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American blockbuster "Divergent" commentary copy

American blockbuster film "Divergent" commentary copy

American blockbuster "Divergent" commentary copy

Future World The streets of Chicago

A group of young people running wild in the street

Climbing railroad bridges and jumping on trains.

Don't get me wrong, they're not delinquents, street thugs, they have a unified identity, the Fearless.

They are soldiers and police officers responsible for keeping the city safe.

In the future, people have invented a magical drug that tests for talent.

Each person is given a job that suits him or her according to his or her talent.

And according to the different talents, people are divided into five factions.

They are the intelligent and erudite faction, who are responsible for science

The gentle and benevolent pacifists, who work in agriculture, the honest ones, who never lie, who are judges and lawyers

The fearless and the selfless, who are willing to give, and the selfless, who are the ruling officials.

These five factions form the system of the future society

Each person joins a faction based on their talents and each has a role to play in creating the most value for society.

Liz joined Dauntless. She liked the freedom and bravery of Dauntless.

But she had another identity.

She has the gifts of both Dauntless, Selfless, and Learned.

They call her a divergent.

But this society doesn't allow Divergents... and Divergents don't belong to any faction... and if they are found, they are destroyed.

She needs to hide herself.

To join Dauntless, you have to pass a test to become a full member.

The first hurdle was to jump from a bottomless building with a dark hole underneath, not knowing what was there.

Liz was the first to jump in order to show herself, but luckily there was a big net down there that caught her.

An instructor went to meet her. He was very handsome. He was called Brother Four.

This is just the beginning.

Liz was about to face the first stage of the test.

Fighting, shooting, physical fitness.

The bottom of the ranking, she was expelled.

Unfortunately, Liz was ranked at the bottom of everything.

In the actual fight, she was knocked out by a single punch from her opponent.

She was the weakest here, but her best friend reassured her that she would be the most improved.

Liz didn't want to get evicted, so she practiced on her own.

While her teammates were sleeping, she practiced her fighting skills on her own.

She saw how hard she was working and gave her individual coaching.

But her foundation was too weak and she lacked muscle.

Without muscles, she had no power and couldn't hit anyone.

In the next fight, she was knocked out by a man.

When she woke up again, her teammates told her she was still at the bottom of the rankings.

Which means she's about to be expelled.

She couldn't join another faction after being banished.

She could only become an exile. Exiles live on the streets.

Her teammates told her to get some rest and that they were going on a mission.

This mission was Liz's last chance to shine, and she refused to give up and insisted on participating.

The mission was a real-life battle between two teams, and the goal was to capture the other team's flag.

Liz was assigned to Fourth Brother's team.

Liz knew she was not strong enough, so she used her wits.

First, she climbed up to the Ferris wheel and discovered the other team's flag hiding place

Then she organized the team and arranged tactics to surprise the other team

In the end, Liz led the team to win.

She also passed the first stage of the test because of her outstanding performance.

That day Liz was carrying supplies and her mother quietly found her

It turns out that her mother already knew Liz's identity as a Divergent.

She warned her not to tell anyone... and now the Academy was searching for Divergent.


Because Divergents don't follow the rules and have a myriad of ways of thinking, they are not easy to control and will challenge authority.

That's why the school of erudition wants to eliminate them.

The second Dauntless test is dangerous for Divergent, it will reveal their identity.

The second stage of the test is to inject a serum into the body.

The serum will make you enter a dream state and face your greatest fears.

But it's useless to Divergent, who can realize it's not real.

So Liz was the fastest to break the dream and had the best results.

Fourth Brother sensed something unusual and asked her how she did it, but she couldn't tell him.

At the base, Liz was grabbed by some masked men.

They tried to push her over a cliff.

In the struggle, she ripped off the mask of a man who was her contemporary.

That's when the Fourth Brother arrives in time to knock them down and save Liz.

Brother Four took Liz back to his room and told her why she had been kidnapped.

Because her rise in the rankings had caused her peers to fall in the rankings, which provoked jealousy and fear in them.

Fear can cause people to behave erratically.

But fear will not defeat you, he says, it will awaken you.

So, Fourth Brother found out her identity as a divergent.

But instead of revealing it, he took her to the testing room.

Liz entered her dream world and taught her how to face her fear in the Dauntless way.

The dauntless way is to face your fears.

They were standing on a bridge between two tall buildings.

Liz subconsciously wanted to jump off.

Four told her that Dauntless would walk across it.

And then there was the escape room, Shadows of Childhood, both using the direct and brutal method of getting through.

Liz learns that by entering each other's dreams

And love grew between them.

Liz saw a tattoo on the back of the fourth brother.

The symbols of all the factions were tattooed on it.

Brother Four said he didn't want to have just one trait.

He wanted to be brave, but he also wanted to be selfless, intelligent, honest and kind.

It turns out that Four is also a divergent.

Or rather, he was a fearless man, but as he evolved, he too became a divergent.

The next morning Brother Four took Liz to a place.

They've been coming here for the last few weeks to deliver supplies, computers and a potion.

A potion that can be injected into the body to make it easier for people to follow orders.

The final test came when they were taken to a hall.

In the dream world, Liz was bitten by crows, burned by fire, and drowned by water.

Relying on the skills that her fourth brother had taught her, she passed the final test with flying colors.

When it was over, everyone had to have a tracking device implanted in their necks.

Thus, Liz officially joined the Dauntless.

Sleeping at night, Liz was woken up.

Part 3

Liz finds her teammates getting up and getting dressed.

She speaks to her best friend, but she doesn't say a word and looks at her with a cold stare.

Liz realizes that they seem to be under control

And she's a Divergent. All drugs don't work on her.

She gets dressed and blends in with the group, careful not to be exposed.

Everyone was armed and came to the residence of the Abnegation.

The learned faction wanted to take over, and they couldn't stand the good old boy look of the Abnegation.

They took all the Abnegation people out.

Liz's parents were both Abnegationists, so she met up with her fourth brother and went to save them.

But when they got home, they found no one there.

They continued to blend in with the group.

But their identities were revealed and Liz was shot.

They were arrested and sent to Dr. Woman, the leader of the school of erudition.

The doctor kept the fourth brother for experiments and told them to shoot Liz because her wound would affect the results.

Liz was taken to a corner.

The men were about to shoot her when they were suddenly shot and the other two were also shot.

The person who saved her was her mother.

The mother and daughter started to run away. It turns out that the mother is also a Divergent.

Not only that, but her father is a Divergent, and he's leading a rebellion.

They were going to meet up with their father.

Mother and daughter were running and dodging the chase, and they took down some enemies.

But there were too many of them. Mom was dying from a gunshot wound.

Liz called out her mother's name.

She was so sad and desperate that she took her mother into her arms.

But the enemy soon caught up with her and she had to leave her mother alone.

Finally she finds her father, tells him of her mother's death, and tells him that the Dauntless are being manipulated.

The only way to solve the riot was to remove their control.

She took the team back to the base.

Her father was the first to clear the way for the group, but was killed by the enemy in a hail of bullets.

Her brother was on his knees in front of her father, and she wanted to go there but didn't dare.

But she had a more important mission, to stop this violent killing.

She arrives at the control center and finds her boyfriend, Brother 4, tied to a chair.

She went to cut the ropes, but he attacked her.

It turns out he's under control.

The female doctor said that Brother Four's thoughts, feelings and memories had been erased.

The advantage of establishing a faction is that the consistency of the faction can eliminate the threat posed by people's sense of independence

The divergent with independent thinking will threaten the system, not conducive to peace, so can only be eliminated

After saying that, he asked his men to control the fourth brother and kill Liz.

The controlled Fourth Brother has no emotion, and he quickly knocks Liz down.

Finally, Liz grabbed a gun and pointed it at Brother Four, telling him to stop.

Fourth Brother did not move and continued to fight

Liz still can not bear to shoot the fourth brother, but in turn, pointing a gun at himself

Then she tried to wake up Brother Four

Looking at Liz's face, Brother Si began to lose consciousness and struggle.

Finally he came to his senses, remembered everything and fought with Liz.

The enemies were soon killed to pieces

Liz saw that the female doctor was using the computer to control the Dauntless people to shoot the Abnegation people.

She goes to stop it and a flying knife nails the Doctor's hand to the wall.

She tells the Doctor to stop the command, but she won't.

Liz sees that the Abnegation is about to be executed.

Liz takes a potion and stabs her.

Soon the controlled Dauntless is awake and Abnegation is finally saved.

Liz knocked the doctor out and jumped on a train with her friends.

The train led to the outside world, to an unknown destination.

They left everything behind and lost their faction.

But they had found themselves, and they had found each other.

There may be battles to be fought tomorrow, but for now they'll ride to the end of the line.

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