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Fantasy adventure movie "Magic Labyrinth" commentary copy

Fantasy adventure movie "Magic Maze" commentary copy

Fantasy adventure movie "Magic Labyrinth" commentary copy

Hello everyone

Today I would like to introduce you to a science fiction movie "The Magic Labyrinth".

Elsa is very imaginative

She imagines a ghost town

Elsa's stepmother is very nice to her

But Elsa doesn't feel anything.

Just think that her stepmother is not really good to her

Why else would she let herself stay home to watch her brother?

Aisha was depressed.

She hugged her crying brother and said she wanted the King of Ghosts to take him away.

Aisha suddenly found out that her brother had really been taken away by the King of Ghosts.

She regretted it.

She wanted the Ghost King to bring her brother back

The King of Ghosts said that her brother had been taken to the ghost town

He wanted to find his brother and asked Elsa to act personally

Then he took Elsa to the outside of the ghost town.

Aisha was given ten hours to go through the maze.

At the entrance of the maze, Elsa met a dwarf.

She saw an elf.

With the help of the dwarves, Elsa entered the maze

But she lost her way.

She had to choose a random path.

Elsa walked for a long time.

The path seemed to have no end.

A little worm showed Elsa the way.

Elsa was able to go on without any problems

At this time, her brother was crying in the ghost town.

The ghost king was also expecting Elsa to come soon.

Elsa was afraid that she would follow the same path.

So she made a mark on the ground

Only after walking for a long time did Elsa realize that someone had tampered with her markings.

Elsa was furious.

She met two guards.

The guards said that it was unfair to be considered a level of the maze

Elsa had two paths in front of her, one was a dead end.

One leads to the ghost town.

Elsa chose the wrong path

Entered the dungeon

The dwarf appears again

He led Elsa through a stone statue

Trying to lead Elsa into the maze

The ghost king noticed the anomaly

Shortened the time

Elsa said it was not fair

In his anger, the Ghost King activated the mechanism

The dwarf with Elsa pushed open a door to escape a disaster

When they returned to the maze again

The dwarf and Elsa got separated

Elsa saved a hairy monster

Elsa accidentally removed the ring on the door

In order to fix the door

Elsa made the face on the gate open its mouth

Then put the ring back

And the gate opened.

Elsa was getting closer to the ghost town

A group of little red men stalked Elsa again

With the help of the dwarves

Elsa escaped.

In the labyrinth, all kinds of gods and goddesses are not friendly to Elsa.

But Elsa is willing to go through these hardships in order to save her brother

With the help of the dwarves and the hairy monster, Elsa finally reached the ghost city.

The ghost king again let the soldiers attack Elsa

Elsa's friends defeated the soldiers.

Elsa walked into the castle

There's still time.

Elsa had one last level to go.

Elsa suddenly realized that some of them were her own evil thoughts

She jumped from a high place

The whole world is at peace.

Elsa and her brother returned home unharmed

Elsa tenderly stroked her brother

Her heart was full of remorse

I believe that they will be able to get along well in the future

What a warm family!

This movie was shot earlier

But the special effects are still good

Stereoscopic little monsters are vividly presented in front of our eyes

As if they were real people

Special effects artist must be a master class

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