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South Korea's hall of fame crime film "flesh and blood conspiracy" commentary copy

South Korea's Hall of Fame Crime Film "Flesh and Bone Conspiracy" Commentary Copy

South Korea's hall of fame crime film "flesh and blood conspiracy" commentary copy

Today we bring you the Korean crime thriller "Mother", also known as "Flesh and Bone Conspiracy", directed by the famous Korean director Bong Joon-ho, his "Memories of Murder" is a crime classic in the minds of a generation of film fans, last year's work "Parasite" is the most home of the Palme d'Or in Cannes and the Academy Awards film awards, Mother is also a quality, full of suspense and surprise, after watching people can not help but The mother is also a quality film, full of suspense and surprises, after watching it, you can not help but think back and think about the crime masterpiece, take a look at it. The mother, who has been a widow for many years, and her son Xiaoyu depend on each other, but unfortunately, although the son is tall and handsome but not too smart Yazi is a born mentally disabled, which makes the old mother worry about him, the mother always pay attention to every move of her son, worrying about him being hurt by the outside world, for the mother's excessive care, Xiaoyu seems a bit repulsive, and he often fool around with the young gangster A is. This day the mother in their own pharmacy work, witnessed their son in front of the store was hit by a speeding car, the mother was scared to death, immediately ran out to check, fortunately, the son did not suffer any injuries, after getting up a face impatient to get rid of the mother, and A Zheng jumped into a cab together and ran away, the original A Zheng saw the hit-and-run car, and wanted to chase up to take the opportunity to pick a fight, anyway, idle, Xiao Yu I think it's fun, also followed along, the two chased to a golf course, in the parking lot to find the vehicle, A Zhen a flying kick, clean kicked off the rearview mirror of the car, after the destruction of the two still feel not relieved, and blocked the owner of the car in the course, the two sides fought, a melee, and finally ended up in the police station, the police intervention, the two sides reached a settlement, the car owner asked The owner of the car demanded compensation for the rearview mirror, but Ah Zheng also benevolent, directly identified Xiaoyu kicked the rearview mirror.

Xiao Yu was dumb and dumber, memory confusion, was wrongly accused and did not know to defend, so became the backstabber, and of course the money can only be paid by Xiao Yu's mother, Xiao Yu is still ignorant, no guilt, playing with a golf ball picked up from the field, but also write their own names on it, will write their own names, look not too stupid, this sudden accident let this The original is not rich family is even worse, but the mother did not blame her son, but to its extreme care, only he did not expect that soon after the day of the disaster again, the police suddenly came to the door, directly arrested her son, it turns out that morning the police received a report, near the village head of a ruined house on the roof hanging a high school girl's body, the police searched the scene and found a written Xiao Yu The police found a golf ball with the name of Xiaoyu, and on the night of the murder, Xiaoyu was supposed to go to a nearby bar with A Zheng to drink, but until the bar closed, A Zheng did not show up, Xiaoyu drank alone and confused, ready to leave, just bumped into the bar owner's daughter from the outside back, Xiaoyu alcohol also molested the boss's daughter, and finally took out the golf ball with his name, want to use it to pay for the boss's wife, the bar owner's daughter, and the bar owner's daughter. The police, based on the testimony of the bar owner's daughter and the golf ball found at the scene, suspected that Xiaoyu had a major suspicion of the crime, so he was arrested back to the police station, after some coercion, silly Xiaoyu actually signed a confession directly, the mother learned the news was devastated, he was convinced that Xiaoyu would never kill, in order to clear his son. She first tried to bribe the criminal police officer handling the case, asking each other to continue to investigate in depth. After being rejected, the mother found the best lawyer in the industry, but the lawyer decisively rejected the case on the grounds that Xiaoyu could not speak well and had already signed a confession. a lifetime of innocence. With no one to turn to, she decided to find the real culprit with her own strength and clear her son's name. During the visit, his mother kept encouraging Xiao Yu to try to remember the night of the murder, but Xiao Yu was so dazed that he didn't know anything. It is not bad, that night Xiao Yu went to the bar is to find Ah Zheng to go, Ah Zheng but never showed up, could it be Ah Zheng murder, and let Xiao Yu take the blame? In order to solve the mystery, the mother took advantage of the absence of Ah Zheng, sneak into the home of Ah Zheng search around, found a golf club in the closet, there are obvious red marks on the club, perhaps the blood. The mother immediately takes the club to the police station, hoping to draw the police's attention to re-investigate the case, but the police only take a look at the golf club and confirm that the red mark is just lipstick, and Zheng, who has been summoned to the police station, also provides video evidence that the lipstick mark was painted on by the bar owner's daughter when Zheng was dating her. The mother left the police station in despair, and when she returned home, she found Ah Zheng waiting for a long time. It turned out that this buddy was summoned to the police station and felt aggrieved, and now he was looking for Xiao Yu's mother to ask for moral damages. The lack of discipline, Aya's rebellious personality, in the school relationship between men and women chaos, it may be one of her boyfriend revenge killing it. Under normal circumstances, the killer will bury the body after killing, but Aya's body was hung high on the roof of the building, indicating that the killer wants people to see Aya's ugly behavior, after all this, A is also reminded Xiaoyu mother should start investigating from the victim Aya people around, heard A is this speculation, Xiaoyu mother and have a direction. After that, she squatted in front of the school every day to ask around, but in addition to inquiring about Aya's private life is indeed very chaotic, but also did not get other valuable clues. This day, the mother brought Xiaoyu's photos to Lin Jia photo studio to re-develop, accidentally learned from the staff, the victim Aya in life with a girl to the store, want to develop the photos in the phone, and finally because the money is not enough not developed, the staff remembered that Aya also suddenly nosebleed, Aya why to develop the photos in the phone, and why nosebleed it? Xiao Yu's mother decided to find the female students to ask the situation, who just bumped into each other, was beaten by two male students, two boys while fist-fighting, while also forcing the girls to ask, where is Aya's phone? It seems that these two boys have a big problem, Aya's cell phone may have some important clues. In order to further clarify the situation, Xiaoyu's mother paid A Zheng to help, blocking the two boys. After some violent coercion, the two boys finally explained things. It turns out that Aya when she was alive and dating the opposite sex will secretly take pictures, want to use to extort some small money, two boys are having an affair with Aya, afterwards worried about their photos exposed, so they are looking around for Aya's phone. Xiaoyu's mother remembered that the police did not find the phone at the crime scene, so where did Aya's phone go? At this point, one of the boys reminded her that maybe Aya's grandmother knew the situation. The mother of Xiaoyu rushed to Aya overnight to ask, unsurprisingly, the phone is indeed in the hands of her grandmother, Xiaoyu mother gave the old man a little money, successfully got the phone, open a look, there are indeed a lot of male photos, it seems that this Aya is not to be denied, the photos are even old and young. The mother took the opportunity to visit the cell phone to Xiaoyu to check, Xiaoyu suddenly remembered that night he saw a female high school student turned into a broken house on the way home, out of curiosity, Xiaoyu foolishly followed the result in the broken house saw an old man with a gray beard, the mother hurriedly let Xiaoyu inside the phone to identify, but really found the old man's photo, not only that, Xiaoyu mother also The old man is the old man who collects scraps nearby, and once Xiao Yu's mother came home from the police station, halfway up and down the rain, she also bought an old umbrella from the old man's hand, it seems that this old man has a major suspicion of the crime. After the visit, Xiaoyu's mother immediately came to the old man's residence to collect scraps, falsely claiming that he was a social worker doing acupuncture services, and the other close, he wanted to find evidence of his son's innocence, but the results from the old man's mouth came up with a shocking truth, the old man collecting scraps told Xiaoyu's mother, the night of the incident, he was waiting for Aya in the broken house, found a silly boy is following Aya, it is obvious that this silly boy is Xiao Yu, Aya found someone following, rushed to hide behind the wall, and threw a stone at the feet of Xiao Yu, trying to scare him away, Xiao Yu was going to turn around and leave, but heard Aya called him a retard, after hearing these words, Xiao Yu actually suddenly crazy, directly with a stone smashed Aya, and dragged the body to a high place hanging on the roof, Xiao Yu's mother listened to the old man's account, became momentarily confused, although the mouth Although the mouth is frequently denied, but the heart is very clear, their son has a characteristic, as long as they hear others call him retarded, will instantly lose their minds and become very aggressive, that is, the old man scrap collection words, nine out of ten is true. The murderer of Aya is Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu's mother explained to the old man in a trance that her son would not kill, and that he would be released when the police found evidence, who knew that this statement was like a reminder of the old man, the other party actually began to look for the phone everywhere, claiming to tell the police the truth of what they saw, seeing that her son's crime was about to be confirmed, the mother also lost her mind, she copied a large wrench in the house, directly She took a large wrench from the house and directly smashed the old man who was collecting scrap, then set fire to the old man and burned the house together. The old man usually lives alone and there are no people around the house, so after a brief investigation, the police decided that it was an accidental fire and didn't take it seriously. One day soon after, the police found Xiaoyu's mother again, claiming that they had caught the real culprit, a boy with mental illness, who claimed to be Aya's boyfriend. Although the psychotic boy argued that it was Aya nosebleed, but the police thought he was sophomoric, but still set it as the real killer, Xiaoyu mother heard these, not a word, he understood in his heart that the boy did not tell a lie, Aya did have a nosebleed, in the photo studio had committed a disease, but in order to save their son, Xiaoyu mother did not stab the truth, and finally, Xiaoyu was acquitted. The story does not end here. During a meal, Xiaoyu suddenly told his mother that the reason he hung the body on the roof of the building was because Aya's head was bleeding at the time, and he wanted others to find Aya as soon as possible and take her to the hospital even though the son was serious about the crime, and his mother was silent. Although the son was still ignorant, the mother was already feeling guilty for having harmed three innocent people at once. Soon after, after settling Xiao Yu, his mother signed up for a senior citizen tour, she wanted to go out for a break. When she parted from her son, Xiao Yu handed his mother a somewhat burnt acupuncture box. Seeing the acupuncture box, the mother could no longer control her emotions, she did not wait for Xiaoyu to finish her sentence, she turned into the station to board the tour bus, after experiencing painful soul torment along the way, the mother slowly opened the acupuncture box, took out a silver needle and stuck it in the acupuncture point of her thigh, it is said that this method can make people forget all the things they do not want to remember. The Mother" is a classic structure of the anti-circuit suspense, and the famous Hollywood suspense movie "First Class Fear" is very similar, the killer in the beginning to the identity of the murderer, most of the film is trying to prove that the killer is not the real killer, the results are a big surprise, the main plot of the Mother is very simple, but the details of the film and the characters are extremely complicated, some look unrelated to the main line, but very The main plot of the mother is simple, but the details and characters in the film are extremely complicated, some seemingly unrelated to the main line, but very interesting.

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