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Commentary text for the movie "Hands Up

   Hello everyone, today I bring you the movie "Hands Up

Commentary text for the movie "Hands Up

During the war against Japan, Uncle Tat was given a very important mission to escort our national treasures. With the captain's constant instructions, Uncle Tat also felt the pressure. After setting off, Uncle Tat was always careful. Suddenly, he seemed to hear a strange sound from the box on the carriage, and when he listened carefully, it turned out to be a girl crying out. Uncle Da has always been superstitious, he thought there was some kind of god in the box, he was so scared that he knelt down and kept kowtowing, and his mouth kept chanting, his expression was very painful, like he was going to cry. In the girl's constant cries for help, Uncle Da boldly opened the box, he realized that it is not only loaded with national treasures, in fact, there is no god, just a girl.

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Uncle Da asked the girl why she was in the box, and the girl explained that she hid in the box in a hurry to avoid the ghosts. In order to protect the girl and the national treasure, Uncle Da can only let the girl continue to hide in the box, cover the thatch and continue to rush. Not long gone, Uncle Da saw the ghosts in front of the minesweeper, which scared Uncle Da, turn around is too late. The ghosts with guns surrounded Uncle Tat and the carriage, but they did not know that Uncle Tat was transporting the national treasure, and asked Uncle Tat to help lead the way into the village to look for the national treasure. After the ghosts entered the village, the village became unsettled, the ghosts were hungry, so they asked Uncle Da and the girl to cook for them, the two hated the ghosts, how could they eat and drink hospitality? They brought a large bag of pig food for the ghosts to make pig food, I did not expect the ghosts actually wolfed down the food. Thirsty also let the two children to go to them to get water, the two children are also very naughty, to their kettle pee, but also put in a frog. The ghost is not yet satisfied, want to find the girl, Uncle Da screwed the ghost, found him a fat sow. Suddenly, the girl and Uncle Da were surrounded by the ghosts in the yard. The ghosts were plotting against the girl, the girl picked up a gun, and just as the ghosts were approaching her, she swept away the ghosts with her eyes closed and shot them with the gun, and in an instant the ghosts were all killed by the girl. Uncle Da had no weapon, only a pot in his hand, he used the pot to block the bullets that hit him during the girl's strafing, and also dodged a bullet. The ghost's interpreter took advantage of the chaos and ran, a ghost with a red cloth tied around his body, and a cow chased the ghost, scaring the ghost to keep running. Finally the old cow became a helper and pushed the ghost into the river. The ghost told the interpreter that he was thirsty, the interpreter rushed to find a big watermelon, the ghost was anxious to use a machete to cut it down ruthlessly, I didn't realize that it wasn't a real watermelon, but a bomb, the ghost was so scared that his eyes went straight and the bomb exploded. The remaining ghosts are ready to blow up the bridge, coincidentally, Uncle Da drove the car to the bridge, the donkey pissed and doused the fuse left by the ghosts, in this way, Uncle Da safely escorted the national treasures to reach the designated location, the ghosts were surrounded and punished severely, this anti-Japanese drama is very funny, look very relieved, is a strange flower in the anti-Japanese drama.

Well, today's commentary is here, like remember to pay attention to ah, we will see you next period.

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