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The movie "Inception" commentary copy

Movie "Inception" commentary copy

The movie "Inception" commentary copy

controlling the masses with a strong posture.

This is a dedicated staff of 100,000

and 200,000 informants, an intelligence agency

Its main responsibility is to ensure that the government

"absolute knowledge" of the people.

These people were known as the secret police.

Captain Wessler was one of the best.

He was unmatched in interrogation and eavesdropping.

He was unmatched in the field of interrogation and eavesdropping.

He had his own original method of interrogation.

After arresting a prisoner, he was interrogated without interruption.

During this period, he was not allowed to eat or rest.

Under both mental and physical torture.

Under both mental and physical torture, the delirious prisoner would reveal his weaknesses.

And the cautious Weisler.

The prudent Wiesler also put away the cushion with the prisoner's scent.

This can be used by police dogs when searching.

Weisler's excellent performance.

The excellent performance of Wiesler, attracted the attention of Gubitz.

This day.

Gubitz invited him to see a stage show.

The important thing is.

The important thing is that Secretary of Security Hamp will be there.

It was a good opportunity to show off in front of the minister.

After the evening performance.

Wiesler met the writer Dreyman.

According to old school friend Gubitz.

This man is a total artist.

He was an artist, though a bit free-spirited.

But he had great respect for the East German government.

But Wiesler, who was a policeman.

But as a police officer, Wiesler sensed that this writer was not simple.

So he asked to listen to Dreyman around the clock.

This idea was soon approved by the minister.

Unlike Wiesler, who was determined to rid the government of traitors.

The minister's goal.

Unlike Wiesler, who was determined to rid the government of the traitor, the minister's goal was to satisfy his own desires.

He had a crush on Dreyman's girlfriend, Cyril.

He wanted to spy on Dreyman to find out what he could do.

He wanted to spy on Dreyman to find out what he had on him.

He wants to spy on Dreyman to find out what he can do, and then threaten him to become his secret lover.

So, with a few evil intentions.

The bugging plan begins.

Weisler placed the bugging point

Weisler placed the bugging point on the top floor of their apartment.

And while Dreyman and his girlfriend were out.

The secret police officers are organized.

The secret police officers methodically installed the wiretaps.

Every corner of the room was bugged.

Even the light switch on the wall.

Even the light switch on the wall became a perfect place to put it.

After quickly completing the installation.

Weisler and his team were ready to leave.

The neighbors across the street saw this.

But after being intimidated by Wiesler.

The neighbors were intimidated and kept quiet.

Once everything was ready, Wiesler and his team were ready to leave.

After all the preparations were made, Wiesler officially started.

After all the preparations were made, Wiesler officially started the wiretapping operation called "Project Guts".

Not surprisingly.

Dreyman did have some complaints about the East German government.

But these daily conversations were not enough to send him to prison.

Not enough to send him to prison.

Weisler, who was lurking, had to wait for an opportunity to move in.

It was soon time for Dreyman's birthday party.

Many of his friends come to congratulate him.

His girlfriend Cyril is ready to tie his tie.

But Dreyman sees the tie as a middle-class shackle.

He doesn't want to be tied down.

At his birthday party.

They were all famous directors and writers.

They were all famous directors and writers, and they were bragging to each other.

And these people were the followers of the East German government.

In these times.

The only way to get a good life was to conform to the government.

Dreyman's teacher was a good example of this.

He was a very talented director.

He was a very talented director, but because of his idea of defying the government.

He was a very talented director, but because of his rebellion against the government, no one asked him to do a movie.

All his ideals and aspirations.

All his ideals and aspirations have become nothing.

Dreyman didn't have the courage to be as determined as his teacher.

He can only live for a living.

And his decent friend Hauser.

He can no longer stand such a life.

Hauser looks at the hypocritical faces of these people.

Hauser looks at the hypocritical faces of these people and no longer wants to be associated with them.

Hauser and Dreyman have a fight.

Watching his friend slam the door.

Dreyman's heart is full of mixed feelings.

After the party is over.

He opens a gift from his teacher.

After the party, he opens a gift from his teacher, a book called "Sonata for a Good Man".

After reading the gift, he becomes close to his girlfriend.

What they don't know is that

What they didn't know was that everything that happened in the room

What they didn't know was that everything that happened in the room was recorded by Wiesler.

Some time later, Gubitz found Wiesler again.

He reminded him not to interfere in the affairs of his superiors.

It turned out that

The Minister's license plate number appeared in the records.

The lustful minister had been harboring feelings for Cyril.

When he overheard Cyril taking a forbidden drug.

When he overheard that Cyril was taking illegal drugs, he immediately seized the opportunity to blackmail Cyril.

In order to keep his career intact.

In order to keep her career intact, she had to put up with the minister's harassment.

In order to keep his career intact, Silan had to put up with the minister's harassment, and the minister's lewd behavior was caught by Wessler.

He wrote down everything he saw and heard.

He wrote down everything he saw and heard.

Gubitz warned him that

Gubitz warned him that subordinates were not allowed to spy on their superiors.

He warned him that his subordinates were not allowed to spy on their superiors, and that if they were caught, they might lose their jobs.

In his heart, Wiesler despised the minister's behavior.

Wiesler despised the minister's behavior, but he had to stop.

But soon afterwards.

But soon after, he found the minister's car on the surveillance.

This means another assault on Cyril.

Weisler, feeling bad, decided to tell Dreyman.

He decided to tell Dreyman about it.

He used an electronic circuit to create a doorbell.

He uses an electronic circuit to create a bell to lure Dreyman out of the house to check it out.

Hearing the bell, Dreyman walked out of the house.

He looked up and saw Cyril not far away.

He looks at his girlfriend, who is not fully clothed.

He saw his girlfriend walking out of the minister's car.

The smart Dreyman immediately understood what was going on.

But he knew what kind of person she was.

He wanted to make Cyril tell the truth.

So after his girlfriend went home.

He didn't question her hysterically.

Instead, he gently calmed her down.

Weisler, who was watching all this, was a bit confused.

All this time.

He had been exposed to the system and punishment.

He had never had such human warmth and tolerance.

Without the company of family and friends.

The cold, empty apartment could hardly be called home.

To relieve his loneliness and emptiness.

In order to relieve his loneliness, he found a call girl.

But this does not relieve his loneliness of mind.

Wanting to feel the atmosphere of home, Wessler

Weisler, wanting to feel the atmosphere of home, sneaked into Dreyman's home.

He greedily looks at everything in the house.

He even grabbed a book and read it with great interest.

In the evening.

Dreyman received a phone call.

A friend told him that

The teacher had committed suicide at home because he could not bear the artistic torture.

He had committed suicide at home.

When he heard the sad news, Dreyman was in deep thought.

Then he took out the music he had been given by his teacher.

He sat down at the piano and began to play.

The powerful sound of the piano immediately poured out.

Each note carries an indescribable sadness.

And Wiesler, who was listening, was already in tears.

He did not know why he was in tears.

But what is certain is that

In this storm of eavesdropping.

Both of them are slowly changing.

At night.

Cyran lies about going out.

She throws on her clothes and heads out.

Dreyman knew she was going to see the minister again.

He is angry and reveals the secret.

But for the sake of her future, she still chose to go to the appointment.

But for the sake of her career, she still chose to go to the appointment.

At this moment

At that moment, Wiesler, who was listening in, rushed out.

He rushed to the bar where Silan used to go.

He rushed to the bar where Cyril used to go and saw Cyril drinking at the door.

She hadn't gone to see the minister.

She was just sorrowful.

Wiesler, as a fan.

As a fan, Wiesler conveyed to Cyril that everyone likes the real you.

The one who doesn't pretend to be you.

These words touched her heart.

The words touched her heart, and the lost Cyril got rid of the minister's threat.

And he got back together with Dreyman.

And Dreyman, on the other hand.

He decided to reveal the true nature of the government.

He writes an article about his teacher's suicide.

He commissions his friend Hauser to publish it in West Germany.

But Hauser said.

But Hauser said that the apartment was bugged and unsafe.

The arrogant Dreyman.

He didn't believe his apartment was in danger.

He thought of a way to test it.

First he gathered his friends in the apartment.

He had the idea to test it by gathering his friends in the apartment to talk about Hauser's message to West Germany.

If someone reported it, then someone was listening.

If not, the apartment is safe.

When Wessler heard that someone wanted to go to West Germany.

When Wiesler heard that someone wanted to go to West Germany, he called the tip line.

But he hangs up before he can speak.


It's clear that he already thinks of Dreyman as a friend.

So he couldn't report the man with a righteous heart.

And Dreyman doesn't get a report.

Happy to think that his house is not bugged.

So recklessly bad-mouthing the government.

But this makes Wessler began to worry.

Because in addition to himself, responsible for wiretapping

There is another secret police.

If these words are heard by him, then Dreyman will be ruined.

Thinking himself safe, Dreyman did not know this.

He invited the editors of the West German newspapers to his home.

Several of them said many things against the East German government.

This made Wiesler, who had always believed in the government, furious.

He was furious.

In a fit of anger, he

He came to Gubitz's office with a letter of report.

Before he could say anything, Gubitz smiled and said.

"If any anti-government artists are caught.

He said that if any anti-government artists were caught, they would be tortured to death.

At this moment

Wiesler was dissuaded from reporting.

He was disappointed in the government he believed in.

Maybe it was the sound of the piano that night.

Or maybe it was the art.

With this insight, Wiesler decides to protect Dreyman.

He decided to protect Dreyman, citing the need for surveillance outside his apartment.

He dismissed another colleague, citing the need for surveillance outside his apartment.

In this way.

Weisler was left alone in the listening room.

So, under the cover of Wessler.

Dreyman began to write an anti-government article.

When he was finished.

He would hide the printer in a hidden compartment under the floor.


The scene was seen by Cyril, who happened to be home.

But she didn't ask any questions.

Instead, she walked away as if nothing had happened.

The article was published and made huge waves.

The East German government took this very seriously.

The East German government took it very seriously, and Gubitz was asked by his superiors to find the person who wrote the article.

He started to get information from Wiesler.

But Wiesler kept his mouth shut.

He began to obtain information from Wiesler, but Wiesler was tight-lipped and did not reveal any useful information.

And after expert analysis.

The typewriter used to publish the article was not a domestic model.

The typewriter used to publish the article was not a domestic model.

If we can find the typewriter.

We will be able to determine who is the reactionary.

At this time.

Cyran is retaliated against for refusing the minister's aggression.

The minister arrests her for taking illegal drugs.

Gubitz sees fit to interrogate Cyran himself.

He compels Cyran to reveal the exact location of the printer.

He compels Cyril to reveal the exact location of the printer, but Cyril smiles and doesn't say anything in response.

He was so angry that he started to search the apartment with his men.

But after searching everywhere, he still found nothing.

Under the pressure of his superiors.

Under pressure from his superiors, Gubitz had to bring in Wiesler for interrogation.

In the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, Cyran recognizes the secret police officer at once.

In the interrogation room, Cyran recognizes the good Samaritan, who had persuaded him at the bar.

In the interrogation room, Cyran recognizes this secret policeman, who has been persuading him at the bar, and turns into an interrogator.

Wiesler knows Cyran very well.

He used his acting career as a bargaining chip.

He uses his acting career as a bargaining chip to gradually break down Silan's inner defenses.


He forced her to reveal the exact location of the printer.

After getting the exact information, Gubitz

He immediately rushed to Dreyman's home.

The police opened the darkness of the floor with great anticipation.

The police opened the secret compartment of the floor with great expectation.


The printer that was supposed to be inside was missing.

At that moment, there was a braking sound outside the door.

The brakes hit outside the door, killing Cyril, who was running out the door.

Wiesler rushed to her.

Wiesler rushed to her and said, "I can never make it right.

"I can never make up for what I did.

But Wiesler said, "You didn't do anything wrong.

I've taken the printer in advance.

You didn't hurt anyone.

But she never heard that again.

Dreyman came to the scene and hugged Cyril and wept.

He begged his lover not to leave him.

Watching this scene.

Gubbins, with no evidence.

He had to give up arresting Dreyman.

But he knew in his heart that

But he knew in his heart that Wiesler was protecting him.

Although he could not fire him.

Although he could not fire Wessler, but he still transferred Wessler to the lowest position.

After being demoted, Wiesler

He had been in the basement for four years and seven months.

On November 8, 1989.

The Berlin Wall was brought down by the people on that day.

And Wiesler and his colleagues.

Weisler and his colleagues emerged from the darkness of the basement.

It was the second year of the reunification of East and West Germany.

Dreyman, already a well-known writer.

"The minister told him that he was under constant surveillance.

He had been under constant surveillance.

Curious, Dreyman goes to the archives.

He found the wiretaps of that year.

But on this report.

But in this report, there is no mention of his reactionary statements.

He found the wiretaps.

Obviously this is to protect himself.

And at the end of the report.

He found the familiar red ink.

It was exactly the same as the one on the printer.

Dreyman suddenly realized.

The secret police, who had been watching him.

The secret police who had been spying on him was the one who took the printer at the end.


Dreyman, according to the author's name on the report.


He found Wessler at work.

But he did not come forward to identify him.

Words of gratitude pale in comparison.

Two years later.

Dreyman published a book.

The title of the book was.

Sonata for a Good Man.

Wiesler went into the bookstore and opened the book.

When he opened it, it read in big, bold letters.

This book is dedicated to good people.


With my most sincere thanks.

After closing the book.

Wiesler smiled with relief.

At the checkout.

The cashier at the bookstore asked him if he wanted to wrap it up and give it away.

Wiesler replied.

No, I don't think so.

I'll just give it to myself.

"The Wire".

It's more like a suspenseful story of mutual redemption.

A story of mutual redemption.

Wiesler, who obeys the orders of his country.

His world is not too sentimental.

How to defend the dignity of the state.

How to defend the dignity of the state and the interests of the government.

It seems to be his constant struggle.

In the interrogation room he is cold-blooded and ruthless.

In the interrogation room he is ruthless and will do anything to get results.

Dreyman, on the other hand, is a free-spirited artist.

With a stable career and a beautiful girlfriend.

But he knew in his heart that

But he knows in his heart that it's all against his heart.

But he knows in his heart that this is a life of obedience to the government.

The two men, who have never met, are brought together by a wiretap.

They met through an eavesdropping operation.

Perhaps all the changes began with the sound of the piano.

Wiesler felt the power of art.

It awakened something deep inside him.

And Dreyman decided to look inside himself.

He wanted to do something for artistic freedom.

Perhaps Wiesler's sudden change of heart

Maybe Wessler's sudden change of heart was a bit abrupt.

But sometimes.

The awakening of human nature may be in a moment.

And the film ends with a lot of emotion.

Dreyman expresses his gratitude in his own way.

It's a code word between the two.

For Wessler.

The book is not only a gift from the writer.

For Wessler, the book is not only a gift from the writer to him, but also a warmth he left behind for himself in those cold years.

For Wessler, the book was not only a gift from the writer, but also a warmth that he had left for himself in those cold years.


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