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Drama film "read the file to start over" after the feeling Explanatory text

Drama film "read the file and start over" after the feeling Explanation copy

Drama film "read the file to start over" after the feeling Explanatory text

A small box made by an engineering man

Just press the button

Time will be archived at this moment

The engineer takes out a knife and stabs his heart

Immediately like a game to read the file and reborn

This issue to see a very niche science fiction short film

"Read the file and start over

The story takes place in a restaurant.

The hero is showing off the machine he just developed to his friends

Fatty grabs it and dips it into the gravy

And then licked it clean with great appetite

Of course, Fatty was curious about the principle of this machine

The hero says you won't understand even if he talks about it

Listen carefully

This is a non-linear transformation remote control

It can cut the fixed time neatly

The principle of using metamaterials to form nanopillars

Generate anchor points in Minkowski (space-time)

You see?

You can't even understand the single bet

The hero directly demonstrated it on the spot

Press the button is equivalent to the formation of a save point

After that, as long as you die

Time will return to the moment of the save point

Little fat still do not understand

Asked to perform again

Spoiler alert here

Read the file reset is strictly speaking the main character into a parallel time and space

Except for the main character

All memories are reset

So it is impossible to demonstrate this to Fatty

Fatty can only see the hero like an idiot clang clang

Before the reset, there was a couple in the restaurant who ordered a cup of tea

After the reset, they asked for two cups

The hero can only spill the plate and talk dirty through prophecy

The ambulance came through the door to tell Fatty

I did experience this moment more than once

Fatty believed it.

Immediately asked the machine can be used to see Hitler?


Well, you still do not understand

Not important, not important

Fatty pressed the button curiously

The hero hurriedly pressed the button again

Fatty stabbed himself without saying a word

The hero followed by a red-hot knife

This device is not effective for Fatty

Only the death of the hero can start reading the file

At this point the film began to enter the main line

The hero made such a play in the restaurant

Of course, it's for his crush on a girl

Fatty teases the hero about the toad eating the swan's meat

The main character says I've heard this joke many times

Fatty finds something wrong I have said many times

Fatty threatened the hero with the machine

How many times did you repeat it in the restaurant?

The hero told the truth

Just a few thousand times

Technically, it's 4,795 times

We have been in this restaurant for about three years

Those of you who are keen may find

The entire film is a patchwork of content from different time periods

This machine is sometimes to the left of the main character

And then in the middle of the two

Just the action of Fatty threatening to destroy the machine

The palm of his right hand is open at one moment

The next second four fingers together

It is implied that these things have happened many times

Fatty was furious

You've been stuck with me for three years because you failed to hit on me

The man argues that the joke about this beautiful woman is very funny

He also fantasized about having sex with her

Fatty is so angry that he runs out of the restaurant for a cigarette.

The hero also followed him out

Fatty asks how do you know this will not affect others

The hero said life is not constantly affecting others

Even if there is a person tying his shoes in front of him

He may have been hit by a car and died after walking around it

Or maybe he misses out on love

Fatty still thinks this machine is not fair

The two of them returned to the restaurant

Just in time to meet the loving passers-by quarrel break up

The machine has started to influence innocent people around them

Fatty intends to help the man to hit on the beautiful woman

If he succeeds, he can leave the restaurant

The man thought, "You can forget it!

Your first move

Let me read a sappy verse

Then you changed it to a not-so-meaningful one

Finally, you asked me to send flowers

And I got a bee

This girl is allergic to bees

The hero has tested nearly 4,000 times

God knows what the hero has gone through

Then the waiter came up with a trick

You two are both naive

This girl is clearly out of love you might as well treat the symptoms

The main man at this moment is like a godsend

Through the straight man style greeting surprisingly successful once

The girl felt some déjà vu with the hero and they chatted happily

Finally the 4,795th time to hit on success

But the man did not ask for the phone

Neither did he propose a date

He just wanted to make the girl across the street happy

Fatty was speechless

He smiled and asked him to save a file first

You save a file first

The hero just finished saving

Fatty went up and gave him a beating

I wasted three years of my life

Fatty and the hero finally left the restaurant

The girl took the initiative to ask for the man's contact information

She also agreed to have coffee with him next time

Fatty congratulated the man for gaining a love

Let's dismantle this machine at home

Can also let me return to life

The main man is ready to break the machine Fatty said you can at least save a file first

Fatty was about to tie his shoes

The hero has a big heart and walked into the middle of the road

The end

Just pressed his finger on it and was hit by a car

Look closely at the hero's expression

At first confused

gradually realize the problem

Then resist

Finally gradually crazy hahaha

Saved a dead file

Little fat heart thanked the main man

Well, this is the end of this issue

At the beginning of the film to show off the machine should be the first time space and time

In the middle of the scene between one and 4,794 and 4,795 mixed cut

There are ambiguities and reversals

There is suspense and love

The hero has just gained love

Fatty is about to tie his shoe laces

The next second, he was hit by a car

Totally set a flag by himself

Of course, there are ambiguous hints of a parallel universe

If according to the original space-time and single space-time theory

The whole world in this time and space has become a dead file

The whole world thanks the hero

If the concept of parallel space-time is introduced

In fact, the hero killed himself more than 4,000 times

How is the effect of the short film so great ah

I find a few reversals of the inverse

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