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Korean suspense thriller "Intruder. On" commentary copy

Korean suspense thriller "Intruder. Up" Commentary

Korean suspense thriller "Intruder. On" commentary copy

Today, we bring you the suspense thriller "The Intruder". Few unoccupied streets storming like rain, watching a car is about to rush towards his wife, the picture turned, instantly in a lively playground, the little girl in red seems to have been waiting for him, but in the moment he turned around, he woke up once again. Ever since his wife died in a car accident, Shu Zhen tried to use hypnosis to find the perpetrators, but every time the little girl in red appeared in the middle of the process, and then it ended hastily. When he goes upstairs, he finds that Yina has run away again without permission. She loves this room full of toys, but the stack of missing persons notices in the corner shows that this is a painful place for the whole family. Shu Zhen never told Yina the truth and kept lying to her that her mother had not come home because she had left the country, but she did not know how much longer she could hide it. The first time she saw Shu Zhen, she recognized that this was her brother, but Shu Zhen was not familiar with this sister in front of him.

In order to be on the safe side, Shu Zhen proposed to conduct a paternity test, the identification results show that this woman is indeed his sister, because the adoptive parents have died, so you really decided to quit the hospital nurse work, back to take care of their biological parents to do filial piety, she left the day also and a small nurse to say goodbye, it seems that these years you really have a good life, Shu Zhen more or less relaxed snacks, but he still does not know how to face his sister, because when his mother went away before the advice, siblings must not let go of the hand, but he still failed to do, so he has always felt that his sister's loss has a great deal to do with himself, compared to the joy of the parents lost and found, the relationship between the two siblings is not salty, so much so that when he knew that Yizhen personally pick up Yina from school, he subconsciously resisted, but when he saw Yizhen discipline his disobedient daughter to However, when he saw that You-jin had taught his disobedient daughter to be obedient, and his cooking skills were even better than those of the nanny, completely capturing the stomachs of his family and taking care of his elderly parents, Shu-jin had to admit that You-jin's return had brought laughter to this dull family for a long time, and expressed his gratitude to him, while You-jin told him, "You can stop bothering with this family in the future. He told Dr. Han about this strange sixth sense, but Dr. Han thought it was just that the two siblings had not seen each other for many years and had become estranged, and just when Shu Zhen was going to follow the doctor's advice and slowly accept this returned sister from the bottom of his heart, he saw a stranger coming to the house to help his mother walk and behave with some over-the-top intimacy, and Shu Zhen was very angry, and the nanny said that this was Yuzhen to help his mother The nanny said that this was the physical therapist that Yuzhen had hired to help his mother recover, but because he was deaf and mute, he could only communicate with Yuzhen in both directions. When he went downstairs for a drink of water, he overheard the strange tattoo on Yoo-jin's back, which made him more and more distrustful of his sister, so he asked the nanny to keep an eye on Yoo-jin. A man who was eating noodles looked up and saw youjin passing by, and asked after her if she was Baek Suyeon. The man followed and chased him to the dance studio. He didn't find Yoo-jin, but he did find, the nanny who was traveling with Yoo-jin, and just as he was questioning the nanny where Baek Shu-yeon was, he caught a glimpse of Yoo-jin running past in a hurry and immediately chased after her, following her all the way to the parking lot. The scene turned and Yoo-jin took the elevator in shock, and the nanny walked in with Ye-na, who was so upset about She was so distraught about what had just happened that she asked where she had just gone. Although you really find excuses to put off, but the nanny still noticed her neck wound, parking lot seems to be someone accident, in seeing the body on the stretcher, it is the man just now, the nanny was shocked, and then she saw the blood in the pool of buttons, then seemed to remember what, on the way back, the nanny did not dare to say a word, sneak a look at the buttons on the sleeve of you really, after confirming their After confirming his speculation, he quietly took out his cell phone and was ready to ventilate, but Youzhen suddenly changed his face and said he was going to take her to a place, only this time he went and never came back, looking at the letter of resignation left by the nanny, Shuzhen felt that there must be something fishy, but his mother told him not to pursue it. The nanny had worked in the family for at least five years, but they were indifferent to her disappearance without a word. Looking at the familiar faces of the family, Shu Zhen felt more and more strange. This time, he not only saw the face of the perpetrator, but also clearly saw his sister You-jin. After returning home, Shu-jin found that there was a new nanny at home, who was married to the physical therapist who did the rehabilitation for his mother, and was also arranged by You-jin. The next day, Shuzhen searched for the orphanage on the Internet, but found that its official website was just an empty shell, unable to find any valid information, called the orphanage and said he wanted to visit, but the other party refused him on the grounds of business trips, followed the address on the website to become, but saw a grocery market, there is no orphanage, just then, he saw on a passing truck advertising posters before and Youzhen The girl confessed to him that she was indeed an extra hired by Youzhen, and that day the two of them only met for the first time. Shu Zhen rushed back in anger, and then saw the home that had been renovated and changed into a very strange home, and their weird harmony, and wanted to be angry but not hateful, and broke down Youzhen's lies on the spot, and asked her who she really was. But the parents suddenly kneeled down with tears in their eyes towards their parents, saying that they had not received much love and education since childhood and had actually been living a very bad life, and that she had lied about being a caregiver in order to give them a good impression. The quarrel only temporarily stopped when the mother fainted due to a rise in blood pressure, and the calm Shu Zhen decided to take a roundabout strategy, because he suspected that the first identification report had been tampered with, so he pretended to believe that there was truth, but actually quietly got her hair, intending to do another paternity test, and at night when Shu Zhen put Yina to bed, he heard the name Xia Yan in her mouth, which seemed to be her good friend, but when he sent Yina to school the next day, it was The police told Shu-jin that there was a murder case in the place where her daughter took dance classes, and the deceased was named Park Sang-man, who was a representative of an IT company before. In the face of police questioning, you really worriedly told him, brother since the death of his sister-in-law, mental condition has been poor, although has received psychological treatment, but still can not avoid suspicion, the family nanny is not his mouth inexplicably missing, but with a man left, at this time Shu Zhen's father also came out to testify, said he witnessed the nanny and a man in a date, because the nanny last call is Shu Zhen, so the police on the suspicion of you really turned to the scene of the people who have been there that day, the nanny is no longer known, then there is only the peer Youzhen, facing the police. So the police's suspicion of Yeo-jin turns to Shu-jin. Shu-jin's parents have been completely controlled by Yeo-jin, and under her guidance, they decide to transfer all their property to Ye-na's name, The increasingly dull parents, the daughter's temperament has changed greatly, so Shu Zhen can no longer bear, directly to find a true account, but was quickly stopped by the mother, and nervous to put him a tirade of abuse. The whole family was on the same side against him, defending this unknown devil, and Shu Zhen felt overwhelmed, and on the night of thunder and lightning, Shu Zhen saw a group of people standing together outside the villa.

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