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Drama film "Mermaid Fairy Tale" movie review Afterthoughts Explanatory text

Drama film "Mermaid Fairy Tale" movie review Afterthoughts Explanation Copy

Drama film "Mermaid Fairy Tale" movie review Afterthoughts Explanatory text

The boy Jesse is a homeless boy abandoned by his mother

He is a lonely boy who is doing the streets and streets to steal chickens and dogs

One day he accidentally breaks into a room to do some graffiti

But he finds a huge thing behind the glass.

It was a killer whale, and before he could get a closer look.

He was taken away by the police

Detective Black told Jesse that he helped him convince the police.

If he didn't go to a foster home now, he'd still be a punk kid.

then he would be sent to juvenile hall

Jesse had no choice but to go to the foster home with Big Black.

The adoptive parents were very warm to Jesse

But he was aloof

He just plays the harmonica and misses his mom.

The next day Jesse had to go to the water show house to deal with the graffiti he left behind

There Jesse met the whale of the night again

He looked at this flexible whale was very curious

So he dropped what he was doing and went outside

He was lying on the edge of the pool waiting for the whale to appear

Suddenly it jumped up and scared Jesse.

From the keeper, Jesse learned that the whale's name was Willie.

He was a grumpy whale, so it was best to stay away from him.

But Jesse was obsessed with this whale

Even at the risk of being bitten, he wanted to get close to him

Jesse watched Willie swimming around in the pool

He thought it was amazing and cute

He has fallen in love with this whale

Jesse was tired of cleaning graffiti, so he took out the harmonica and played it

He didn't expect Willie to be excited by the music

He even responded to Jesse

He was so happy that he took the harmonica and ran out.

Outside Jesse continued to play the harmonica

Willie was swimming around happily in the water

Finally, he made a huge splash with his tail and splashed the female keeper Ray with water

What a naughty and mischievous whale!

Ray told Jesse that whales don't eat people, they like to eat salmon.

So Jesse is even less afraid of Willie.

He's come to think of him as a good friend.

That night he sneaks out of the house and goes to the pool to play his harmonica.

Suddenly the light behind him turned on and Jesse panicked and tried to escape.

But his foot slipped and he fell into the pool

He was saved by Willie, who couldn't swim.

The keeper was also surprised that Willie did not attack Jesse and even saved him

He also said that Willie had a special feeling for Jesse

Because the whale's eyes are very spiritual like the stars

It will not look at Ray and the keeper but will look at Jesse

So Willie has taken Jesse as a very important partner

When the breeder sent Jesse home

He told his foster parents that he wanted Jesse to stay and work there during the summer.

Jesse was happy to do so.

So they agreed.

The next day Jesse was happy to go to the water show.

But he heard Willie's screams of pain.

It turns out that the owner of the show house asked the workers to force Willie to do an examination.

He couldn't stand Willie who didn't cooperate with the show anymore.

But he also did not want to spend money to expand the pool to make Willie feel more secure

So in the small pool Willie was very scared and did not want to perform

When Jesse saw Willie in pain, he loosened the hook.

Willie also escaped without any problem

Jesse loved Willie so much that he went to buy him a small fish

He threw the fish into the pool and then played the harmonica to attract Willie to come out.

Sure enough, the naughty Willie appeared

Because Jesse saved him, he now trusts him completely

Also to Jesse pampered hope that he fed himself to eat fish

Looking at the docile Willie Jesse tentatively stroked its head

So they had their first close contact

When Jesse left Willie also followed his side

Then he actually flipped up and raised his fins

It was like a greeting.

Jesse asked him to change direction again and Willie was able to do it easily

This made the breeder and Ray look stunned.

They saw the hope that Willie would finally be able to do a decent job.

But he only listens to Jesse's commands

When Ray feeds her with a fish, she wags her tail and splashes to get Ray wet.

Ray also wants Jessie to help her train Willie so he can perform.

So he could perform, and the owner would give Willie the money he earned to expand the pool.

Jesse wanted Willie to be happy.

So he agreed to Ray's request.

At night Jesse could always hear Willie's pitiful cries.

He didn't know what was happening to him and could only watch out in silence.

Later, Jesse made Willie a floating toy and he loved it.

Willie was also trained by him to be very obedient

He was able to do all the spinning movements easily

Ray saw this pair of good friends also showed a smile of relief

And Jesse is gradually integrating into his new family.

But the pain of being abandoned by his mother always haunted him

The depressed Jesse stroked Willie and told him a lot of things that were on his mind

He missed his mom.

He was also nervous about being in a foster home.

So his heart was tormented.

He also hoped that one day Willie could return to the sea and find his family.

After the owner of the show house came to see Willie's performance and was very satisfied

So they decided to let Willie officially perform

On the day of the show, Jesse was very nervous that he would mess up.

He carried a bucket of fish and called Willie, but he was afraid and did not appear.

There were too many people there

The shouting scared Willie.

Even when he came to the surface, he was shaking with fear.

No matter how much Jesse tried to reassure Willie, he still wouldn't perform.

Finally he sank into the water

The kids in the basement kept banging on the glass

This made Willie very scared and finally it raged against the glass and scared people to run around

The show was a complete failure.

Jesse was very upset about this failure

His foster parents didn't know how to comfort him.

Back home, Jesse decided to leave this sad city

He wanted to go to Los Angeles to find his mother

So he went to the pool to say goodbye to Willie

Willie was very reluctant and very sad

He ended up making a whimpering sound

Jesse climbed up to the tower and saw many whales in the ocean in the distance

He now realized that it was a communication between them

Willie also misses his family all the time

Suddenly Jesse saw a glow in the pool.

His boss's man was working on a screw.

The water was soon flowing through the hole.

Jesse knew Willie would die if this went on.

So he found Ray and the keeper.

Ray said his boss was doing it to fake an accident.

To get Willie's death insurance.

Jesse didn't want Willie to die.

So he convinced the two men to help get Willie back into the ocean.

The three of them worked together to put Willie in a big net.

and hoisted him onto a cart.

Jesse also went home and quietly drove his foster father's car over to pull Willie

Willie was very weak after leaving the water.

Jesse also kept comforting him

They were so anxious and rushed to the beach.

On the other hand, the boss also learned the news that the whale was rescued

So he sent his men to follow Jesse and his men.

The keeper took a shortcut through the forest

But halfway to the front was blocked by a tree

They had no choice but to reverse the car

But one of the wheels slipped down the slope

Fortunately, Jesse's foster parents appeared in time with their car

They found that the car was missing and asked passers-by

They found out that Jesse had rescued Willie.

As soon as they met up, they pulled Willie to a gas station to rehydrate.

After a long journey they finally brought Willie to the beach

But because of the long time lack of water

Willie was too weak to swim up immediately.

At that time, the boss's men also came to fight with the foster father.

Jesse kept encouraging Willie to swim.

The strong Willie swam.

But under the surface of the sea was a net laid by the boss.

No matter what, Willie couldn't swim through.

He let out a desperate and miserable scream

Jesse was very distressed and shouted for Willie to swim towards the dam

So Willie swam quickly towards Jesse.

Jesse encouraged Willie to swim over the dam just like he had been trained to do.

But it was almost impossible to do so

Because the dam was so high and wide

But Willie trusts Jesse.

He himself was eager to be free.

So he dives into the water and leaps up.

He managed to fly to the other side of the dam.

He was free.

Jesse was so relieved.

He reluctantly says goodbye to Willie.

He watched him go back to his family.

This is the end of the film

Mermaid Fairy Tale" is a fantastic children's movie

It is also a very tender story

In the movie, people and whales can live in harmony

Watching Willy swimming freely in the water is also very healing

Really like a fairy tale as warm

Behind this story lies another story of blood and tears

Willie the whale in the movie

At the age of two, he was rescued and sold.

He had to start a life of captivity

In order to survive, he began to learn acting skills

He also suffered from severe skin diseases and pneumonia

Later the film was released

Willie became a big star on the screen

Children all over the world fell in love with this cute orca

Influenced by the plot of the movie

Most of them thought that the best place for Willie was to be released into the sea.

The best place for Willie is to return him to the sea

Humans believe that the best place for Willy is to return him to the sea.

Although humans have done a lot of work to prepare him for his return to nature

But for a highly emotional animal like the orca.

It is not enough to learn to hunt to feed themselves and survive from danger

Willie is used to human companionship for the first ten years of his life.

He was told to return to the sea and stay away from humans.

In the end, he was not happy to be with his own kind.

Long-term accumulation of stress makes Willie's pneumonia worsen

Finally took its life at the age of 27

This life expectancy was far shorter than the average age of wild orcas.

The human race has spent Willy's life with self-righteous joy

Humans saved Willie's life with their self-righteous good intentions

Such a tragedy

Perhaps from the moment it was taken by humans, it was doomed

The whale is the spirit of the ocean.

He needs to be free to swim, not kept in a pool to be visited.

No sale, no kill

Well, that's it for today's movie.


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