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Thriller suspense film "thinking space" commentary copy

Thriller suspense film "thinking space" commentary copy

Thriller suspense film "thinking space" commentary copy

Today I want to tell you a brain-burning suspense movie, with the ability to read the memory of the top detective, encountered 16-year-old flower psychotic teenager, who thought it was easy to read the memory of the rescue, but was pulled into the abyss of a tragic murder, the top detective and how to clear suspicion, escape from prison. At the beginning of the film, our hero Big Baldy is a memory detective, he was able to come to the customer's memory through special equipment, so as to collect clues to the case, or to solve psychological problems for customers, and memory detective this industry is not who can do, only those with superior intelligence, and received special training for professional people can do, and Big Baldy is one of them, one day, Big Baldy came to a red The woman's memory, the woman in red alone at home when the criminals were forced close to the bathroom, desperate woman squatting in the corner with scissors for self-preservation, but the water in the bathtub was overflowing, it was just ordinary water, but when the water over the big bald toe, the scene suddenly changed, the scene has become his own home, the big bald rushed upstairs like crazy, to the bathroom in the middle of picking up his wife, who had slit her wrists to kill herself.

At this time the big bald and red woman was awakened at the same time, this mission is considered a failure, the original big bald used to be a very good memory detective, he made a great contribution to his boss, but due to the mental shock caused by his wife's suicide, so that the big bald has not continued to serve as a memory detective for two years, and now, the big bald shy, really or no money, before re-entering the world, however, the previous Mental trauma still exists, Big Lighthead just made this single is completely blown, the boss is angry, but still in the old days and Big Lighthead introduced a very easy job in his eyes, the customer is a rich girl, named two flowers, only 16 years old, the bear suddenly had to hunger strike, Big Lighthead's task is to infiltrate the memories of two flowers to enlighten her, Big Lighthead I was very confident to take this large amount of pay, directly to the car to go to the second flower home to start work, did not know that this is the beginning of a nightmare, the second flower home is really full of luxury ah, live in the manor house, the second flower's mother Dahua is the local dignified rich, but unfortunately the second flower's stepfather is a bit of a white boy, in addition to good-looking, useless, Dahua told the big bald head, the second flower since childhood The second flower is different, expert testing said her IQ is far beyond normal, but the stepfather said aside, the second flower is a psychotic, often do strange things, so the second flower can only be locked in the attic, he even wanted to send the second flower to a mental hospital, as the saying goes, genius on the left, crazy on the right, I think the second flower is this type, after seeing the second flower, big baldy first really like an unusual psychiatrist to test the patient, in After a chatter, the big bald head was two flowers thoughtful, calm and collected by the convincing, she is indeed a genius girl, in the second flower here did not find anything broken, the big bald head went to find through the monitoring of two flowers housekeeper Xiao Cui, she also believes that the second flower is some abnormal, to this, the big bald head is a little numb claw, he asked the boss in the end what is going on, previously did not say that the customer is a genius ah, the boss helplessly said, two flower files are blocked, want to know the information can only rely on the big bald head to feel the elephant, in the face of the temptation of a huge bounty, the big bald head can only be hard, in the first memory dive, the big bald head see are two flower Kan said childhood shadow-like memories, by classmates school violence stuffed into the locker, when young accidentally broke into the stepfather affair and was locked in the closet, accidentally cut by thieves These painful memories are naturally not conducive to treatment, the big bald man had to stop hypnosis and call the second flower back to reality, in the follow-up chat to enlighten, but the second flower but the guest, and set out the big bald man's wife's name, in fact, also called the second flower. Today's treatment nothing practical progress, but in exchange for looking at photos of Big Baldy's wife, Erhua promised to eat something, the end of the day's treatment, Big Baldy and Xiao Cuixia meet in the evening bar, where Big Baldy told his tragic past, in order to soothe his wife's pain of loss, he infiltrated his wife's memory, so that she could see the child, however, over time, his wife because The next day, things changed dramatically, Xiao Cui was pushed down from the second floor and fell, everyone suspected that Erhua did it, but Erhua poorly argued that her stepfather planted her, in order to send her to the mental hospital. The big bald head had to go to the hospital to question the maid and learned that it was really Erhua who did it, but the big bald head still did not believe that a young girl in her prime could do such a thing, and between the words even pointed out the transgressive relationship between the maid and her stepfather, but the maid denied it repeatedly, and this time almost killed, the big flower is not hiding, can only give Erhua's full file information to the big bald head, in the file information, it is written that Erhua The subconscious mind is more biased towards the second flower, and he thinks the culprit is most likely his stepfather. After the memory dive, the big bald head of the second flower's school life as the focus, in the second flower's school life, there is a girl who was also bullied fake kid, in this memory, the big bald head found that the school hallway clock actually did not move, so he began to suspect that the second flower has fabricated memories, in the face of questioning, but the second flower glibly replied that the clock was originally broken, the big bald head in order to explore more clues After that, he went to the prison to ask Erhua's middle school teacher, who said he was completely framed, but because Erhua's mother was mega-rich, so he was wrongly convicted, and then he went to the school to find Erhua's memory of the bully, and the girl said she was the victim, Erhua was the psycho, and showed Big Baldy a very deep wound on her neck, and when Big Baldy asked about the fake kid The answer is that there is no such person, once again memory dive, big baldy see that bully as well as a few classmates drinking tea together, suddenly several students all because they were poisoned and vomited blood, and at the door fake kid secretly observed, this memory obviously pointed out the fake kid is the murderer of the poisoning case, but big baldy directly to the second flower said broken, I know that the school pressed no fake kid this person Two flowers but dumped the photo of the fake boy, as well as classmates to show that the fake boy is indeed a person, in the face of this evidence, big baldy is completely confused, now big baldy is really powerless, he went to look for advice from the boss, the answer is to concentrate, in the next memory therapy, big baldy found sexually abused young two flowers is exactly his own boss, when he woke up, two words that big baldy can bring her When he woke up, he said that Da Guangtou could bring her a sense of security, and asked Da Guangtou to keep the key to his parents' house for him, after receiving the key, Da Guangtou was angry and wanted to find his boss, but the boss was right, if he had really done that bad thing, which should let Da Guangtou explore the memory of Erhua, but at this time, Da Guangtou was still obsessed with the idea that Erhua was innocent, and proposed to Dahua that she should not continue to lock Erhua up, and should let her out like a normal child. When Da Hua said he could seriously consider this matter, he returned home to find that the name of the fake boy did not match his memory, and the so-called indecent photos taken by the teacher of the second flower were only faked with PS technology, at this time, Da Guangtou received a distress call from the second flower, he could not think much about it, he could only rush to the second flower home, on the way he tried to call When he walked into the monitoring room, he found through the monitoring that Dahlia had fallen in a pool of blood, when the door of the monitoring room was suddenly locked, did not wait for the big bald head to react, in the monitoring to see the second flower flung at the side of Dahlia crying, the big bald head wanted to call the police, but there is no signal, but also a sudden power outage, at this strange moment, the door suddenly The door suddenly opened. He followed the blood trail out of the house and traced it all the way to the woods, where he met Erhua, who was holding Erhua's hand lovingly, saying sorry to him, and then turned around and disappeared, when the police arrived and found Erhua standing alone in the forest, his hands and the land surrounded by blood, and more importantly, the surveillance room door key was found on his body. After the key, after the evidence of the chain, all point to the big bald head is the murderer, the deadly sedative bottle with his fingerprints, his computer has two flowers of indecent photos, the police determined that the big bald head wanted to snatch two flowers, and brutally killed two flowers of the family, the big bald head so chained to jail, then the picture suddenly turned, already wearing prison clothes handcuffed big bald head woke up from memory, sitting in front of his own The original picture we saw before is at the same time dived into the memory of the big bald man saw, and now the movie plot formed a perfect closed loop, and the big bald man is therefore cleared of suspicion, successfully released from prison, he has also received a card and flowers from the second flower, she even the big bald man will be cleared of suspicion of this point are good, a former accomplished memory detective was a 16-year-old girl reverse hypnosis, in their own The film tells us that we can not overly believe in their own strengths, otherwise it is likely to be defeated in the confidence of the strengths, the film's plot is logical and well thought out, suggesting a lot, the whole plot and set to achieve a perfect closed loop, the final reversal is to let people have unexpected, reasonable feeling, is a rare brain-burning masterpiece, for the audience interested in pushing suspense must be Take a look at the original film, well, today's movie is here.

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