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Movie "Please call me hero" zombie movie commentary copy

Please Call Me Hero" zombie movie commentary copy

Movie "Please call me hero" zombie movie commentary copy

Low-income and timid comic book geeks.

Disliked by his girlfriend and ridiculed by his boss.

But during the zombie outbreak, the cowardly and incompetent man

With a Rolex watch in his arm.

He became a hero.

Today, Dazhi's manuscript was rejected again.

When his girlfriend found out the news, she was furious.

When his girlfriend finds out the news, she is furious and kicks him out of the house.

With no money and no place to go, he had to spend the night in the park.

The next day, he went to work.

The next day, he went to work, and the news on TV showed a strange disease that had recently appeared.

The patient was biting everyone.

The infection was spreading very fast.

The infection has reached an uncontrollable level.

Suddenly Dazhi's girlfriend called to apologize.

Suddenly Dazhi's girlfriend called to apologize and asked him to come home.

Dazhi was overjoyed.

He was so happy that he rushed to his home.

Damn it, why didn't you open the door?

You're playing a trick on me, aren't you?

Let me see what you're doing through the door.

When did you learn this position?

We have never tried it.

Wait, wait, wait.

You're coming straight at me.

So my girlfriend was infected too.

But luckily, it didn't take long.

There is still a trace of humanity.

She bit down on the door panel.

She bit down on the door panel and choked out her own teeth.

She prevented herself from hurting Da Zhi.

The two of them pushed and shoved.

The girlfriend's head was pierced by the trophy.

It is said that true love is hard to find and life is more important.

Dazhi didn't have time to grieve.

He grabbed his Q and ran back to the office.

But what he didn't expect was that

But what he didn't expect was that none of his colleagues in the company were spared.

Dazhi ran to the street.

The whole city is surrounded by the zombie virus.

The streets were in chaos.

But the zombies are interesting.

Many of them have retained their old habits.

Like this guy with glasses.

And also forget to call customers to boost their performance.

Dazhi and the schoolgirl get into a cab and run for their lives.

There was an older man and the driver in the car.

The driver and the uncle in the car, and then the uncle said that the mutation is mutated.

He even bit the driver.

The car is shaking.

What are you afraid of?

Naturally, the protagonist can not hurt it.

The uncle was kicked out of the car by Dazhi.

The driver was in the car accident directly to the box.

The driver was killed in the crash, but the student and the driver were unharmed, crouching on the side of the road, swiping their phones.

The news said that the government is unable to save everyone.

To live can only rely on their own oh.

A friendly reminder.

The virus does not survive in cold places.

So let's go to Mount Fuji.

And so the two of them went together.

The time alone with the girl is good.

The student girl is gentle and kind.

She's so gentle and kind, she speaks in a soft voice.

She's not like her girlfriend at home.

She would take out her headphones and invite Dazhi to play music with her.

She was sleeping on Dazhi's shoulder, unsuspectingly.

He was so happy to lean on him.

He couldn't help but to give the student girl a good morning kiss.

After he found a "purple strawberry" on the neck of the student girl.

This situation scared Dazhi directly surrendered the "Q".

He took out his hunting Q and aimed it at the student girl.

The student girl said she had been bitten for two days.

It was a baby bite.

If Dazhi does not feel comfortable to open QS on their own it.

Girls to learn ah.

See, the retreat is an advance.

The boy's desire for protection is instantly aroused.

The two of them continued on their way.

The two of them continue to rush.

F|ag is not to be set up indiscriminately.

The student girl has mutated before long.

Dazhi jumped up and ran.

The two of them continued their journey.

Dazhi was scared out of his wits and just sat on the ground screaming.

The student girl beat up the zombie.

The student girl beat the zombie, and then pulled Dazhi up gently.

I think this is the legendary aura of the protagonist, right?

The student girl has a small eye and a big one.

She was half a mutant.

The girl's eyes are small and big, and she is a half-mutant, so Dazhi thought it would be better to take her with him.

The student girl with the genetic mutation only eats cat food.

I'm sure pretty girls are cats.

But how can there be so much cat food in the middle of nowhere?

The girl soon fainted from hunger.

Luckily, there is an abandoned shopping cart on the road.

Dashi pushed the girl to the outlet park under Mt.

The place was also silent.

There were many burnt people on the road.

Dashi didn't have time to care about that.

As a D silk, he could not afford to buy these brands.

Now he can take as much as he wants and be happy with it.

He was standing in front of the mirror admiring his not so handsome posture.

The sales clerk was not happy.

The shopkeeper was not happy and jumped on Dazhi.

At the moment of danger, the

The axe girl came down from the sky to solve the zombie.

Axe has many companions.

They are all survivors of this crisis.

They usually live on the roof of the building.

They live on the roof and have everything they need.

Only when they need to collect supplies.

Only when they need to collect supplies, they will organize to go downstairs.

The boss here is Cowboy Man.

Because he has a crossbow.

He's the main output here.

To keep them from finding out that the student girl has mutated.

To prevent them from finding out that the student girl had mutated, he used a cloth to cover one of her eyes.

The cowboy man saw that Dazhi had a Q.

The cowboy man saw that Dazhi had a Q and treated him in a particularly friendly manner.

Dazhi didn't pay much attention to it.

The eyes were fixed on the Rolex in the administrator's hand.

The administrator saw Dazhi's thoughts and

The administrator saw his thoughts and took out a basket of brand-name watches.

The manager saw what Da Zhi was thinking and took out a basket of designer watches and let Da Zhi pick and choose.

There are many different kinds of zombies downstairs.

A high jumper practices high jumping every day.

The woman who loves shopping is clamoring for shopping in front of the store.

There are also some who have become lost and freed their nature.

After the cowboy man's observation.

He found that Da Zhi is a timid and fearful person.

So in the meeting he asked Da Zhi to hand over his Q hunting.

Naturally, Dazhi was unwilling to do so.

So Cowboy Boy's boys grabbed the student girl as blackmail.

The two sides were at a standstill when

When the two sides were at a standstill, the student girl knocked the little brother away.

When the two sides were at a standstill, the student girl knocked the little brother away and the cloth slipped off her face.

Everyone started to panic.

The cowboy man is not in the least bit defensive.

The cowboy man is not afraid and shoots the student girl in the head with an arrow.

Dazhi was also subdued by Cowboy Boy's minions.

In a world of chaos, everyone wants to be the boss.

The long-haired man who got the Q took Cowboy Man's place.

He arranged for Cowboy Man to take the lead in the search for supplies downstairs tomorrow.

On the other hand, the schoolgirl didn't have an S.

She was rescued by the axe girl and put into the tent.

Dazhi regrets his cowardice to the girl.

The next day arrives and

The lesbians are in charge of banging the gong on the top floor to attract the attention of the zombies.

The cowboy man and Da Zhi lead the way.

The group ran to the underground garage.

It's pitch black here and the visibility is very low.

Cowboy Man took this opportunity to slip away quietly.

When everyone was worried about the lack of visibility, the lights all came on.

The lights all came on.

Long Hair and the others found the warehouse successfully.

Every move they made revealed their excitement.

What they don't know is that

They didn't know that the cowboy man was in control of everything.

He was in the control room.

He was in the control room, and his goal was to destroy all those who betrayed him.

The cowboy man turned up the music.

The Cowboy Man turned up the music and attracted a lot of zombies to the warehouse.

The Q is a piece of junk in Longhair's hands.

He couldn't hit anything.

He could only run away with his dwindling number of men.

The cowboy man watched this with satisfaction.

The cowboy man watched with satisfaction as Da Zhi, whose combat power was basically nil, simply hid in a locker.

The sound of the music, which was getting louder and louder

All the zombies in the square were heading towards the warehouse.

Except for one zombie.

He was still determined to win the championship.

He was happy.

The people on the roof were desperate.

In a short time, only the student girl and the axe girl were left alive.

The axe girl called for help through the walkie-talkie.

Hearing this news, Da Zhi was torn.

After a great psychological struggle, he came out of the closet.

He came out of the closet.

The corpse on the other side of the room is also very generous.

The corpse next to him also gave him face and bit his arm.

Dazhi grabbed a fire extinguisher and fought off the zombie.

He is silently chanting that he is getting cold.

The fire extinguisher was used to kill the zombie.

Dazhi rolled up his sleeve to see.

The guy has a Rolex arm, ah.

The zombie bit into the watch.

This is what spared me.

It seems that greed for money is sometimes useful.

The other side.

The axe girl waited too long to be rescued, so she carried the student girl downstairs.

Dazhi picked up his hunting Q on the way to the rendezvous.

But there are not many bullets left.

Axe girl and the two encountered a mutant cowboy man in the garage.

He chases after Axe Woman and calls out to her mother.

Axe Woman ran in the direction of Dazhi.

This time Dazhi did not shy away from a Q-bomb.

The long-haired man who was hiding on the side saw the power of Da Zhi and

He handed over all his bullets and shooting clothes.

On the way to escape from W, they met another survivor.

They started to run for their lives with the student girl in their arms.

There were too many zombies.

They were pinned down left and right.

By now, Da Zhi has been transformed.

He becomes a hero in his own words.

He decides to fight with the zombies.

The rest of the three are inspired and

The remaining three are inspired to stand up and fight alongside Da Zhi.

Fighting is the only way to survive.

They all give their best.

Longhair was the first to be infected.

Finally, he is devoured by the zombies.

In the middle of the fight, Uncle saw his wife.

He chose love in front of life and love.

After he swallowed the arrow, he swallowed his wife's arrows.

The axe woman is out of strength.

Dazhi is also the end of the strong, but he is still struggling to hold on.

But he is still struggling to hold on.

Finally, he shot the remaining zombies with his own strength.

He finally shot the remaining zombies.

He thought he could breathe a sigh of relief.

The high jumper appeared.

He was agile and strong.

The two Qs connected to Dazhi also did not affect in any way.

He even used his face to dislike the Q mouth.

Da Zhi was out of bullets, he sat down on the ground, thinking he had taken care of the high jumper.

He thought he had solved the high jump.

Haha, I didn't think so, I can still fight again.

The high jumper climbs up and runs straight at the two students.

Dazhi swung his Q-tip in front of them and

He smashed the head of the high jumper.

It was finally over.

Finally the three of them drove the car to find the next safe spot.

Men should not panic in case of trouble.

If you're in trouble, wear a Rolex.

If you can't, wear an arm.

All problems will be solved oh.


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