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Narration copy for the drama film "End of the Tunnel

Drama movie "End of the Tunnel" commentary copy

Narration copy for the drama film "End of the Tunnel

Today, we bring you a

The paralyzed uncle rented his house to the robbers and

He made half a million dollars.

And married the robber.

The End of the Tunnel.

In a broken house in a foreign country.

A paralyzed old man, the social king.

He injects poison into a cookie.

He's going to poison his pet dog, who's been with him for ten years.

Just when he is about to do it.

The sexy and beautiful girl, Big Pretty, appears with her daughter.

shows up with her daughter.

She rents one of his houses.

He has to kill the idea of poisoning the dog.

He puts the poisoned cookies in the cupboard.

to prevent the little girl from eating them by mistake.

He finds that the big pretty looks pretty and

He helped him clean up his cluttered room.

He found out that Big Pretty was pretty, helped him clean up his messy room, organized his bookcase.

What's even better is that

Not only is she thrifty and frugal.

She was also sexy and hot.

When she's not busy.

She would give him a hot dance.

He was so excited that he almost jumped out of the wheelchair and got high.

But Big Pretty also found out his secret.

Ten years ago.

He had a car accident.

His wife and daughter died.

He had only one dog with him.

And now the ten-year-old dog is sick all over.

He couldn't bear to see him suffer.

He wanted to use poison to help the dog to be euthanized.

He wanted to use poison to relieve the dog.

But he didn't know that Big Pretty knew everything.

In the basement.

fixing the computer.

peeping at Big Pretty.

In the days that followed.

He had a good time.

She cooked him a lot of food.

He wanted to talk to the little girl.

But the little girl behaved strangely.

She didn't talk at all.

She just played with the dog.

One day he was fixing his computer in the basement.

Suddenly there was a strange sound coming from the wall.

He took out his stethoscope and put it on the wall.

He heard a group of people whispering behind the wall.

He connects the stethoscope to the computer and

He connected the stethoscope to his computer and started recording.

Through the recording.

He learns a shocking secret.

A group of robbers.

They were planning a bank robbery.

He drilled a hole in the wall.

He drilled a hole in the wall and placed a miniature camera

to monitor the robbers.

At the same time, he wanted the safety of his beautiful mother and daughter.

He wants to kick them out.

But she wouldn't leave.

She said she would dance for him every day.

He listened and gulped.

The next day he checked the surveillance video.

He saw the real face of the robbers.

He was in a cold sweat.

He started shivering.

This group of robbers is very impressive.

The big brother named Big Back.

Cold and ruthless.

They were ruthless and cruel.

They don't trust anyone.

One of the boys was tied to a table for sending a text message.

He was tied to the table.

He was reincarnated with a hammer.

But what frightened the social king even more was that

But to the Social King's horror, Big Pretty was in cahoots with Big Back.

He was also the girlfriend of the big back.

The role of Big Pretty is to stabilize the Social King.

She was to keep the King in check, so that Big Head and the others could dig a tunnel safely.

Through the Social King's basement.

Looking at this group of robbers.

The Social King had a new idea.

He wants to steal the money from the robbers.

He stabilizes Big Pretty.

He keeps him in the house.

He put a wiretap on the dog's collar.

He put a wire on the dog's collar and listened to the little girl.

In the following days.

He put Big Back and the others under 24-hour surveillance.

He put them under 24-hour surveillance.

He gathered a lot of information.

The names of the robbers.

The time of the bank robbery.

and the use of slides to transport the money.

This got him so excited that he

He was so excited that he was able to locate the tunnel on the floor.

practicing his empty-handed money-grabbing skills.

To steal the money from the slides while the robbers were transporting it.

while the robbers were carrying the money.

Just when he thought his plan was perfect.

When a big problem emerges.

The big-backed guy's little brother

He wanted to transport the money in a closed dog cage.

This time his plan to steal the money by crawling

This plan to steal the money by crawling was completely bankrupt.

He has to plan again.

He's going to crawl into the tunnel and enter the bank vault.

He's going to crawl into the tunnel and steal the money in advance.

In order to stabilize Big Pretty.

To stabilize her, he drugged her drink.

He drugged her drink and knocked her out.

Then he injected her with a strong sedative.

He tied her to the bed.

In order not to scare the little girl.

He let her into her daughter's room.

He let the girl enter her room and play with the toys on her face.

After finishing off the two of them.

He enters the basement.

Above the tunnel.

He made a big hole.

Took out the trash can lid.

He took out the trash can lid and used the 520 glue

glued a layer of sponge on it.

Then he went into the tunnel and

put a layer of glue on the sponge

let the sponge stick to the dirt.

After doing all this

He fastened the garbage can lid to the hole and

It was a perfect fit.

There was no sign of any irregularity.

Then he climbed into the tunnel and

He then climbed into the tunnel to familiarize himself with the tunnel environment.

He found out that Big Back and the others were very useless.

They dug the tunnel out of alignment.

The water pipe was dug out.

He immediately measured the size of the water pipe.

He immediately measured the size of the water pipe, planning to flood the big back.

Just as he was about to leave.

He was about to leave when the big back with one of his boys

He entered the tunnel.

He was in a cold sweat.

He put mud on his body and

He hid next to the water pipe.

He didn't dare to breathe a word.

The muddy ghillie suit

He managed to get out of the way.

He immediately crawled out of the tunnel and

Covering the hole.

He found Big Pretty.

He played the whispered words of Big Pretty's daughter.

From the daughter's words.

The reason why the daughter did not speak

It was because the big back had often bullied her.

The daughter had a psychological shadow.

Looking at the poor daughter.

The big pretty instantly angry attacked the heart, and

She teamed up with the social king.

To kill the big back.

to avenge his daughter's death.

Then Big Pretty took a phone call from Big Back.

Let the big back relaxed.

After taking Big Pretty in, the

The social king wanted to comfort his daughter.

But the little girl went through the hole.

But the little girl got through the hole and ran into Big Back's lair.

Also took a watch from the big back's little brother.

And then the big back and behind the big boss appeared.

The little girl rushed to hide.

And the big boss behind the robbery.

The boss behind the robbery was the police chief.

The chief and the big back made a deal.

The chief and the big back made a deal that when the big back stole the money.

The chief and the big back agreed that when the big back stole the money, he had to steal the top secret documents from the bank.

And the big back can not steal.

748 safe.

Because the money there is all the D-traffickers.

If you steal it.

If you steal it, you'll be hunted down and killed mercilessly.

The group decided to blow up the floor of the bank vault on Sunday.

The group decided to blow up the floor of the bank vault on Sunday and steal the money inside.

After the big back and the others left.

The little girl goes into the tunnel.

The girl goes back to the Social King's basement.

And the Social King put the watch...

and the poisoned cookies.

It's Sunday.

The Social King climbs into the tunnel.

He placed the explosives by the water pipe.

He cut through the floor of the bank vault.

He entered the vault.

He put the 500,000 euros from safe 748

into his backpack.

At this time, the robber, the big back just detonated the explosives.

He took advantage of the dusty tunnel.

He quickly crawled out of the hole.

back to the basement.

And the big back's three boys

entered the vault.

started stealing money.

Just as they were having fun, the

The blown water main bursts.

The tap water flowed into the tunnel.

The three boys instantly exploded and

They tried to escape through the tunnel.

One of the boys ran the fastest and

managed to be submerged in the tunnel.

The other two boys

returned to the vault.

To stay alive.

They set off the bank alarm.

The big back saw that the operation had failed and

quickly left the scene.

And in the basement.

Social King blocked the hole with a used chassis.

The water flowing out of the tunnel

quickly filled up the basement.

He took the money to Big Pretty's room.

He took the money, went to Big Pretty's room, gave her a sedative.

He ran into the bathroom.

He washed the mud off his body.

At that moment the police surrounded the whole neighborhood.

The police surrounded the whole neighborhood and started searching for the criminals from house to house.

The chief of police himself led the men.

The chief of police himself led the search and questioned the social king.

The social king let the police look into the flooded basement and

He told the bank to pay for the damage.

He also used his beautiful cell phone.

and the police chief exchanged cell phone numbers.

After the police chief left.

After the chief of police left, the big back with his two boys

They broke into his house.

The big back was very cruel.

He punched him and kicked him.

He was beaten up and bruised.

The big back gave him two choices.

One is to die on the spot.

The other was to give up his money and

He was given two choices.

After all, the social king is an old man.

While he was being beaten.

He sent a text message to the chief.

The director came.

The director is also stupid.

He came alone.

Just inside the door, he was tied into a dumpling.

The big back thinks that the director and the social king

He thinks the director and the social king have a private deal.

He thought that the director and the social king had a private deal and had been screwing him.

He grabbed a gun.

He took the gun and aimed it at the head of the Social King.

To make the Social King admit the fact that he had been cheating him.

The Social King is in no hurry.

Tell him.

He told him that it was your brother who betrayed you.

As soon as the words left his mouth, the

As soon as the words were spoken, the Social King told him to take out his brother's watch from the cabinet.

took out his brother's watch.

This time the big back instantly anger attacked the heart, and

He pulled out a gun and tried to kill him.

The little brother wanted to prove his innocence.

but was interrupted by the big back, roughly.

The little brother tried to prove his innocence, but he was rudely interrupted.

The little brother took out the gun and shot the other little brother of the big back.

He was also the fruit of the big back.

At this time, the big back's robbery is out of bullets.

Just woke up the big golden hair downstairs, picking up the gun on the ground.

Picked up the gun on the ground and

He picked up the gun on the floor and sent the big back to the road with one shot.

The police chief also broke the rope and

The police chief also broke the rope and teamed up with the social king.

loaded the body into the car.

He also taught the social king to use hydrogen peroxide to treat the blood stains.

After all these things, the

After all this, the chief wants to take half of the money stolen by the social king.

Social King did not want to give it.

The chief pulled out a pistol and threatened him with the life of his beautiful daughter.

He threatened him with the life of his beautiful daughter.

He had no choice but to give the

The money in the school bag to the director.

The director was very pleased with himself.

The director was very pleased with himself and took the poisoned cookies from the cabinet.

While eating and left the room.

At this point, the social king's eyes showed.

The social king's eyes showed a deep and meaningful gaze.

Everything that happened before.

He had planned it all.

Put the watch in the locker.

He put the watch in the locker to provoke the infighting of the big backs.

Stealing the money from safe 748.

He stole the money from safe 748 in order to get the D-Lord to hunt down and kill Big Head and the others.

In this way.

The King of Society can get rid of all suspicion.

But in the end, the poisoned cookies were not part of his plan.

It was not part of his plan.

It was the director himself who was looking for excitement.

On the highway.

The director was driving his car.

eating a cookie.

Suddenly, his head

He hit the car.

The whole car instantly burst into flames.

The director crawled out of the car with a painful face.

lying on the ground out of breath.

And the book bag with the money burnt open.

It was full of outdated magazines.

Not a penny.

It turned out that the social king had already prepared

The money was exchanged for magazines.

Three days later.

After three days, the Social King had finished unpacking all his luggage.

Successfully fell in love with the big pretty.

The two of them took the little girl with them.

With half a million euros.

They left the old house.

They found a new life.

From then on, the social king and the big pretty lived

The indescribable happy life of the end of the play.

The cost of the film is very small.

The whole set is only a house.

A tunnel.

and a bank vault.

Only two dozen people were involved.

Despite the small budget and

The crew was small.

but it still created a

A very urgent sense of tension.

From the discovery of the robber tunnel by the hero

to the hero following the plan to enter the tunnel.

and then to steal the money and then quickly retreat.

Each important point.

All arranged a very tense scene.

And at the end.

When everyone thinks that

When everyone thinks that the hero is going to die, the

But the hero uses a watch

He uses a watch to make the robbers attack each other.

Finally, he got a life.

And at the end of the film

The little girl holds the hero's hand and walks out of the house.

And it shows two problems.

One is that the man, whose family was broken ten years ago.

finally found hope in life.

He will be with the heroine.

He will live a happy and joyful life with the heroine.

The other is that the little girl has found

The other is a young girl who has found a new family home.

After being bullied by her mother's boyfriend.

The girl's heart is full of shadows.

And the hero appears.

Let her feel the warmth of her father's love again.

And this happy ending.

is what everyone wants to see.

Also if you encounter.

If you meet the robbers who are digging a tunnel.

What would you do?


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