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Drama film "Valley of the Daughters" commentary copy

Drama film "Valley of the Daughters" commentary copy

Drama film "Valley of the Daughters" commentary copy

It's not hard to die, it's the hardest thing to live.

Today, I'd like to explain the movie "The Valley of the Daughters" to you.

taught me this simple but profound truth of life

At the beginning of the film, the airtight prison cell

The neat formation, the serious enunciation

All of this reveals a breathtaking sense of oppression

Yes, this is a women's prison.

The word "prison" is always sensitive to ordinary people

Society is a high-rise building

The bustling city of traffic

The prison is a lonely island in a desolate sea

As for the prisoners, they are naturally the prisoners of the deserted island, the outcasts of the society

We have an unwritten rule

People who go to prison have no hope in life.

Society does not recognize them, and people avoid them.

But the people in prison are really all desperate criminals who have committed the most serious crimes.

Not really.

On this day, the guards brought in a woman, Jing'er.

She was arrested for stealing valuable medicines from the hospital.

From nurse to prisoner

And the reason was heartbreaking

Jing'er's husband was seriously ill.

She needed medical treatment, perhaps because of remorse.

Her tears flowed down her pretty cheeks.

But since she had already taken this step

There was no point in regretting it

Jing'er cut off her hair

With frail steps, she entered the prison.

Newcomers inevitably have to suffer some anger

If it's like that outside

Not to mention in prison

L-eye, Xiao Nan, who was used to dominating, looked her up and down with contempt for a few moments.

Spiteful words of impurity

Qiuzi, who was arrested for prostitution, also used a vulgar accent

He also used a dirty accent to criticize Jing'er

When she first arrived, she was threatened

Jing'er was at a loss for words

Fei Fei, the house manager, intervened in time

She took care of everything for her.

Before long, Jing'er gradually became acquainted with everyone

The big fourth sister and the gentle and sensible Fei Fei

They became her close sisters.

In fact, Fei Fei is innocent.

The rest of the female inmates have their own hardships.

One day, a white car came to the prison.

A man in a suit.

A man in a suit with a half-grown child shouted Fei Fei's name.

The guards saw this behavior and immediately scolded to stop it.

And Fei Fei looked at her son with tears in her eyes

She opened her warm arms

At that moment, the man got into the car

He stepped on the gas and sped away

Only left behind the prison guards who had not yet reacted

and a puzzled Fei Fei

After returning to the prison

Xiao Nan and Qiu Zi were like a storyteller

teasing Fei Fei's painful experience

It turned out that Fei Fei's imprisonment was actually a sacrifice of herself

To make her husband's future come true

Her husband's boss had committed a crime.

She promised to send her husband to the United States as long as Fei Fei took the blame for her.

She promised to send her husband to America

She promised to send him to the United States if she would cover for him.

And Fei Fei did not suspect their relationship at all

She foolishly went to jail for this ungrateful man

When she woke up, she realized that her heart was misplaced.

The basket is a waste of water

Instead, she did the wedding clothes for her

At this time, Xiao Nan and Qiu Zi's behavior

Undoubtedly, Fei Fei's heart is already full of holes, sprinkled with salt

Make it bleeding again

The heartache was unbearable

Fei Fei picked up a cup of herbal tea

unceremoniously threw a face of the two

However, the ungrateful man walked away

But Fei Fei was in a difficult situation

She had to leave her son to the prison guards

Luckily, the guards were reasonable.

They treated them like human beings

They were very kind to the child.

On this day, Fourth Sister and Qiuzi were sent to feed the pigs.

They were in the men's prison, which was only a wall away.

They heard a man's movement.

That thick voice.

It was like a light feather tickling Qiuzi's heart.

The flirtatious Qiu Zi has long been crazy about men.

So she lured him over the wall and entered.

As soon as they met, they fell in the woodshed.

At the same time, the prison guards came on patrol

They were caught red-handed

Akiko was sentenced to two more years for this.

After the incident, her rich businessman father came and

He scolded her severely through the bars

But Akiko laughed and laughed.

As she laughed

Cold tears covered her pretty face.

It turned out that behind the flirtatious Akiko also had a

behind the flirtatious Akiko had a sad past that no one knew about

Her mother died early, her father was a womanizer

She was raped by a villain when she was young

The first half of Akiko's life was dark

There was no hope in sight

There is a very good saying

If you've never seen the light, it's only a matter of time before you fall into darkness.

After her confinement was over

She lost her sarcastic streak.

She began to show a humane side.

At that moment, Jing's husband died of a serious illness.

After a short period of companionship

The notice of Zhang's death made her world fall apart again.

Although she had rehearsed it many times

But when the real moment came

We still couldn't bear the suffocating pain

Just as Jing'er was being overwhelmed

When she was half dead.

It was the prison sisters who kept her alive

Afterwards, the guards who cared for her

They arranged for her to work in the prison infirmary.

I hope this poor woman can pull herself together

She regained her confidence in life.

Life seemed to be quiet.

But fate dealt a fatal blow to the strong Fei Fei

A letter from her ungrateful husband

informing her that he had married in America.

He spoke with no remorse.

As if Fei Fei was his stepping stone.

After using it, she deserved to be abandoned in a dirty corner.

Finally, Fei Fei was no longer fooling herself.

She swallowed pills in the middle of the night to kill herself.

When death came.

Her son's face came to her mind.

She begged Jing'er, who had been a nurse before, to clean her stomach.

People who have died once

She is no longer afraid of death

The old, dumb and stupid self had been killed by life

The newborn her

She had already forgotten the pain that man had brought her

Reborn in blood

Afterwards, everyone changed in one way or another

Even the scruffy fourth sister has become a better person

She is simple and innocent

No matter how bad the environment is, she can sleep loudly and snore

She also wets the bed from time to time.

One day, Fourth Sister wet the bed again

People couldn't stand it anymore

They wanted to throw her into the water basin

At that moment, Jing'er came and took her away

She gently wiped her body.

With Jing'er's gentle words of comfort

Fourth sister also felt that she should fight for her strength

She was a different person all of a sudden

She no longer cowered

Fourth sister was grateful to Jing'er

But she didn't know that Jing'er was also struggling with her fate

Not long after her husband's death

She found out she was pregnant.

Having lost everything, she didn't want the baby to be born.

She calculated that she would follow her husband to the west after paying off the hospital debt.

In the dead of night

She quietly had an abortion

In danger, she was rescued by her sisters in time

After this ordeal

Jing'er finally had the will to live.

Life in prison can always wear a person down

But Xiao Nan, the prick, seems to be an exception

She was the one who reported Jing's abortion to the prison guards.

Xiao Nan had a fight with everyone over it.

The experience of being abandoned in the gutter as a child

The experience of being abandoned in the gutter as a child was like a sharp blade cutting into her broken heart.

She was always scorned and disliked

Humble as a dirty rat

No sunshine

Only hatred for the world.

After the social beating by Fei Fei

Xiao Nan finally faced up to her own heart

Reconcile with himself

Reconcile with the world

Everyone gave Fei Fei's son a warm birthday

Several miserable women gathered together

Enjoying the warmth in the air

On New Year's Eve, everyone dressed up

A small party was held.

Fei Fei discarded the script of her speech

She spoke with emotion from the depths of her heart.

The guards and inmates in the audience listened.

Yes, they are prisoners, marginalized people in society.

The law has not sentenced them to death.

The law has not sentenced them to death, but people have already given them a death notice in their hearts.

Prison should not be a cold, crushing machine.

It should be a place for rehabilitation.

A place to reflect on the past.

I know I have no place to hide in this world

But who are you to judge my soul?

May these special people

May all these special people start a new life here

And may we give them more tolerance

More opportunities

This film is heartfelt


Xie Jin's artistic style has been extended and expanded

The film is not very impressive among Xie Jin's many films

However, the film has its own unique value

The conceptual contrast between good and evil in the film is dissolved or at least blurred

but the confrontation and difference between the sexes is gradually highlighted

And it coincides with the unification of good and evil on the moral level

The film is unmistakable

yet the film penetrates these two opposites in layers of narrative

thus penetrating into the viewer's heart


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