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Movie "The Hour of Purification" Commentary Text

Commentary text for the movie "The Hour of Purification

Movie "The Hour of Purification" Commentary Text

It was supposed to be a live webcast for a play, but it unexpectedly brought sharkbane for the actor. He is a webcaster who broadcasts live exorcisms. After every live broadcast he gains a large number of fans and sells towels with a good commission. Today we bring you an, underrated suspenseful horror movie, The Hour of Purification. The movie begins with a man lying in agony on a bed in a darkened room as Father Mike sprinkles holy water on him. The man immediately wails.

Mike also recites an incantation, and as the incantation deepens, the man's body continues to struggle, and when Mike cries out, the evil spirits recede, eventually returning him to normal. The man thanked the priest and his family wept with joy. The priest recites a hymn verse from the Bible and slowly walks towards the camera.

It turns out that the exorcism ceremony just now was a live webcast. Producer Yong also walked to the center to thank everyone one by one. Yes, that's right, the so-called exorcism was just a show to deceive the audience. Mike complained to the producer that he only had 100,000 followers. When will he get his Blue V certification.

Soon it was Monday again, in order to increase the number of viewers of the live broadcast. Producer Yong found for Mike, a female big man, do extras, they do not know, this female big man, on the way here was dragged away by a monster, has long been corpses.

Seeing that the live broadcast is about to start, the fans have been waiting in front of the screen, but the delay in the arrival of this guest. In desperation, Yong had to let his girlfriend Xiaoli, who had acted in a play, temporarily take over the role of the female costume. Accompanied by a high-flying screen, Mike's exorcism live broadcast officially began.

The camera showed Xiao Li making painful movements and expressions, and Mike took out a towel that was said to have exorcism properties. He placed it on Xiao Li's arm. Immediately after Xiao Li issued a painful roaring sound. At this time, the next to the radio small brother Xiao Hei, feel uncomfortable to go down.

Blackie came to the restroom, want to wash his face to clear up, found that the sink outflow is actually blood, the mirror outstretched a pair of hands to knock him out.

This side of Xiao Li suddenly knocked Mike. Mike whispered to Xiao Li not to get too deep into the drama. And Xiaoli called the prop master, instantly lit the prop master body flame tattoo. In less than a minute, the prop master turned into a piece of charcoal.

Yong looks on dumbfounded, and that's when they realize they've summoned a real demon. Mike turned to the audience in front of the screen for help.

And at that moment the demon in the chair, tells them. They must keep this live broadcast going or he will shark off Rei just like he sharked off the prop master. And whoever is going to leave the live broadcast will also be sharked S.

Mike takes out his Bible and reads from it. Yong tells Mike that it won't work. We have to know the name of this demon. Only then can we banish him with a spell that matches this demon.

The demon offers to let Mike strip himself naked in front of the camera and perform the barefoot on glass while the number of people watching the live stream goes up from 200,000 to 500,000 at this point. On the sidelines, Rei also competes with the demon for his body. And Rei's throat seemed to be stuffed with something. Jack removed it with his hand, stuffing a black mass in Xiao Li's throat. Surprisingly, it was the towel he had just sold, on the internet. Along with the removal of the towel, a lot of black water came out of Xiao Li's mouth. Yong realized at this point that the demon was trying to get them to tell the truth, and Jack told the screen that the towel they were selling did not exorcise the demon, and that the so-called holy water was just tap water from the kitchen.

After saying these things, Rei looked much more comfortable. The number of people watching the live stream also rose to over seven hundred thousand. Then Mike tried to dump the pot on Yong again, and he was just in the middle of his sentence. Xiao Li choked again, he went up again to use his hand to remove, something in Xiao Li's throat, this time did not take anything out of Xiao Li's mouth, on the contrary, Xiao Li bit off his own fingers.

Xiao Li spits out a gold coin from her mouth, Yong looks at the gold coin and realizes that the demon also wants him to tell the truth. He blurts out that he has been privy to. 60% of Mike's profits. The assistant next to him can't look away and screams to get out of the place. The demon took control of a small piece of sculpture and knocked him to the ground.

Blackie also woke up from the toilet and rushed to the live broadcast, he was hallucinating by now. Taking out a small knife, he slashed up at his surroundings and eventually collapsed in a pool of blood himself.

At this time the devil threw down a rope from the air, let Mike hang himself, if the number of people watching the live broadcast can point the red heart to 100% for him. Then his life would be spared.

Mike recounts his past in the process, making a confession about his past. It turns out that when he was studying. When he was punished by his teacher for not reading properly, he blinded him with a pencil. After that, in order to obtain inner forgiveness, he joined the church, but he found that the church was full of greed and corruption. He quit the church himself.

The number of people watching the live broadcast also rose to more than 10 million, and everyone lit up hearts for Mike. Just when the progress bar was nearing 100%. The demon suddenly removed the stool at Mike's feet.

Rei also reclaimed her body as well. Rei told Yong that we were all fooled by the demon. The demon purposely made them do this in order to attract more people to bet, and there's more than one demon.

Yong also found out, the name of this demon. Having Mike recite this demon's, relative incantation. With the black smoke pouring out of the inside of Rei's body like a butterfly, the demon was exorcized.

Just when everyone thought that was the end of the matter, the prop master, who had been burned to death next to him, woke up. He was possessed by a demon, and this demon, was not an ordinary demon. He was Satan, the Demon King. All this was Satan's plot. Satan came through the screen and into the hearts of, more than ten million viewers of the live broadcast. These people who watched the live broadcast, all picked up weapons and attacked the people around them.

And at this time, Jack looked at the blue V that he added, and 4 million fans. The repentance he had just made was also thrown to the back of his mind.

A weird smile appeared on his face.

The movie ended here. At the end, the few words that Satan uttered to the screen that people didn't understand brainwashed everyone into the evil Satanic army. It also satirizes the current, live-streaming chaos. The real time of purification is to put down the cell phone and spend more time with the family around you.

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