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Animation movie "Flying House" commentary text Commentary

Animationmovie "Flying House" comment ary text commentary

Animation movie "Flying House" commentary text Commentary

This is an unspoiled wonderland on earth

Charles, the explorer, took a dirigible

Came to a waterfall in a South American wonderland

And brought back the skeleton of a strange big bird

Charles made him his idol

But the biologists said Charles had faked it

and took back his identity as an adventurer

Charles suffers great shame

He vowed that he would return to Paradise Falls

He vowed to return to Paradise Falls and catch a live bird.

That day, Charles met

Charlie met Ally, who had the same dream as he did.

The two soon formed a pair of adventure partners

In a blink of an eye, they both grew up to be adults

And also formed a happy family

Although the life is not very rich

But, as long as they were happy, that was enough

They wanted to have a child of their own

But the fact that Ally was infertile was discovered

But they still had a dream of their own

They decided to save a lot of money

They decided to save up a lot of money to fulfill their unfulfilled dream from their early childhood.

Ally, who was very sick, eventually passed away.

Charlie was left alone.

He became a nail in the ground in order to guard the cottage full of memories

He became the nail in the coffin of the land

One day a young boy knocked on his door

It turns out that this is also a small explorer

He asked if he needed any help.

Because all he needed was a medal for helping the old man.

Then he could become a senior wilderness explorer.

This little student gave Charlie a headache.

He had a hard time getting rid of him.

A worker's car accidentally broke his mailbox

After a few arguments

In a fit of rage, he broke the worker's head with his cane

The real estate agent made a big deal out of it

He was taken to court

He had to leave the house

He went to a nursing home

At night he looked at the notes of his adventures with his wife

A daring idea came to him

And when the nursing home staff came to pick him up the next day

He was amazed by the scene before him

Twenty thousand and six hundred and twenty-two balloons

Raising the room into the air

The foundation was loose.

The plumbing came off.

Finally the whole house was uprooted by the balloons

Everyone was amazed by this scene

His destination was Paradise Falls.

He wanted to fulfill his childhood dream with his wife

Finally the house flew high into the sky

The blue sky and white clouds were so relaxing

But then, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Who is it? I've already flown high into the sky.

The real estate agent is still coming after me?

Open the door

It was the little boy with the headache outside the door

All right, you can come in.

Russell was curious about everything in the house.

He even took the wheel.

This almost made Charlie break his back.

Charlie was going to cut off a few balloons

to let Russell land.

When a huge cloud suddenly appeared

They were about to be caught in it.

Charlie immediately took the helm

But the handle was out of control

The ornaments in the room also scattered to the west

After a loud thunderclap

The whole house was plunged into darkness

When Charlie woke up again.

Russell told him that they had reached a waterfall in South America.

He was bragging about his safari GPS.

One slip-up.

Oh no, it's gone.

Charlie decided to let go of a few balloons anyway

to get Russell home.

But the lower they landed

The lower they landed, the worse it got.

There are no tall buildings here.

It's all rock stacking.

One stumble.

They were thrown to the ground.

Charlie tried his best to grab the pipes of the house.

Russell, the fat little guy, is pretty strong.

He dragged Charlie backwards and forwards

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief

A gust of wind blew away the dark clouds in front of them

Then they could see

The waterfall in front of them was a wonderland!

Underneath the 3,000-foot waterfall

There was a rainbow in front of them.

Charlie was stunned by the beauty of this scene

Maybe this is a fairyland on earth

They dragged the house along.

Russell met a bird that loved chocolate.

And a talking dog.

But soon the other dogs spotted the strange bird's footprints.

And found them along the way

And the bird on the roof.

These three mean-looking dogs

Took them to meet their master, Charles

Charlie met his boyhood idol

And a pack of dogs

The idol invited them to dinner

But the more they ate, the worse the meal became.

There were flocks of bird bones.

There's even a table full of adventurers' helmets.

He said all that was missing was a big live bird.

He's ready to return home.

To get his glory back.

That's when Charles saw the big birds on the roof.

And ordered the dogs to hunt them down.

But how could they possibly

Defeat these hundreds of dogs

Soon the birds were taken.

The house was also in shambles

He opened the notebook of his adventures with his wife

Only to find that this page began

It's no longer about the adventure.

Instead, it was a memory of his journey from black hair to spontaneous hair.

Chael turned the pages.

He could not help but cry

So his wife had already given up her dreams for love

She gave up her dream

When he got up to look for the big bird

He found that Russell had cut off some balloons and flown to save the bird.

Charlie hurriedly threw down the heavy furniture

The house just flew up again

Now, he was also in the dream and love

He chose love

When he arrived

Russell was already tied up by Charles

Ready to throw him out of the plane

Luckily, Charlie caught him in time to save him

Just as they were about to board the flying house

Charles knocked many of the balloons on their flying house

The house also slipped off the edge of the plane

They were in imminent danger.

While Charles was banging on the door of the house with his gun to catch the big bird

Charlie used chocolate to attract the bird's attention

They managed to get out.

And Charles fell straight through the air.

Charlie watched the love nest with his wife slowly fall down

He fell into a deep thought

Russell went up to comfort him

("I'm sorry, Mr. Charlie

for causing your house to fall")

But he finally relented.

("It's okay, son, it's just a house.")

Finally, they sent the big bird back to nature

They boarded the airship and went home.

The end of the story

Russell earns his Advanced Wilderness Adventure badge

They sat together on the side of the road and ate ice cream

Counting all the cars coming and going

Only no one knew

The hut that fell down at that time

It landed right on the edge of a waterfall.

It was exactly what Charlie and Ally had dreamed of.

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