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Movie "Chicago" commentary copy

Movie "Chicago" commentary copy

Movie "Chicago" commentary copy

A woman with dreams of stardom,

She is willing to sell her body in order to get on the stage,

But the so-called rich man is just a con man,

The woman who was cheated of her money and sex is so angry that she shoots and kills,

The woman, who thought she would be sentenced to death, was acquitted,

The woman, who had been cheated of her money and sex, shot and killed a man, and was expected to be sentenced to death but was released, and was thus on the stage of the biggest show in Chicago,

What's going on here?

It's a well-known fact that the entertainment industry is a place of fame and fortune,

Everyone wants to be a star,

Everyone wants to be a star,

Even Rosie, who is married to a woman,

Even Rosie, who is already married, has always harbored this dream,

She looked at the stage to sing and dance with envy of Kailin,

Listen to the thunderous applause you know,

Karin has become the most popular star,

But how do you get to the top without power?

The best channel is to climb into the rich and wealthy businessmen,

Rosie would give anything to be a star,

After being introduced by a friend,

She was introduced by a friend, she successfully hooked up with a wealthy man who claimed to have a lot of money,

Rosie did not want to do him directly to the family,

And her husband John was at work at the time was not off work,

The two were more daring and even alarmed the neighbors next door,

After the incident, the man pulled up his pants and left,

Rosie hurriedly asked after him,

I thought I would be introduced to a friend in the entertainment industry in a few days,

How come there is still no movement,

But the man refused to admit that he just wanted to have some fun,

In fact, there are no high-end people,

This makes Rosie doubly disappointed,

This makes Rosie feel disappointed, not only wasting time but also to endure the man's humiliation,

Impulsive even took out a gun and killed the rich man,

Not long after the police received a report to investigate,

At this time, Rosie's husband also returned home,

He took the blame and said he mistook the victim for a thief,

He took the blame and said he thought the victim was a thief and had no choice but to shoot him,

His wife was resting in the bedroom at the time and knew nothing about it,

The police were convinced by his impeccable story,

He then gave the name of the victim to check the information,

John thought he had heard the name somewhere,

He suddenly remembered that his wife had mentioned this man,

He suddenly remembered that his wife had mentioned this man, and the family had bought the goods he sold,

John felt that his wife had lied to him,

She said that someone broke into the house at night and shot him,

But now it seems that things are not so simple,

John realizes that his wife has cheated on him,

John realized that his wife had cheated on him, so he didn't want to help her take the blame,

Seeing that things have been revealed, Rosie also stopped pretending,

She is angry at her husband for not keeping his word and revealing the secret,

The police told her that the rich businessman is actually a liar,

The police told her that the rich businessman is a liar, what billion of money is a fabrication,

He's just an ordinary man,

But there is a price to pay for murder,

When Rosie hears that malicious murder is punishable by hanging,

When Rosie heard that malice is punishable by hanging, she was really scared,

But it was too late to regret the police soon put her in jail,

As soon as Rosie enters, she sees the star Karin,

How could she be in jail?

It turns out that Karin's husband was having an affair with her own sister,

The humiliated woman ends their lives with a gun,

The prison warden is a kind-faced black woman,

She does not punish the prisoners harshly,

Instead, she will do everything possible to help them,

She does her best to help them, but only if she is paid enough money,

While Rosie is worried about the death penalty,

In Rosie worried about the death penalty, overheard the conversation between the prison warden and Karin,

It turns out that a lawyer named Billy is very powerful,

If you hire him, you can not only escape the death penalty,

He can also get the attention of the media,

It was because of his help,

Karin has received many offers before she was released from prison,

But Rosie did not know how to contact Billy,

She had no choice but to ask Kellyanne,

Soaring star naturally did not have time to deal with,

She hated this poor, rustic village woman,

Rosie had a nose to the ground can only hang their heads,

When the prison warden pushed in the door,

She pretended to be kind and comforted Rosie,

She said that in this prison only he could contact the outside,

The implication is that she can find Billy,

But there's no such thing as a free lunch,

Want to see a lawyer must first pay a hundred dollars,

However, this is only the cost of one meeting,

Rosie had no choice but to pay the money first,

In fact, the legendary Billy does not look like a lawyer,

He is more like a big star's agent,

No one knows more about image packaging than he does,

And how to win the sympathy of the masses,

Billy, who spends his days between the media and the courtroom, has made a name for himself,

Billy, who spends his days between the media and the courtroom, is making a name for himself,

It just so happened that he came to the prison on this day to deal with Karin's case,

Not surprisingly, reporters were waiting for him early,

In front of the camera, Karin said the lines that had been made up,

The scene is like a star in an interview,

There is no criminal look,

The press conference was over and everything was under Billy's control,

Watching the eyes of Rosie saw his power,

It was like holding on to a lifeline,

She tried to seduce Billy with beauty,

But the man who is used to big scenes is not impressed,

He made it clear that if he wanted help, he would have to pay for it,

His own fee is five dry dollars,

But in prison, Rosie is even a hundred dollars too expensive,

And from where to get such a large sum of money,

Fortunately, her husband John was willing to help,

This honest and simple man borrowed money around just to save his wife,

Even though she had betrayed himself not long before,

But John wants his wife back at home more than anything else,

Billy accepted the money and began to plan how to help Rosie get off,

He is the best at using public opinion to guide the public,

After they met, Billy told Rosie,

After they met, Billy told Rosie that from now on she would have a new identity,

A poor woman with an ill-fated life,

The framework of Billy's story is this,

Rosie was originally a wealthy young lady with no worries,

But then her parents die in an accident,

But she met her husband to live happily ever after,

And kill the rich businessman is only self-defense,

The two of them held a press conference after finishing their lines,

In front of the camera Rosie pretended to be pitiful,

The tears in the corners of her eyes were just right,

She said in a slightly delicate manner,

It was the rich businessman who first cheated on her and finally tried to shoot someone,

She said that it was the rich businessman who had cheated her and tried to shoot her, and that she had killed him in self-defense,

The reporters on stage were frantically taking pictures with their cameras,

The next day the story about Rosie swept through the press,

The next day the story about Rosie was all over the place, a beautiful woman with a difficult history always in the spotlight,

Soon Rosie became a big star for people to emulate,

They did the same haircut and made Rosie dolls to sell,

Even the clothes Rosie used to wear were bought at high prices,

With the power of capital, people forgot that she was a prisoner,

Instead, she was seen as a trendsetter,

In prison, Rosie was treated with the utmost respect,

Everyone began to compliment her,

This makes Karin anxious,

This makes Karin anxious that what belongs to her is being taken away from her,

It's infuriating,

But if you want to be famous, you have to have exposure,

She had no choice but to bribe Rosie with gifts,

She had no choice but to bribe Rosie with gifts and offer to perform on the same stage,

But Rosie looked at the newspaper with mockery on her face,

Today, Karin's popularity has plummeted,

Now Kaling's popularity has fallen, and the coverage is only at the very edge,

But Rosie looked at the newspaper with a mockery on her face,

How could she lower herself to work with the little guy,

But the attention gained through hype is ultimately short-lived,

The public will not stay on a person for too long,

A rich wife was arrested and imprisoned for killing her husband and his mistress,

A rich woman was arrested for the murder of her husband and his mistress, a well-dressed woman who showed no remorse for the crime,

Not surprisingly, reporters flocked to the scene like hyenas on the scent,

Even Billy also came to look for opportunities to make money,

And Rosie is like expired food untouched,

No matter how she shouted, no one paid attention,

In order to regain attention she fell down,

When she saw the reporters looking this way, she lied that she was pregnant,

This huge revelation brought the attention back to her,

The lawyer took her to the hospital for a checkup,

Of course, the doctor had already arranged for her,

After such a fuss,

After all this, the public once again focused on this poor mother,

The people, who had been played with, demanded that Rosie be released as soon as possible,

The time was right,

When the time was ripe, Billy also said that he could win the case,

Then he visited Rosie in prison,

He brought with him the tools to knit a sweater,

and a set of dresses similar to maternity clothes,

Now Rosie's image to the good mother side,

But Rosie didn't want to dress so plainly,

She wanted to look bright and shiny,

She wanted to be glamorous, so that she could be a star,

Billy saw this and spoke the truth,

They are just prisoners in prison,

The so-called aura of stardom is just an illusion,

The fragile and fragile lie can be burst at any time,

Feeling insulted, Rosie no longer wants to work with Billy,

The fake pregnancy was also her own idea,

It turns out that even without Billy's help,

It turns out that even without Billy's help, she could have been a popular queen in Chicago,

The two of them had a big fight and then fell out,

But without Billy's blessing,

Rosie did not go well,

Especially when she sees the woman in prison,

When she saw the woman in prison, she was really sentenced to hang,

And she was scared to death,

And the woman who was sentenced actually did not kill,

But she could not afford to hire a lawyer and had to end up being executed,

Fearful Rosie found Billy and the two teamed up again,

This time she dutifully put on the prepared costume,

She also knitted a sweater in the courtroom with style,

Billy insisted,

Billy insisted that Rosie had to kill to protect the baby in her belly,

This is a convincing reason,

Everything was going very well,

Everything was going well until John showed up in court,

After hearing that his wife had a child, he could not be happy,

Because before that he and his wife did not have intimate relations,

But this kind of accident can not defeat Billy,

He knew that John had no idea what to do and was confused,

So he deliberately said the wrong time,

After some persuasion, John also began to sway,

Perhaps the child is his own,

He apologizes for having framed his wife,

He apologizes for framing his wife, and Rosie gives him a pretentious hug,

Billy takes this opportunity to get Rosie to testify,

The night of the murder,

Rosie wanted to end the immoral relationship,

The night of the murder, Rosie wanted to end the immoral relationship, but the other party stalked and threatened to kill her,

Then they both went to grab the gun next to her,

Luckily, Rosie was a step ahead,

This can only be considered self-defense rather than intentional homicide,

In order to gain sympathy Rosie finished and pretended to faint,

In order to gain sympathy Rosie also pretended to faint after finishing, which caused an uproar on the stage,

After hearing the testimony, the jury all favored Rosie,

Just when they thought it was over,

Karin suddenly appeared,

It turns out that she has long been disgusted with Rosie to steal all,

So she complained to the warden,

Who knows that she had Rosie's diary,

She had Rosie's diary, in which she had recorded everything,

Karin read out the diary in front of everyone,

Rosie couldn't take it anymore when her diary was brought to her attention,

She stood up violently and retorted,

At this point Billy comes over and deals with the situation without any fuss,

He asked Karin to read out the rest of the diary,

And the time doesn't match the date on the diary,

It's clear that someone is trying to plant evidence,

Billy asks Karin who gave her the diary,

Not wanting to get into trouble, the woman answered truthfully that it was the warden,

How did the warden get the diary?

Billy turns the heat on the prosecutor,

He said that only he had access to Rosie's evidence,

Although the prosecutor did not do,

At this point, there is no way to argue,

Because Billy had changed the concept,

The murder case into an official abuse of power,

In his incitement, people were really angry,

Finally Rosie was acquitted,

At that moment, gunshots were heard outside the courtroom,

A woman killed her husband and her lawyer in public,

The rules of Chicago taught her that you don't have to pay for murder,

The rules of Chicago made her realize that murder doesn't pay, and that if you have money, you can do whatever you want,

And Rosie in the courtroom thought she would be a hit,

But the reporters had their next target,

John is the only one left in the crowded courtroom,

He wanted his wife to go home,

He wants his wife to go home, but Rosie tells him that she is not pregnant and that it was all a lie,

Knowing the truth, John was discouraged and left alone,

Afterwards, Rosie still did not give up her dream of becoming a star,

She auditioned everywhere hoping to be on stage,

The results were all unsuccessful,

At this time, Karin also won the lawsuit to get out of prison,

She also wanted to be famous, so she found Rosie and proposed,

She also wanted to be famous, so she approached Rosie and suggested that the two of them could perform on stage together,

The woman from prison to re-enter the stage,

This will definitely be a hit in the city,

Rosie was reluctant to cooperate, but agreed after thinking,

The duo was launched to great acclaim,

They ended up on the biggest stage in Chicago,

The audience went wild,

Reality is sometimes so ironic,

Innocent people die because they don't have money,

The guilty can be transformed into stars,

From then on, the future will be bright and prosperous,

Chicago" was directed by Rob Marshall,

Chicago, directed by Rob Marshall, was released in the United States on December 10, 2002,

The film won several international awards, including the 75th Academy Award for Best Picture,

The film won several international awards, including the 75th Academy Award for Best Picture,

Chicago in the 1920s is a bustling city on the outside,

Chicago in the 1920's was a prosperous place on the outside, but the people were restless on the inside,

Billy the Lawyer takes advantage of this social phenomenon,

Billy the Lawyer took advantage of this phenomenon to help death row inmates fight their cases,

Under his control,

Under his manipulation, criminals who killed became trendy stars,

The funny thing is that the truly innocent person is the only one who is executed,

Because she could not afford to pay the five dry dollars of legal fees,

It was heartbreaking to watch,

Because even today such things still happen all the time,

Powerful people commit crimes,

In the end, they may not be able to get away with it,

Instead, innocent people will be pulled to take the blame,

The reality is so cruel,

The reality is so cruel that those behind the scenes will lead the direction of public opinion,

The general public is like the invisible hand,

The so-called star artists are actually just packaged products,

The audience wants to see what they play,

It's like the most iconic moments in movies,

Rosie is like a marionette at the mercy of others,

In fact, her words and actions are manipulated by others,

In the end, the real benefit is the capitalists,

They use power and money to control the rules of society,

The great thing about the movie is that it is still being played out today,

The great thing about the movie is that today, such stories are still being played out.


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