier for I don't know how long

The hero saw the wolves again

His heart was overflowing with longing for the dog that belonged to him

While running in front of them

The ice beneath his feet suddenly cracked

The dog was frantic up there

He managed to scratch it with his paws

At that time that can freeze themselves to the end of life state

The main man hugged the dog to get over

It seems that the fate of these two is not over

Not long after that, the avalanche came

Led by the dog, the hero hid in a cave

However, the danger outside was avoided.

But what was inside the cave was even more dangerous.

Soon, the hidden saber-toothed tiger rushed out and the wolf bit into one another

And in the case of the partner so desperately

The hero shot his bow and arrow towards the saber-toothed tiger.

This winter is getting colder and colder

And the dog and the man were still moving further north.

How long can the two of them survive in such a severe winter

They don't know

But they have each other's company

This may be the hope that both can survive

In the final moments of freezing to death

The hero finally found his breeding stock

And the mother wolf gave birth to her cubs

This is the miracle of life.

This is the first form of dog.

This is the first domesticated wolf

This is the story of a long, long time ago.

The story of man and dog


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