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French horror film "Phantom of the Louvre" commentary copy

French horror film "Phantom of the Louvre" commentary copy

French horror film "Phantom of the Louvre" commentary copy

A young couple is on a date.

The ghosts are floating around.

The next moment the ghost possesses the woman.

She suddenly feels manic and restless.

She suddenly feels manic and agitated, and like a ghost, she tightens her grip on her boyfriend's neck.

To put him to death.

This kind of film has a sense of horror.

Today brings the French horror film "Phantom of the Louvre".

At the end of the film, there is a paranormal event about the Louvre network.


Archaeologists in Egypt.

In 1935, archaeologists in Egypt found a huge tomb more than 3,000 years old.

It was completely preserved.

There is no sign of theft.

Archaeologists took a mummy and sarcophagus from the tomb.

"to the Louvre, the world's largest museum.

But on board.

The crew seems to have contracted some kind of virus.

The crew seems to have contracted some kind of virus.

They even committed suicide.

The archaeologist was turned into a dry household.

The archaeologist was turned into a dry household, with a horrible appearance.

Decades pass by in France, on the banks of the Seine.

The Louvre Museum is being renovated.

The staff found an ancient Egyptian mummy inside.

The initial assumption is that it is from the era of the New Ramesses Dynasty.

According to the information on the sarcophagus.

The mummy is probably of royal blood.

But the identity of the mummy is unknown.

The mummy was given a CT scan by the staff.

But as soon as it was put into the scanner.

The mummy's ghost came out of its body.

But the staff next to the mummy could not see the appearance of the ghost.

Then there was a problem with the electrical equipment of the Louvre.

The lights went on and off, sparking everywhere.

The fountains outside were spraying at passers-by.

No one knew what was going on.

On the other hand.

Lisa and her grandmother live in the building opposite the Louvre.

The electricity in her house is also in trouble.

At first, the power flickered on and off.

At night, the power goes out completely.

Lisa calls Martin, an electrician, to help fix the problem.

The grandmother sees the handsome young man in front of her.

She was so impressed by the handsome young man

She tried her best to set him up with her granddaughter Lisa.

But the grandmother is too old and

But the grandmother was too old and too desperate, so she used up a lot of energy.

While Lisa and Martin were talking.

The grandmother suddenly collapsed on the floor and died.

The next day they buried her.

Lisa was in the utility room that day, sorting through her grandmother's belongings.

The next day, Lisa was in the utility room sorting through her grandmother's belongings when a wall suddenly collapsed.

In a panic, she immediately called Martin.

The two of them walk into the passage behind the wall out of curiosity.

As they walked, they found that the wall led to the Louvre.

They found a passage that led across to the Louvre.

In the darkness of the night

In the darkness of the night, the magnificent Louvre presents an incredible picture.

Ghostly and mysterious.

Two people accidentally touched the alarm.

The two men accidentally hit the alarm, attracting many security guards.

Martin rushes into the darkness.

Martin rushes into the darkness and leads the guards in another direction.

In the panic, Lisa runs into the elevator.

In the panic, Lisa runs into the elevator, but she doesn't realize that it leads to the second basement.

There she saw a mummy.

There she saw a mummy, lying on a wooden slab, with a horrible appearance.

The ghost seemed to sense someone approaching.

The ghost seemed to sense that someone was approaching, so it circled around a few times and immediately attached itself to Lisa.

Lisa did not know she was possessed.

Lisa didn't know she was possessed, but she was so scared that she ran out of the Louvre.

On the way, she met Martin.

They hugged each other tightly.

The next night Lisa went to the bar where Martin sang.

The next night Lisa went to the bar where Martin sang, and instantly she felt a splitting headache.

She rushed home immediately.

In the middle of the night.

Lisa sneaks into the Louvre.

Lisa sneaks into the Louvre.

The ghost used its powerful psychic powers to break the glass of the exhibit

He's looking for the royal amulet and the ring.

He was looking for the royal amulet and the ring.

He was looking for the royal amulet and the ring, but after a few turns he couldn't find them.

had to leave temporarily.

But in the process of leaving.

Two security guards saw the ghost moving in mid-air.

They were so scared that they fainted and turned blue.

The next day, the management came to the Louvre.

The next day, the management came to the Louvre and found that the glass had been broken in many places.

According to the staff.

According to the staff, a ghost appeared in the Louvre last night.

The managers didn't believe in ghosts in the world.

But the news had already spread.

There was a lot of discussion.

The museum had to be temporarily closed.

On the other hand.

Lisa and Martin have established a relationship.

At night, while they are making out.

The ghosts kept wandering around them.

According to Egyptian legend.

According to the Egyptian legend

If someone commits adultery.

there would be a ghost watching.

and took the opportunity to possess the living.

In the next second.

Lisa suddenly felt a stirring voice inside her.

She went crazy and clutched Martin's neck.

She was going to kill him.

At the moment of crisis, she suddenly came to her senses and

Only then did she slowly let go of her hands.

But after this incident.

Martin began to suspect that Lisa was mentally ill.

He says he wants to reconsider their relationship.

In the middle of the night.

Lisa is manipulated by the ghost.

Lisa is once again in the Louvre.

She puts on a thick iron suit.

She puts on a thick iron suit and walks between the exhibits.

A security guard comes into the gallery.

A security guard comes into the gallery and screams frantically in fear.

The ghost, without mercy.

The ghost pushed the guard through the window.

The ghost pushed the guard out of the window and instantly destroyed his brain and liver.

It's not just a haunting anymore.

It was a death.

The manager of the Louvre.

The administrator of the Louvre had to call on a retired police officer.

To investigate the recent paranormal events.

After hearing the account, the old white man

Immediately, he asked excitedly.

Is the Louvre haunted again?

It turns out that the Louvre is not the first time there are haunted events.

It used to be the royal palace of France.

It was once the royal palace of France, where more than 50 French kings and queens lived.

Because of its long history.

Because of its long history, paranormal events have occurred before.

But most people think it's just a coincidence.

The world can not really have ghosts.

After that, the manager and the old white came to the cafe.

The old white and the old white came to the cafe, and told the experience of his youth.

He was patrolling the Louvre that day with some guards.

He saw with his own eyes a ghost possessed by a police officer.

The possessed police officer suddenly went crazy.

To kill everyone.

In a hurry, the

The young white man killed the police officer.

The next horrible thing happened.

The possessed police officer in a few seconds.

Turned into a white skeleton look unusually horrible.

While the old white man was telling the story.

Martin was sitting on the sidelines drinking coffee.

He suddenly understood that

He suddenly understood why Lisa had been acting very strange lately.

It was probably because she was possessed by a ghost.

Lisa had come to the Louvre for the weekend.

She could suddenly read Egyptian writing.

She explained the contents of the book of the dead to the children.

A plate of children listening very fascinated.

But just after she finished

She felt a splitting headache and

She rushed home immediately.

In the afternoon, Lisa went to the psychiatrist.

Lisa went to the psychiatrist in the afternoon and said that she was not feeling well physically and emotionally.

After listening to her story.

The doctor's diagnosis was depression.

She was prescribed a sedative.

At night Lisa took the sedative and went to sleep.

But she kept having nightmares.

Afterwards, she was driven by a ghost.

She came to the Louvre.

This time the ghost didn't look around for the amulet and the ring.

Instead of looking for amulets and rings, the ghost pushed the guard down the stairs.

It turns out that instead of calming the ghost down, the sedative

It turns out that the sedative didn't calm the ghost, but made him extremely manic.

He was desperate to kill.

Hearing a wailing ghost.

The old white man who lived in the Louvre immediately called an ambulance.

the security guard to the hospital.

The next night.

Lisa's condition became worse.

She locked herself in the bathroom.

She locked herself in the bathroom and wrote ancient Egyptian symbols on the wall in blood.

Martin knocked desperately on Lisa's door.

But there was no response.

In the middle of the night, Martin witnessed Lisa sneak into the Louvre.

Lisa was walking in the direction of the Louvre.

He followed her immediately.

But he was caught by some security guards.

The guards asked him if he had anything to do with the ghost.

Martin denied it.

He knew that if he told the truth.

He knew that if he told the truth, Lisa's life might be in danger.

The guards had important things to do.

The security guard had important things to do and did not want to tangle with Martin, so he let him go.

On the other hand.

Lisa is walking through the Louvre in her iron suit.

She was found by a security guard with a gun to the back of her head.

Then the ghost uses instantaneous transfer and appears in front of the guard.

Then the ghost uses instant transfer and appears in front of the guard.

Using the ancient Egyptian method of killing.

The ghost used an iron pipe to stick into the guard's tongue and killed him.

In the middle of the night, the old white man informed the police

The dead security guard was taken away.

He said that the priority now was to find the person possessed by the ghost.

He said the priority now is to find the people who are possessed by ghosts.

Otherwise, more and more people will die.

The next day, Martin found Lisa.

The next day Martin finds Lisa and politely advises her

not to sneak into the Louvre at night.

Because there are dead people very dangerous.

Lisa did not expect to hear these words.

immediately went out on the balcony.

She immediately went out on the balcony, and in the direction of the Louvre.

She made a strange pose.

And said mysteriously.

There is something there that she wants.

After saying that, Lisa took a dress and went out.

Martin tried in vain to stop her.

He also saw in the room.

He also saw in the room, the blood symbols that Lisa had written on the wall.

It was a horrible scene.

Martin wrote the symbols down.

Martin writes them down and goes to the university classroom.

Martin wrote them down, went to the university classroom, consulted a professor of Egyptology.

The professor said that the symbols meant.

"The soul crosses the river.

to the kingdom of the dead.

The professor also gave some extended knowledge.

The Egyptian royal family had a custom that

The professor also said that there was a custom among the Egyptian royal family to wear the amulet and the ring with them after death

to identify oneself.

Only when one has written down one's identity

Only when you remember your identity, you can go to the Kingdom of Death.

If you forget your identity.

If you forget your identity, you will become a dead soul floating on earth.

Hearing these words

Martin finally understood.

Why the ghosts were manipulating Lisa's body again and again

To go to the Louvre.

He wanted to find the amulet and the ring from his life.

He wanted to find the amulet and the ring in order to remember his identity.

The next day, Martin followed Lisa.

He found her walking down the street like a maniac.

He went after Lisa and told her that she was possessed.

But Lisa didn't want to hear it.

But Lisa didn't want to hear it, and held out an arm.

She held out an arm and let Martin's body float above the river.

She said that if he interfered again.

He said that if he interfered again, he would be buried without a trace.

Then Lisa went to the cemetery alone.

Then Lisa went to the cemetery alone and tried to rush into the crematorium.

And she kept saying.

Only death can calm people down.

The staff thought she was a psycho.

The staff thought she was a psychopath and sent her away immediately.

Lisa was struggling between madness and sanity.

She felt like she was going crazy.

At night, Martin followed Lisa secretly.

At night, Martin sneaked up behind Lisa and went to the Louvre together.

But Lisa suddenly turned around and looked at him.

She turned around and looked at him with a vicious look.

Then she stretched out an arm.

With a powerful psychic force, she threw Martin out of the iron gate.

Martin did not give up.

Martin did not give up, but crawled through the gate.

Martin did not give up, but climbed through the gate and continued to follow Lisa.

In the exhibition hall of the Louvre.

He saw Lisa find several small amulets.

then performed a mysterious ritual

He left in a hurry.

Lisa arrives on the bridge over the Seine.

Lisa went to the bridge over the Seine, pulled the mask off her head.

and jumped into the river.

But not long after that.

On the other hand, White found on the surveillance video that

Martin had been following the ghost.

He concluded on the spot that

Martin and the ghost have some kind of connection.

Under pressure, Martin finally told the truth.

His girlfriend Lisa was possessed by a ghost.

Old White said there was only one way.

Not to hurt Lisa.

And can send the ghost away.

That is to find the mummy's seven amulets and a ring.

So the ghost will automatically leave.

At night Lisa saw a horrible sight.

At night Lisa saw a horrible sight, a strong light in the room, the door opening and closing.

She tried to escape, but was stopped by the ghosts.

Lisa is exhausted.

Lisa was so exhausted that she lay down on the floor at will.

She said to the ghost.

He could do whatever he wanted.

Then the ghost borrowed Lisa's body and came to the Louvre.

But Old White and Martin were already lurking around.

The ghost couldn't find the ring he wanted.

The ghost could not find the ring, and became very manic, and roared at the sky.

Martin saw Lisa so painful, and

Martin saw Lisa in pain, immediately rushed out.

Lisa saw her beloved one.

Lisa, seeing her beloved, tried her best to restrain the demon in her body.

Lisa, seeing her beloved, tried her best to restrain the demon in her body, but only drifted around Martin.

She could not bear to do it.

At that moment, Old White ordered the security guards to cast a huge net.

Lisa was captured alive.

Lisa was locked up in a closed room.

Lisa was locked in a closed room and looked very scared.

White talked to her.

She kept saying that she was normal and not possessed.

She was not possessed.

But after the old white man left.

She was like a crazy person.

She scratched the wall with her hands.

even when her nails broke.

She couldn't even stop.

On the other hand.

The Louvre staff found in a photo

The ring that the ghost wanted.

It was taken by the dead archaeologist.

They immediately dug up the tomb.

They immediately dug up the tomb and found the remains of the archaeologist.

But there was no ring inside.

Old White made a quick decision.

He crushed the whole remains.

Finally, they found a ring in the bones.

The ring was engraved with the seal of the pharaoh.

The ghost was not an ordinary man.

It was the king of ancient Egypt.

In life, he was worshipped as a god.

In life, he was worshipped as a god, and in death, he was still dominant, killing people like crazy.

Now he was locked up in a cramped room.

He had never been so humiliated.

So he keeps on hurting himself.

Now that everything has been found.

The Louvre staff is planning to hold a religious ceremony.

The Louvre staff is planning to hold a religious ceremony to send the ghost to the other side of death.

In the confined room.

The doctor was going to give Lisa a shot.

But Lisa suddenly grabs the doctor by the neck and escapes from the room.

She takes the opportunity to escape from the room.

She then puts on an iron suit and enters the Louvre.

At that moment the Louvre was full of staff.

But no one went to stop the ghost.

Egyptologists placed the mummy of the pharaoh in the hall.

The Egyptiologists placed the mummy in the hall and held a grand ceremony for the dead.

An incantation from the Book of the Dead was recited.

At the sound of the incantation

The ghost was finally freed and

The ghost was released and flew out of the window.

Before leaving, he took all the Egyptian spirits with him.

Finally, Martin unmasked and woke up Lisa.

Finally Martin unmasked and woke up Lisa, the two finally reconciled.


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